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Sideways RAM Loader source

[BBC Micro disc version]

BBC MICRO DISC ELITE SIDEWAYS RAM LOADER SOURCE BBC Micro disc Elite was written by Ian Bell and David Braben and is copyright Acornsoft 1984 The sideways RAM menu and loader were written by Stuart McConnachie in 1988-9 The code in this file has been reconstructed from a disassembly of the version released on Ian Bell's personal website at The commentary is copyright Mark Moxon, and any misunderstandings or mistakes in the documentation are entirely my fault The terminology and notations used in this commentary are explained at The deep dive articles referred to in this commentary can be found at
This source file contains the game loader for the sideways RAM variant of BBC Micro disc Elite.
This source file produces the following binary file: * MNUCODE.bin
INCLUDE "1-source-files/main-sources/elite-build-options.asm" CPU 1 \ Switch to 65SC12 assembly, as this code contains a \ BBC Master DEC A instruction _IB_DISC = (_VARIANT = 1) _STH_DISC = (_VARIANT = 2) _SRAM_DISC = (_VARIANT = 3) GUARD &7C00 \ Guard against assembling over screen memory
Configuration variables
CODE% = &7400 \ The address where the code will be run LOAD% = &7400 \ The address where the code will be loaded IND1V = &0230 \ The IND1 vector \ \ [Show more]
\ \ This variable is used by the following: \ \ * FileHandler \ * MakeRom \ \ This list only includes code that refers to the \ variable by name; there may be other references to \ this memory location that don't use this label, and \ these will not be mentioned above
LANGROM = &028C \ Current language ROM in MOS workspace \ \ [Show more]
\ \ This variable is used by the following: \ \ * FileHandler \ \ This list only includes code that refers to the \ variable by name; there may be other references to \ this memory location that don't use this label, and \ these will not be mentioned above
ROMTYPE = &02A1 \ Paged ROM type table in MOS workspace \ \ [Show more]
\ \ This variable is used by the following: \ \ * LoadRom \ \ This list only includes code that refers to the \ variable by name; there may be other references to \ this memory location that don't use this label, and \ these will not be mentioned above
XFILEV = &0DBA \ The extended FILE vector \ \ [Show more]
\ \ This variable is used by the following: \ \ * MakeRom \ \ This list only includes code that refers to the \ variable by name; there may be other references to \ this memory location that don't use this label, and \ these will not be mentioned above
XIND1V = &0DE7 \ The extended IND1 vector \ \ [Show more]
\ \ This variable is used by the following: \ \ * MakeRom \ \ This list only includes code that refers to the \ variable by name; there may be other references to \ this memory location that don't use this label, and \ these will not be mentioned above
XX21 = &5600 \ The address of the ship blueprints lookup table in the \ current blueprints file \ \ [Show more]
\ \ This variable is used by the following: \ \ * FileHandler \ * LoadShipFiles \ * osfileBlock \ * ProcessBlueprint \ * SetEdgesOffset \ \ This list only includes code that refers to the \ variable by name; there may be other references to \ this memory location that don't use this label, and \ these will not be mentioned above
E% = &563E \ The address of the default NEWB flags in the current \ blueprints file \ \ [Show more]
\ \ This variable is used by the following: \ \ * ProcessBlueprint \ \ This list only includes code that refers to the \ variable by name; there may be other references to \ this memory location that don't use this label, and \ these will not be mentioned above
ROM_XX21 = &8100 \ The address of the ship blueprints lookup table in the \ sideways RAM image that we build \ \ [Show more]
\ \ This variable is used by the following: \ \ * FileHandler \ * MakeRom \ * ProcessBlueprint \ * SetEdgesOffset \ \ This list only includes code that refers to the \ variable by name; there may be other references to \ this memory location that don't use this label, and \ these will not be mentioned above
ROM_E% = &813E \ The address of the default NEWB flags in the sideways \ RAM image that we build VIA = &FE00 \ Memory-mapped space for accessing internal hardware, \ such as the video ULA, 6845 CRTC and 6522 VIAs (also \ known as SHEILA) \ \ [Show more]
\ \ This variable is used by the following: \ \ * LoadRom \ * MakeRom \ * TestBBC \ \ This list only includes code that refers to the \ variable by name; there may be other references to \ this memory location that don't use this label, and \ these will not be mentioned above
