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Loader: Elite loader (Part 5 of 5)

[Acorn Electron version, Loader]

Name: Elite loader (Part 5 of 5) [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Loader Summary: Set up interrupt vectors, calculate checksums, run main game code
Context: See this subroutine in context in the source code References: No direct references to this subroutine in this source file

This is the final part of the loader. It sets up some of the main game's interrupt vectors and calculates various checksums, before finally handing over to the main game.
EQUD &10101010 \ This data appears to be unused EQUD &10101010 EQUD &10101010 EQUD &10101010 EQUB &10 .ENTRY2 LDX #LO(MESS1) \ Set (Y X) to point to MESS1 ("LOAD EliteCo FFFF2000") LDY #HI(MESS1) JSR OSCLI \ Call OSCLI to run the OS command in MESS1, which loads \ the main game code at location &2000 \ \ [Show more]
\ \ This variable is used by the following: \ \ * Elite loader (Part 3 of 5) \ \ This list only includes code that refers to the \ variable by name; there may be other references to \ this memory location that don't use this label, and \ these will not be mentioned above
LDA #3 \ Directly update &0258, the memory location associated STA &0258 \ with OSBYTE 200, so this is the same as calling OSBYTE \ with A = 200, X = 3 and Y = 0 to disable the ESCAPE \ key and clear memory if the BREAK key is pressed LDA #140 \ Call OSBYTE with A = 140 and X = 12 to select the LDX #12 \ tape filing system (i.e. do a *TAPE command) LDY #0 JSR OSBYTE LDA #143 \ Call OSBYTE 143 to issue a paged ROM service call of LDX #&C \ type &C with argument &FF, which is the "NMI claim" LDY #&FF \ service call that asks the current user of the NMI JSR OSBYTE \ space to clear it out LDA #&40 \ Set S% to an RTI instruction (opcode &40), so we can STA S% \ claim the NMI workspace at &0D00 (the RTI makes sure \ we return from any spurious NMIs that still call this \ workspace) LDX #&4A \ Set X = &4A, as we want to copy the &4A pages of main \ game code from where we just loaded it at &2000, down \ to &0D00 where we will run it LDY #0 \ Set the source and destination addresses for the copy: STY ZP \ STY P \ ZP(1 0) = L% = &2000 LDA #HI(L%) \ P(1 0) = C% = &0D00 STA ZP+1 \ LDA #HI(C%) \ and set Y = 0 to act as a byte counter in the STA P+1 \ following loop .MVDL LDA (ZP),Y \ Copy the Y-th byte from the source to the Y-th byte of STA (P),Y \ the destination LDA #0 \ Zero the source byte we just copied, so that this loop STA (ZP),Y \ moves the memory block rather than copying it INY \ Increment the byte counter BNE MVDL \ Loop back until we have copied a whole page of bytes INC ZP+1 \ Increment the high bytes of ZP(1 0) and P(1 0) so we INC P+1 \ copy bytes from the next page in memory DEX \ Decrement the page counter in X BPL MVDL \ Loop back to move the next page of bytes until we have \ moved the number of pages in X (this also sets X to \ &FF) SEI \ Disable all interrupts TXS \ Set the stack pointer to &01FF, which is the standard \ location for the 6502 stack, so this instruction \ effectively resets the stack LDA RDCHV \ Set the user vector USERV to the same value as the STA USERV \ read character vector RDCHV LDA RDCHV+1 STA USERV+1 LDA KEYV \ Store the current value of the keyboard vector KEYV STA S%+4 \ in S%+4 LDA KEYV+1 STA S%+5 LDA #LO(S%+16) \ Point the keyboard vector KEYV to S%+16 in the main STA KEYV \ game code LDA #HI(S%+16) STA KEYV+1 LDA S%+14 \ Point the break vector BRKV to the address stored in STA BRKV \ S%+14 in the main game code LDA S%+15 STA BRKV+1 LDA S%+10 \ Point the write character vector WRCHV to the address STA WRCHV \ stored in S%+10 in the main game code LDA S%+11 STA WRCHV+1 LDA IRQ1V \ Store the current value of the interrupt vector IRQ1V STA S%+2 \ in S%+2 LDA IRQ1V+1 STA S%+3 LDA S%+12 \ Point the interrupt vector IRQ1V to the address stored STA IRQ1V \ in S%+12 in the main game code LDA S%+13 STA IRQ1V+1 LDA #%11111100 \ Clear all interrupts (bits 4-7) and de-select the JSR VIA05 \ BASIC ROM (bits 0-3) by setting the interrupt clear \ and paging register at SHEILA &05 LDA #%00001000 \ Select ROM 8 (the keyboard) by setting the interrupt JSR VIA05 \ clear and paging register at SHEILA &05 LDA #&60 \ Set the screen start address registers at SHEILA &02 STA VIA+&02 \ and SHEILA &03 so screen memory starts at &7EC0. This LDA #&3F \ gives us a blank line at the top of the screen (for STA VIA+&03 \ the screen memory between &7EC0 and &7FFF, as one row \ of mode 4 is &140 bytes), and then the rest of the \ screen memory from &5800 to &7EBF cover the second \ row and down CLI \ Re-enable interrupts JMP (S%+8) \ Jump to the address in S%+8 in the main game code, \ which points to TT170, so this starts the game .VIA05 STA &00F4 \ Store A in &00F4 STA VIA+&05 \ Set the value of the interrupt clear and paging \ register at SHEILA &05 to A RTS \ Return from the subroutine