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Utility routines: DELAY

[BBC Micro cassette version]

Name: DELAY [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Utility routines Summary: Wait for a specified time, in 1/50s of a second
Context: See this subroutine in context in the source code Variations: See code variations for this subroutine in the different versions References: This subroutine is called as follows: * DKS3 calls DELAY * dn2 calls DELAY * TITLE calls DELAY * GTNME calls via DEL8 * Main game loop (Part 5 of 6) calls via DELAY-5 * TT217 calls via DELAY-5

Wait for the number of vertical syncs given in Y, so this effectively waits for Y/50 of a second (as the vertical sync occurs 50 times a second).
Arguments: Y The number of vertical sync events to wait for
Other entry points: DEL8 Wait for 8/50 of a second (0.16 seconds) DELAY-5 Wait for 2/50 of a second (0.04 seconds)
LDY #2 \ Set Y to 2 vertical syncs EQUB &2C \ Skip the next instruction by turning it into \ &2C &A0 &08, or BIT &08A0, which does nothing apart \ from affect the flags .DEL8 LDY #8 \ Set Y to 8 vertical syncs and fall through into DELAY \ to wait for this long .DELAY JSR WSCAN \ Call WSCAN to wait for the vertical sync, so the whole \ screen gets drawn DEY \ Decrement the counter in Y BNE DELAY \ If Y isn't yet at zero, jump back to DELAY to wait \ for another vertical sync RTS \ Return from the subroutine