OSXIND1 = &FF48 \ IND1V's extended vector handler \ \ [Show more]
\ \ This variable is used by the following: \ \ * MakeRom \ \ This list only includes code that refers to the \ variable by name; there may be other references to \ this memory location that don't use this label, and \ these will not be mentioned above
OSWRCH = &FFEE \ The address for the OSWRCH routine \ \ [Show more]
\ \ This variable is used by the following: \ \ * LoadShipFiles \ \ This list only includes code that refers to the \ variable by name; there may be other references to \ this memory location that don't use this label, and \ these will not be mentioned above
OSFILE = &FFDD \ The address for the OSFILE routine \ \ [Show more]
\ \ This variable is used by the following: \ \ * LoadShipFiles \ \ This list only includes code that refers to the \ variable by name; there may be other references to \ this memory location that don't use this label, and \ these will not be mentioned above
Name: ZP [Show more] Type: Workspace Address: &0070 to &0079 Category: Workspaces Summary: Important variables used by the sideways RAM loader
Context: See this workspace on its own page References: This workspace is used as follows: * MakeRom uses ZP * ProcessBlueprint uses ZP * SetEdgesOffset uses ZP
ORG &0070 .ZP SKIP 2 \ Stores addresses used for moving content around \ \ [Show more]
\ \ This variable is used by the following: \ \ * MakeRom \ * ProcessBlueprint \ * SetEdgesOffset \ \ This list only includes code that refers to the \ variable by name; there may be other references to \ this memory location that don't use this label, and \ these will not be mentioned above
.P SKIP 2 \ Temporary storage, used in a number of places \ \ [Show more]
\ \ This variable is used by the following: \ \ * ProcessBlueprint \ * SetEdgesOffset \ \ This list only includes code that refers to the \ variable by name; there may be other references to \ this memory location that don't use this label, and \ these will not be mentioned above
.R SKIP 1 \ Temporary storage, used in a number of places \ \ [Show more]
\ \ This variable is used by the following: \ \ * ProcessBlueprint \ \ This list only includes code that refers to the \ variable by name; there may be other references to \ this memory location that don't use this label, and \ these will not be mentioned above
.S SKIP 1 \ Temporary storage, used in a number of places \ \ [Show more]
\ \ This variable is used by the following: \ \ * ProcessBlueprint \ \ This list only includes code that refers to the \ variable by name; there may be other references to \ this memory location that don't use this label, and \ these will not be mentioned above
.T SKIP 1 \ Temporary storage, used in a number of places \ \ [Show more]
\ \ This variable is used by the following: \ \ * SetEdgesOffset \ \ This list only includes code that refers to the \ variable by name; there may be other references to \ this memory location that don't use this label, and \ these will not be mentioned above
.U SKIP 1 \ Temporary storage, used in a number of places \ \ [Show more]
\ \ This variable is used by the following: \ \ * SetEdgesOffset \ \ This list only includes code that refers to the \ variable by name; there may be other references to \ this memory location that don't use this label, and \ these will not be mentioned above
.V SKIP 2 \ Temporary storage, typically used for storing an \ address pointer \ \ [Show more]
\ \ This variable is used by the following: \ \ * SetEdgesOffset \ \ This list only includes code that refers to the \ variable by name; there may be other references to \ this memory location that don't use this label, and \ these will not be mentioned above
Name: sram% [Show more] Type: Variable Category: Loader Summary: A table for storing the status of each ROM bank
Context: See this variable on its own page References: This variable is used as follows: * TestBBC uses sram%
.sram% SKIP 16 \ Gets set to the RAM status of each ROM bank: \ \ * 0 = does not contain writeable sideways RAM \ \ * &FF = contains writeable sideways RAM
Name: used% [Show more] Type: Variable Category: Loader Summary: A table for storing the status of each ROM bank
Context: See this variable on its own page References: This variable is used as follows: * TestBBC uses used%
.used% SKIP 16 \ Gets set to the usage status of each ROM bank: \ \ * 0 = does not contain a ROM image \ \ * &FF = contains a RAM image
Name: dupl% [Show more] Type: Variable Category: Loader Summary: A table for storing the status of each ROM bank
Context: See this variable on its own page References: This variable is used as follows: * TestBBC uses dupl%
