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Loader: SetEdgesOffset

[BBC Micro disc version, Sideways RAM Loader]

Name: SetEdgesOffset [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Loader Summary: Calculate the edges offset within sideways RAM for the blueprint we are processing and set it in bytes #3 and #16 of the blueprint
Context: See this subroutine in context in the source code References: This subroutine is called as follows: * ProcessBlueprint calls SetEdgesOffset

Arguments: X The blueprint number to process (0 to 30) Y The offset within the XX21 table for blueprint X P(1 0) The address of the ship blueprint in the loaded ship blueprint file ZP(1 0) The address in sideways RAM where we are storing the ship blueprint that we are processing
Returns: X X is preserved Y Y is preserved
.SetEdgesOffset TYA \ Store X and Y on the stack so we can preserve them PHA \ through the subroutine TXA PHA \ We start by calculating the following: \ \ (U T) = P(1 0) + offset to the edges data \ \ where the offset to the edges data is stored in bytes \ #3 and #16 of the blueprint at P(1 0) \ \ So (U T) will be the address of the edges data for \ blueprint X within the loaded blueprints file CLC \ Clear the C flag for the following addition LDY #3 \ Set A to byte #3 of the ship blueprint, which contains LDA (P),Y \ the low byte of the offset to the edges data ADC P \ Set T = A + P STA T \ \ so this adds the low bytes of the calculation LDY #16 \ Set A to byte #16 of the ship blueprint, which LDA (P),Y \ contains the high byte of the offset to the edges data ADC P+1 \ Set U = A + P+1 STA U \ \ so this adds the high bytes of the calculation LDY #0 \ We now step through the addresses in the XX21 table, \ so set an address counter in Y, which we will \ increment by 2 for each iteration (I will refer to \ the address at index Y as the Y-th address, to keep \ things simple) LDX #0 \ We will store the blueprint number that contains the \ edges data in X, so initialise it to zero LDA #LO(XX21) \ Set V(1 0) to the address of the XX21 table in the STA V \ loaded blueprints file, which is the address of the LDA #HI(XX21) \ start of the blueprints file (as XX21 is the first STA V+1 \ bit of data in the file) .edge1 LDA XX21,Y \ If the Y-th address in XX21 >= (U T), jump to edge3 to CMP T \ move on to the next address in XX21 LDA XX21+1,Y SBC U BCS edge3 .edge2 LDA XX21,Y \ If the Y-th address in XX21 < V(1 0), jump to edge3 to CMP V \ move on to the next address in XX21 LDA XX21+1,Y SBC V+1 BCC edge3 \ If we get here then the address in the Y-th entry in \ XX21 is between V(1 0) and (U T), so it's between the \ start of the loaded file and the edges data \ \ We now store the entry number (in Y) in X, and update \ V(1 0) so it contains the Y-th entry in XX21, as this \ entry in the blueprints file contains the edges data LDA XX21,Y \ Set V(1 0) to the Y-th address in XX21 STA V LDA XX21+1,Y STA V+1 TYA \ Set X = Y TAX .edge3 INY \ Increment the address counter in Y to point to the INY \ next address in XX21 CPY #31 * 2 \ Loop back until we have worked our way through the BNE edge1 \ whole table \ At this point, X is the number of the blueprint within \ the loaded blueprint file that contains the edges data \ for the blueprint we are processing, and (U T) \ contains the address of the edges data for the \ blueprint we are processing \ \ We now use these values to calculate the offset for \ the edges data within sideways RAM \ \ First, we take the address in (U T), which is an \ address within the X-th blueprint in the loaded ship \ blueprint file, and convert it to the equivalent \ address within the sideways RAM blueprints \ \ We can do this by subtracting the address of the X-th \ blueprint in the loaded ship file, and adding the \ address of the X-th blueprint in sideways RAM SEC \ Set (U T) = (U T) - the X-th address in XX21 LDA T SBC XX21,X STA T LDA U SBC XX21+1,X STA U CLC \ Set (U T) = (U T) + the X-th address in ROM_XX21 LDA ROM_XX21,X ADC T STA T LDA ROM_XX21+1,X ADC U STA U \ We now have the address of the edges data in sideways \ RAM in (U T), so we can convert this to an offset by \ subtracting the address of the start of the blueprint \ we are storing, which is in ZP(1 0) SEC \ Set the edges data offset in bytes #3 and #16 in the LDA T \ blueprint in sideways RAM to the following: SBC ZP \ LDY #3 \ (U T) - ZP(1 0) STA (P),Y LDA U SBC ZP+1 LDY #16 STA (P),Y PLA \ Restore X and Y from the stack so they are preserved TAX \ through the subroutine PLA TAY RTS \ Return from the subroutine