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Version analysis of PLL1 (Part 1 of 3)

This code appears in the following versions (click to see it in the source code):

Code variations between these versions are shown below.

Name: PLL1 (Part 1 of 3) Type: Subroutine Category: Drawing planets Summary: Draw Saturn on the loading screen (draw the planet) Deep dive: Drawing Saturn on the loading screen

Code variation 1 of 5A variation in the comments only

Tap on a block to expand it, and tap it again to revert.

\ The following loop iterates CNT(1 0) times, i.e. &500 \ or 1280 times, and draws the planet part of the \ loading screen's Saturn
\ The following loop iterates CNT(1 0) times, i.e. &300 \ or 768 times, and draws the planet part of the \ loading screen's Saturn

Code variation 2 of 5Related to the Master version

For most versions, the loading screen's Saturn is drawn randomly, so the dots are different every time the game loads. However, the Master version always draws exactly the same pixels for the Saturn, as the random number generator gets seeded to the same value every time.

This variation is blank in the Electron version.

Tap on a block to expand it, and tap it again to revert.

LDA VIA+&44 \ Read the 6522 System VIA T1C-L timer 1 low-order STA RAND+1 \ counter (SHEILA &44), which decrements one million \ times a second and will therefore be pretty random, \ and store it in location RAND+1, which is among the \ main game code's random seeds in RAND (so this seeds \ the random number generator)
STA RAND+1 \ Store A in RAND+1 among the hard-coded random seeds \ in RAND. We set A to %00001111 before calling the PLL1 \ routine, so this sets the random number generator so \ that it always generates the same numbers every time, \ which is probably not what was intended (other \ versions read the 6522 System VIA timer to use as a \ seed, which is random). As a result, if you look at \ the Saturn on the Master loading screen, it is always \ exactly the same, every time you run the game
 JSR DORND              \ Set A and X to random numbers, say A = r1

 JSR SQUA2              \ Set (A P) = A * A
                        \           = r1^2

 STA ZP+1               \ Set ZP(1 0) = (A P)
 LDA P                  \             = r1^2

Code variation 3 of 5Other (e.g. bug fix, optimisation)

The disc version contains various bits of copy protection code injected into the Saturn-drawing routine in the loader. In the original versions of Elite, the only self-modifying code is in the copy protection, though later versions do use this technique in the main game code.

This variation is blank in the Cassette, 6502 Second Processor, Master and Electron versions.

LDA #LO(OSBmod) \ As part of the copy protection, the JSR OSB STA OSBjsr+1 \ instruction at OSBjsr gets modified to point to OSBmod \ instead of OSB, and this is where we modify the low \ byte of the destination address
 JSR DORND              \ Set A and X to random numbers, say A = r2

 STA YY                 \ Set YY = A
                        \        = r2

 JSR SQUA2              \ Set (A P) = A * A
                        \           = r2^2

 TAX                    \ Set (X P) = (A P)
                        \           = r2^2

 LDA P                  \ Set (A ZP) = (X P) + ZP(1 0)
 ADC ZP                 \
 STA ZP                 \ first adding the low bytes

 TXA                    \ And then adding the high bytes

 BCS PLC1               \ If the addition overflowed, jump down to PLC1 to skip
                        \ to the next pixel

 STA ZP+1               \ Set ZP(1 0) = (A ZP)
                        \             = r1^2 + r2^2

 LDA #1                 \ Set ZP(1 0) = &4001 - ZP(1 0) - (1 - C)
 SBC ZP                 \             = 128^2 - ZP(1 0)
 STA ZP                 \
                        \ (as the C flag is clear), first subtracting the low
                        \ bytes

 LDA #&40               \ And then subtracting the high bytes

 BCC PLC1               \ If the subtraction underflowed, jump down to PLC1 to
                        \ skip to the next pixel

                        \ If we get here, then both calculations fitted into
                        \ 16 bits, and we have:
                        \   ZP(1 0) = 128^2 - (r1^2 + r2^2)
                        \ where ZP(1 0) >= 0

 JSR ROOT               \ Set ZP = SQRT(ZP(1 0))

 LDA ZP                 \ Set X = ZP >> 1
 LSR A                  \       = SQRT(128^2 - (a^2 + b^2)) / 2

 LDA YY                 \ Set A = YY
                        \       = r2

 CMP #128               \ If YY >= 128, set the C flag (so the C flag is now set
                        \ to bit 7 of A)

 ROR A                  \ Rotate A and set the sign bit to the C flag, so bits
                        \ 6 and 7 are now the same, i.e. A is a random number in
                        \ one of these ranges:
                        \   %00000000 - %00111111  = 0 to 63    (r2 = 0 - 127)
                        \   %11000000 - %11111111  = 192 to 255 (r2 = 128 - 255)
                        \ The PIX routine flips bit 7 of A before drawing, and
                        \ that makes -A in these ranges:
                        \   %10000000 - %10111111  = 128-191
                        \   %01000000 - %01111111  = 64-127
                        \ so that's in the range 64 to 191

 JSR PIX                \ Draw a pixel at screen coordinate (X, -A), i.e. at
                        \   (ZP / 2, -A)
                        \ where ZP = SQRT(128^2 - (r1^2 + r2^2))
                        \ So this is the same as plotting at (x, y) where:
                        \   r1 = random number from 0 to 255
                        \   r2 = random number from 0 to 255
                        \   (r1^2 + r2^2) < 128^2
                        \   y = r2, squished into 64 to 191 by negation
                        \   x = SQRT(128^2 - (r1^2 + r2^2)) / 2
                        \ which is what we want


 DEC CNT                \ Decrement the counter in CNT (the low byte)

 BNE PLL1               \ Loop back to PLL1 until CNT = 0

 DEC CNT+1              \ Decrement the counter in CNT+1 (the high byte)

 BNE PLL1               \ Loop back to PLL1 until CNT+1 = 0

Code variation 4 of 5Other (e.g. bug fix, optimisation)

The cassette and Electron versions contain various bits of copy protection code injected into part 1 of the Saturn-drawing routine in the loader.

See below for more variations related to this code.

This variation is blank in the Disc (flight), 6502 Second Processor and Master versions.

LDX #&C2 \ Set the low byte of EXCN(1 0) to &C2, so we now have STX EXCN \ EXCN(1 0) = &03C2, which we will use in the IRQ1 \ handler (this has nothing to do with drawing Saturn, \ it's all part of the copy protection)

Code variation 5 of 5Other (e.g. bug fix, optimisation)

See variation 4 above for details.

This variation is blank in the Cassette, Disc (flight), 6502 Second Processor and Master versions.

LDX #&60 \ This is normally part of the copy protection, but it's STX &0087 \ been disabled in this unprotected version so this has \ no effect (though the crackers presumably thought they \ might as well still set the value just in case)