.dupl% SKIP 16 \ Gets set to the duplicate of each ROM bank: \ \ * If dupl%+X contains X then bank X is not a \ duplicate of a ROM in a higher bank number \ \ * If dupl%+X > X then bank X is a duplicate of the \ ROM in bank number dupl%+X
Name: eliterom% [Show more] Type: Variable Category: Loader Summary: The number of the bank containing the Elite ROM
Context: See this variable on its own page References: This variable is used as follows: * TestBBC uses eliterom%
.eliterom% EQUB &FF \ Gets set to the bank number containing the Elite ROM \ (or &FF if the ROM is not present)
Name: proflag% [Show more] Type: Variable Category: Loader Summary: A flag to record whether we are running this on a co-processor
Context: See this variable on its own page References: This variable is used as follows: * TestPro uses proflag%
.proflag% SKIP 1 \ Gets set to the co-processor status: \ \ * 0 = this is not a co-processor \ \ * &FF = this is a co-processor
Name: testbbc% [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Loader Summary: Entry point for the ROM-testing routine
Context: See this subroutine on its own page References: No direct references to this subroutine in this source file
.testbbc% JMP TestBBC \ Check the state of all 16 sideways ROM banks
Name: testpro% [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Loader Summary: Entry point for the co-processor detection routine
Context: See this subroutine on its own page References: No direct references to this subroutine in this source file
.testpro% JMP TestPro \ Check to see if we are running on a co-processor
Name: loadrom% [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Loader Summary: Entry point for the ROM-loading routine
Context: See this subroutine on its own page References: No direct references to this subroutine in this source file
.loadrom% JMP LoadRom \ Copy a pre-generated ship blueprints ROM image into \ sideways RAM
Name: makerom% [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Loader Summary: Entry point for the routine to create the Elite ROM image in sideways RAM
Context: See this subroutine on its own page References: No direct references to this subroutine in this source file
.makerom% JMP MakeRom \ Create a ROM image in sideways RAM that contains all \ the ship blueprint files
Name: LoadRom [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Loader Summary: Copy a pre-generated ship blueprints ROM image from address &3400 into sideways RAM
Context: See this subroutine on its own page References: This subroutine is called as follows: * loadrom% calls LoadRom

Arguments: X The bank number of sideways RAM to use for Elite
.LoadRom LDA &F4 \ Switch to the ROM bank in X, storing the current ROM PHA \ bank on the stack STX &F4 STX VIA+&30 LDA #&34 \ Modify the address at lrom1 below so we copy the ROM STA lrom1+2 \ image from &3400 LDA #&80 \ Modify the address at lrom2 below so we copy the ROM STA lrom2+2 \ image to sideways RAM at &8000 LDY #0 \ Set Y to use as a counter for each byte that is copied LDX #&40 \ Set X as a page counter for each page of 256 bytes \ that is copied .lrom1 LDA &3400,Y \ Copy the Y-th byte from &3400 .lrom2 STA &8000,Y \ To the Y-th byte of &8000 INY \ Increment the byte counter BNE lrom1 \ Loop back until we have copied a whole page of 256 \ bytes INC lrom1+2 \ Modify the address at lrom1 to increment the source \ address INC lrom2+2 \ Modify the address at lrom2 to increment the \ destination address DEX \ Decrement the page counter BNE lrom1 \ Loop back until we have copied all &40 pages of the \ ROM image LDX &F4 \ Update the paged ROM type table in MOS workspace with LDA &8000+6 \ the type of the copied ROM, which is in byte #6 of the STA ROMTYPE,X \ ROM header PLA \ Switch back to the ROM bank number that we saved on STA &F4 \ the stack at the start of the routine STA VIA+&30 RTS \ Return from the subroutine
Name: MakeRom [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Loader Summary: Create a ROM image in sideways RAM that contains all the ship blueprint files
Context: See this subroutine on its own page References: This subroutine is called as follows: * makerom% calls MakeRom

Arguments: X The bank number of sideways RAM to use for Elite
