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Version analysis of RLINE

This code appears in the following versions (click to see it in the source code):

Code variations between these versions are shown below.

Name: RLINE Type: Variable Category: Text Summary: The OSWORD configuration block used to fetch a line of text from the keyboard

Code variation 1 of 1Related to an enhanced feature

The enhanced versions allow the "{" character in commander names, which is not allowed in the cassette or Electron versions.

Tap on a block to expand it, and tap it again to revert.

EQUW INWK \ The address to store the input, so the commander's \ name will be stored in INWK as it is typed EQUB 7 \ Maximum line length = 7, as that's the maximum size \ for a commander's name EQUB '!' \ Allow ASCII characters from "!" through to "z" in EQUB 'z' \ the name
EQUW INWK+5 \ The address to store the input, so the text entered \ will be stored in INWK+5 as it is typed EQUB 9 \ Maximum line length = 9, as that's the maximum size \ for a commander's name including a directory name EQUB '!' \ Allow ASCII characters from "!" through to "{" in EQUB '{' \ the input