.MakeRom LDA &F4 \ Switch to the sideways RAM bank in X, storing the PHA \ current ROM bank on the stack STX &F4 STX VIA+&30 \ We start by copying 256 bytes from eliteRomHeader into \ the sideways RAM bank at address ROM, and zeroing the \ next 256 bytes at ROM + &100 \ \ This sets up the sideways RAM bank with the ROM header \ needed for our sideways RAM image LDY #0 \ Set a loop counter in Y to step through the 256 bytes .mrom1 LDA eliteRomHeader,Y \ Copy the Y-th byte from eliteRomHeader to ROM STA ROM,Y LDA #0 \ Zero the Y-th byte at ROM + &100 STA ROM_XX21,Y INY \ Increment the loop counter BNE mrom1 \ Loop back until we have copied and zeroed all 256 \ bytes \ Next we load all the ship blueprint files into our \ sideways RAM image, from D.MOA to D.MOP, combining \ them into a single, complete set of ship blueprints LDA #LO(ROM+&200) \ Set ZP(1 0) = ROM + &200 STA ZP \ LDA #HI(ROM+&200) \ So the call to LoadShipFiles loads the ship blueprint STA ZP+1 \ files to location &200 in the sideways RAM image JSR LoadShipFiles \ Load all the ship blueprint files into the sideways \ RAM image to the location in ZP(1 0) \ Now that we have created our sideways RAM image, we \ intercept calls to OSFILE so they call our custom file \ handler routine, FileHandler, in sideways RAM \ \ For this we need to use the extended vectors, which \ work like the normal vectors, except they switch to a \ specified ROM bank before calling the handler, and \ switch back afterwards LDA XFILEV \ Copy the extended vector XFILEV into XIND1V so we can STA XIND1V \ pass any calls to XFILEV down the chain by calling LDA XFILEV+1 \ the IND1 vector STA XIND1V+1 LDA XFILEV+2 STA XIND1V+2 LDA #LO(FileHandler) \ Set the extended vector XFILEV to point to the STA XFILEV \ FileHandler routine in the sideways RAM bank that we LDA #HI(FileHandler) \ are building STA XFILEV+1 \ LDA &F4 \ The format for the extended vector is the address of STA XFILEV+2 \ the handler in the first two bytes, followed by the \ ROM bank number in the third byte, which we can fetch \ from &F4 LDA #LO(OSXIND1) \ Point IND1V to IND1V's extended vector handler, so we STA IND1V \ can pass any calls to XFILEV down the chain by calling LDA #HI(OSXIND1) \ JMP (IND1V) from our custom file handler in the STA IND1V+1 \ FileHandler routine PLA \ Switch back to the ROM bank number that we saved on STA &F4 \ the stack at the start of the routine STA VIA+&30 RTS \ Return from the subroutine
Name: LoadShipFiles [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Loader Summary: Load all the ship blueprint files into sideways RAM
Context: See this subroutine on its own page References: This subroutine is called as follows: * MakeRom calls LoadShipFiles

Arguments: ZP(1 0) The address in sideways RAM to load the ship files
.LoadShipFiles LDA #'A' \ Set the ship filename to D.MOA, so we start the STA shipFilename+4 \ loading process from this file .ship1 LDA #'.' \ Print a full stop to show progress during loading JSR OSWRCH LDA #LO(XX21) \ Set the load address in bytes 2 and 3 of the OSFILE STA osfileBlock+2 \ block to XX21, which is where ship blueprint files LDA #HI(XX21) \ get loaded in the normal disc version STA osfileBlock+3 \ LDA #&FF \ We set the address to the form &FFFFxxxx to ensure STA osfileBlock+4 \ that the files are loaded into the I/O Processor STA osfileBlock+5 LDA #0 \ Set byte 6 to zero to terminate the block STA osfileBlock+6 LDX #LO(osfileBlock) \ Set (Y X) = osfileBlock LDY #HI(osfileBlock) LDA #&FF \ Call OSFILE with A = &FF to load the file specified JSR OSFILE \ in the block, so this loads the ship blueprint file \ to XX21 \ We now loop through each blueprint in the currently \ loaded ship file, processing each one in turn to \ merge them into one big ship blueprint file LDX #0 \ Set a loop counter in X to work through the ship \ blueprints .ship2 TXA \ Store the blueprint counter on the stack so we can PHA \ retrieve it after the call to ProcessBlueprint JSR ProcessBlueprint \ Process blueprint entry X from the loaded blueprint \ file, copying the blueprint into sideways RAM if it \ hasn't already been copied PLA \ Restore the blueprint counter TAX INX \ Increment the blueprint counter CPX #31 \ Loop back until we have processed all 31 blueprint BNE ship2 \ entries in the blueprint file INC shipFilename+4 \ Increment the fifth character of the ship blueprint \ filename so we step through them from D.MOA to D.MOP LDA shipFilename+4 \ Loop back until we have processed files D.MOA through CMP #'Q' \ D.MOP BNE ship1 RTS \ Return from the subroutine
Name: ProcessBlueprint [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Loader Summary: Process a blueprint entry from the loaded blueprint file, copying the blueprint into sideways RAM if it hasn't already been copied
Context: See this subroutine on its own page References: This subroutine is called as follows: * LoadShipFiles calls ProcessBlueprint

Arguments: X The blueprint number to process (0 to 30) ZP(1 0) The address in sideways RAM to store the next ship blueprint that we add
.proc1 \ If we get here then the address of the blueprint we \ are adding to sideways RAM is outside of the loaded \ blueprint file, so we just store the address in the \ ROM_XX21 table and move on to the next blueprint \ \ The address of the blueprint we are adding is in \ P(1 0), and A still contains the high byte of P(1 0) STA ROM_XX21+1,Y \ Set the X-th address in ROM_XX21 to (A P), which LDA P \ stores P(1 0) in the table as A contains the high STA ROM_XX21,Y \ byte .proc2 RTS \ Return from the subroutine .proc3 \ If we get here then we are processing the second \ blueprint in ship blueprint file D.MOB \ \ This means that the ROM_XX21 table contains the \ addresses from the previous file, D.MOA, so the \ second slot contains the address of the Coriolis space \ station, as that's what D.MOA contains \ \ We want the ROM_XX21 table to contain the Dodo space \ station address, so we copy the Coriolis address to \ coriolisStation(1 0), and then jump to proc5 so the \ Dodo space station address gets written into ROM_XX21, \ overwriting the Coriolis address \ \ When intercepting OSFILE in FileHandler, we ensure \ that the correct station blueprint is loaded from \ sideways RAM, depending on the filename that is being \ loaded LDA ROM_XX21,Y \ Fetch the address of the Coriolis blueprint from STA coriolisStation \ sideways RAM and store in coriolisStation(1 0) LDA ROM_XX21+1,Y STA coriolisStation+1 BNE proc5 \ Jump to proc5 to process the Dodo blueprint and insert \ its address into ROM_XX21, overwriting the Coriolis \ address (this BNE is effectively a JMP as the high \ byte of the Coriolis blueprint address is never zero) .ProcessBlueprint TXA \ Set Y = X * 2 ASL A \ TAY \ So we can use Y as an index into the XX21 table to \ fetch the address for blueprint number X in the \ current blueprint file, as the XX21 table has two \ bytes per entry (as each entry is an address) \ \ I will refer to the two-byte address in XX21+Y as "the \ X-th address in XX21", to keep things simple LDA XX21+1,Y \ Set A to the high byte of the address of the blueprint \ we are processing (i.e. blueprint number X) BEQ proc2 \ If the high byte of the address is zero then blueprint \ number X is blank and has no ship allocated to it, so \ jump to proc2 to return from the subroutine, as there \ is nothing to process CPX #1 \ If X = 1 then this is the second blueprint, which is BNE proc4 \ always the space station, so jump to proc4 if this \ isn't the station LDA shipFilename+4 \ If we are processing blueprint file B.MOB then jump to CMP #'B' \ proc3, so we can save the address of the Coriolis BEQ proc3 \ space station blueprint address before processing the \ blueprint .proc4 LDA ROM_XX21+1,Y \ If blueprint X in the ROM_XX21 table in sideways RAM BNE proc2 \ already has blueprint data associated with it, then \ the X-th address in ROM_XX21 + Y will be non-zero, \ so jump to proc2 to return from the subroutine and \ move on to the next blueprint in the file .proc5 \ If we get here then the blueprint table in sideways \ RAM does not contain any data for blueprint X, so we \ need to fill it with the data for blueprint X from the \ file we have loaded at address XX21 LDA ZP \ Set the X-th address in the ROM_XX21 table in sideways STA ROM_XX21,Y \ RAM to the value of ZP(1 0), so this entry contains LDA ZP+1 \ the address where we should store the next ship STA ROM_XX21+1,Y \ blueprint (as we are about to copy the blueprint data \ to this address in sideways RAM) LDA E%,X \ Set the X-th entry in the ROM_E% table in sideways STA ROM_E%,X \ RAM to the X-th entry from the E% table in the loaded \ ship blueprints file, so this sets the correct default \ NEWB byte for the ship blueprint we are copying to \ sideways RAM LDA XX21,Y \ Set P(1 0) to the X-th address in the XX21 table, STA P \ which is the address of the blueprint X data within LDA XX21+1,Y \ the ship blueprint file that we have loaded at address STA P+1 \ XX21 CMP #HI(XX21) \ Ship blueprint files are 9 pages in size, so if the BCC proc1 \ high byte of the address in P(1 0) is outside of the CMP #HI(XX21) + 10 \ range XX21 to XX21 + 9, it is not pointing to an BCS proc1 \ an address within the blueprint file that we loaded, \ so jump to proc1 to store P(1 0) in the ROM_XX21 table \ in sideways RAM and return from the subroutine, so we \ just set the address but don't copy the blueprint data \ into sideways RAM \ \ For example, the missile blueprint is stored above \ screen memory in the disc version (at &7F00), so this \ ensures that the address is set correctly in the \ ROM_XX21 table, even though it's outside the blueprint \ file itself JSR SetEdgesOffset \ Set the correct edges offset for the blueprint we are \ currently processing (as the edges offset can point to \ the edges data in a different blueprint, so we need to \ make sure this value is calculated correctly to point \ to the right blueprint within sideways RAM) \ We now want to copy the data for blueprint X into \ sideways RAM \ \ We know the address of the start of the blueprint \ data (we stored it in P(1 0) above), but we don't \ know the address of the end of the data, so we \ calculate that now \ \ We do this by looking at the addresses of the data for \ all the blueprints after blueprint X in the file, and \ picking the lowest address that is greater than the \ address for blueprint X \ \ This will give us the address of the blueprint data \ for the blueprint whose data is directly after the \ data for blueprint X in memory, which is the same as \ the address of the end of blueprint X \ \ We don't need to check blueprints in earlier positions \ as blueprints are inserted into memory in the order in \ which they appear in the blueprint file \ \ We implement the above by keeping track of the lowest \ address we have found in (S R), as we loop through the \ blueprints after blueprint X \ \ We loop through the blueprints by incrementing Y by 2 \ on each iteration, so I will refer to the address of \ the blueprint at index Y in XX21 as "the Y-th address \ in XX21", to keep things simple LDA #LO(XX21) \ Set (S R) to the address of the end of the ship STA R \ blueprint file (which takes up 9 pages) TAY \ LDA #HI(XX21) + 10 \ Also set Y = 0, as the blueprint file load at &5600, STA S \ so the low byte is zero .proc6 LDA P \ If P(1 0) >= the Y-th address in XX21, jump to proc7 CMP XX21,Y \ to move on to the next address in XX21 LDA P+1 SBC XX21+1,Y BCS proc7 LDA XX21,Y \ If the Y-th address in XX21 >= (S R), jump to proc7 CMP R \ to move on to the next address in XX21 LDA XX21+1,Y SBC S BCS proc7 \ If we get here then the following is true: \ \ P(1 0) < the Y-th address in XX21 < (S R) \ \ P(1 0) is the address of the start of blueprint X \ and (S R) contains the lowest blueprint address we \ have found so far, so this sets (S R) to the current \ blueprint address if it is smaller than the lowest \ address we already have \ \ By the end of the loop, (S R) will contain the address \ we need (i.e. that of the end of blueprint X) LDA XX21,Y \ Set (S R) = the Y-th address in XX21 STA R LDA XX21+1,Y STA S .proc7 INY \ Increment the address counter in Y to point to the INY \ next address in XX21 CPY #31 * 2 \ Loop back until we have worked our way to the end of BNE proc6 \ the whole set of blueprints \ We now have the following: \ \ * P(1 0) is the address of the start of the \ blueprint data to copy \ \ * (S R) is the address of the end of the blueprint \ data to copy \ \ * ZP(1 0) is the address to which we need to copy \ the blueprint data \ \ So we now copy the blueprint data into sideways RAM LDY #0 \ Set a byte counter in Y .proc8 LDA (P),Y \ Copy the Y-th byte of P(1 0) to the Y-th byte of STA (ZP),Y \ ZP(1 0) INC P \ Increment P(1 0) BNE proc9 INC P+1 .proc9 INC ZP \ Increment ZP(1 0) BNE proc10 INC ZP+1 .proc10 LDA P \ Loop back to copy the next byte until P(1 0) = (S R), CMP R \ starting by checking the low bytes BNE proc8 LDA P+1 \ And then the high bytes CMP S BNE proc8 RTS \ Return from the subroutine
Name: SetEdgesOffset [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Loader Summary: Calculate the edges offset within sideways RAM for the blueprint we are processing and set it in bytes #3 and #16 of the blueprint
Context: See this subroutine on its own page References: This subroutine is called as follows: * ProcessBlueprint calls SetEdgesOffset

Arguments: X The blueprint number to process (0 to 30) Y The offset within the XX21 table for blueprint X P(1 0) The address of the ship blueprint in the loaded ship blueprint file ZP(1 0) The address in sideways RAM where we are storing the ship blueprint that we are processing
Returns: X X is preserved Y Y is preserved
.SetEdgesOffset TYA \ Store X and Y on the stack so we can preserve them PHA \ through the subroutine TXA PHA \ We start by calculating the following: \ \ (U T) = P(1 0) + offset to the edges data \ \ where the offset to the edges data is stored in bytes \ #3 and #16 of the blueprint at P(1 0) \ \ So (U T) will be the address of the edges data for \ blueprint X within the loaded blueprints file CLC \ Clear the C flag for the following addition LDY #3 \ Set A to byte #3 of the ship blueprint, which contains LDA (P),Y \ the low byte of the offset to the edges data ADC P \ Set T = A + P STA T \ \ so this adds the low bytes of the calculation LDY #16 \ Set A to byte #16 of the ship blueprint, which LDA (P),Y \ contains the high byte of the offset to the edges data ADC P+1 \ Set U = A + P+1 STA U \ \ so this adds the high bytes of the calculation LDY #0 \ We now step through the addresses in the XX21 table, \ so set an address counter in Y, which we will \ increment by 2 for each iteration (I will refer to \ the address at index Y as the Y-th address, to keep \ things simple) LDX #0 \ We will store the blueprint number that contains the \ edges data in X, so initialise it to zero LDA #LO(XX21) \ Set V(1 0) to the address of the XX21 table in the STA V \ loaded blueprints file, which is the address of the LDA #HI(XX21) \ start of the blueprints file (as XX21 is the first STA V+1 \ bit of data in the file) .edge1 LDA XX21,Y \ If the Y-th address in XX21 >= (U T), jump to edge3 to CMP T \ move on to the next address in XX21 LDA XX21+1,Y SBC U BCS edge3 .edge2 LDA XX21,Y \ If the Y-th address in XX21 < V(1 0), jump to edge3 to CMP V \ move on to the next address in XX21 LDA XX21+1,Y SBC V+1 BCC edge3 \ If we get here then the address in the Y-th entry in \ XX21 is between V(1 0) and (U T), so it's between the \ start of the loaded file and the edges data \ \ We now store the entry number (in Y) in X, and update \ V(1 0) so it contains the Y-th entry in XX21, as this \ entry in the blueprints file contains the edges data LDA XX21,Y \ Set V(1 0) to the Y-th address in XX21 STA V LDA XX21+1,Y STA V+1 TYA \ Set X = Y TAX .edge3 INY \ Increment the address counter in Y to point to the INY \ next address in XX21 CPY #31 * 2 \ Loop back until we have worked our way through the BNE edge1 \ whole table \ At this point, X is the number of the blueprint within \ the loaded blueprint file that contains the edges data \ for the blueprint we are processing, and (U T) \ contains the address of the edges data for the \ blueprint we are processing \ \ We now use these values to calculate the offset for \ the edges data within sideways RAM \ \ First, we take the address in (U T), which is an \ address within the X-th blueprint in the loaded ship \ blueprint file, and convert it to the equivalent \ address within the sideways RAM blueprints \ \ We can do this by subtracting the address of the X-th \ blueprint in the loaded ship file, and adding the \ address of the X-th blueprint in sideways RAM SEC \ Set (U T) = (U T) - the X-th address in XX21 LDA T SBC XX21,X STA T LDA U SBC XX21+1,X STA U CLC \ Set (U T) = (U T) + the X-th address in ROM_XX21 LDA ROM_XX21,X ADC T STA T LDA ROM_XX21+1,X ADC U STA U \ We now have the address of the edges data in sideways \ RAM in (U T), so we can convert this to an offset by \ subtracting the address of the start of the blueprint \ we are storing, which is in ZP(1 0) SEC \ Set the edges data offset in bytes #3 and #16 in the LDA T \ blueprint in sideways RAM to the following: SBC ZP \ LDY #3 \ (U T) - ZP(1 0) STA (P),Y LDA U SBC ZP+1 LDY #16 STA (P),Y PLA \ Restore X and Y from the stack so they are preserved TAX \ through the subroutine PLA TAY RTS \ Return from the subroutine
Name: TestBBC [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Loader Summary: Fetch details on all the ROMs in the BBC Micro (i.e. the host) and populate the sram%, used%, dupl% and eliterom% variables
Context: See this subroutine on its own page References: This subroutine is called as follows: * testbbc% calls TestBBC
.TestBBC LDA &F4 \ Store the current ROM bank on the stack PHA LDX #15 \ We loop through each sideways ROM, so set a counter in \ X to keep track of the bank number we are testing .tbbc1 STX &F4 \ Switch ROM bank X into memory STX VIA+&30 \ We start by checking if ROM bank X contains RAM, and \ update the X-th entry in the sram% table accordingly LDA &8000+6 \ Set A to the type of ROM in bank X, which is in byte PHA \ #6 of the ROM header, and store it on the stack EOR #%00000001 \ Flip bit 0 of the ROM type and store the updated type STA &8000+6 \ in byte #6 of bank X CMP &8000+6 \ If the flipped bit was not stored properly then this BNE tbbc2 \ bank is not writeable sideways RAM, so jump to tbbc2 \ to move on to the next test DEC sram%,X \ Otherwise this bank is sideways RAM, so decrement the \ X-th entry in the sram% table to &FF .tbbc2 PLA \ Retrieve the type of ROM in bank X and store it in STA &8000+6 \ byte #6 of the ROM header, to reverse the above change \ We now check if ROM bank X contains a ROM image, and \ update the X-th entry in the used% table accordingly LDY &8000+7 \ Set Y to the offset of the ROM's copyright message, \ which is in byte #7 of bank X LDX #&FC \ Set X = -4 to use as a counter for checking whether \ bank X contains a copyright message, in which case it \ contains a ROM image \ \ We do this by checking for the four copyright \ characters from copyMatch (the negation makes the loop \ check slightly simpler) .tbbc3 LDA copyMatch-&FC,X \ Fetch the next character of the copyright message from \ copyMatch CMP &8000,Y \ If the character from bank X does not match the same BNE tbbc4 \ character from the copyright message in copyMatch, \ then bank X is not a valid ROM, so jump to tbbc4 to \ set the top four bits of the first byte in ROM bank X \ and move on to the next test INY \ Increment the character pointer into the copyright \ message in bank X INX \ Increment the character pointer into the copyright \ message in copyMatch BNE tbbc3 \ Loop back until we have checked all four characters LDX &F4 \ If we get here then bank X contains the correct DEC used%,X \ copyright string for identifying a ROM, so decrement \ the X-th entry in the used% table to &FF JMP tbbc5 \ Jump to tbbc5 to skip the following .tbbc4 \ If we get here then ROM bank X is not a valid ROM LDX &F4 \ Set the first byte in ROM bank X to &FX (e.g. set it TXA \ to &F9 when X = 9), assuming it contains writeable ORA #&F0 \ sideways RAM STA &8000 \ \ I am not sure why we do this .tbbc5 \ We now check if ROM bank X contains the Elite ROM, and \ update the bank number in eliterom% if it does BIT eliterom% \ If bit 7 of eliterom% is clear then we have already BPL tbbc7 \ set it to the bank number of the Elite ROM, so jump to \ tbbc7 to move on to the next test \ \ Otherwise eliterom% is still set to the default value \ of &FF, so we now check bank X to see if it has the \ correct title for the Elite ROM LDY #&F2 \ Set X = -14 to use as a counter for checking whether \ bank X contains a copyright message, in which case it \ contains a ROM image \ \ We do this by checking for the 10 title characters in \ titleMatch and the four characters in copyMatch (the \ negation makes the loop check slightly simpler) .tbbc6 LDA titleMatch-&F2,Y \ Fetch the next character of the ROM title message from \ titleMatch CMP &8009-&F2,Y \ If the character from bank X does not match the same BNE tbbc7 \ character from the ROM title in titleMatch, then bank \ X is not the Elite ROM, so jump to tbbc7 to move on to \ the next test INY \ Increment the character pointer into the ROM title in \ bank X BNE tbbc6 \ Loop back until we have checked all 14 characters STX eliterom% \ If we get here then bank X contains the correct ROM \ title for the Elite ROM, so store the bank number in \ eliterom% .tbbc7 \ We now check if ROM bank X contains a duplicate ROM, \ update the X-th entry in the dupl% table accordingly TXA \ Copy the bank number we are checking into A \ We now loop through each of the sideways ROM banks \ that we have already checked to see whether any of \ them contain the same ROM as in in bank X LDY #16 \ Set a counter in Y to keep track of the bank number we \ are testing against bank X, starting from the highest \ bank number and working down to bank X .tbbc8 STX &F4 \ Switch ROM bank X into memory STX VIA+&30 DEY \ Decrement the ROM bank counter in Y, so it counts down \ from 15 to X over the course of the loop TYA \ If Y = X then we have checked all the ROMs that we CMP &F4 \ have already processed, so jump tbbc10 with Y set to X BEQ tbbc10 \ to store this value in the dupl% to indicate that this \ ROM is not a duplicate of a ROM in a higher bank TYA \ Set (&F7 &F6) = (&7F ~Y) EOR #%11111111 \ STA &F6 \ So this goes from &7FF0 to &7FFF as Y decrements from LDA #&7F \ 15 to 1, and (&F7 &F6) + Y is always &7FFF STA &F7 \ \ This seems wrong, as (&F7 &F6) + Y should start from \ &8000 (though there's no harm as location &7FFF will \ always contain the same value, irrespective of which \ ROM bank is switched in) .tbbc9 STX &F4 \ Switch ROM bank X into memory STX VIA+&30 LDA (&F6),Y \ Fetch the Y-th byte from (&F7 &F6) STY &F4 \ Switch ROM bank Y into memory STY VIA+&30 CMP (&F6),Y \ Compare the byte from ROM bank X with the same byte \ from ROM bank Y BNE tbbc8 \ If the bytes do not match, jump to tbbc8 to move on \ to the next ROM, as the ROM in bank Y does not match \ the ROM in bank X INC &F6 \ Increment (&F7 &F6), starting with the low byte BNE tbbc9 \ Loop back to tbbc9 until we have checked the first \ 256 bytes INC &F7 \ Increment the high byte of (&F7 &F6) to move on to \ the next page LDA &F7 \ Loop back to keep checking until (&F7 &F6) = &8400, CMP #&84 \ by which point we have checked the first three pages BNE tbbc9 \ of the ROM \ If we get here then the first three pages of ROM bank \ X match the first three pages of ROM bank Y, so we can \ assume the ROMs are identical, so we fall through to \ set the value of dupl% + X to Y to record that bank X \ is a duplicate .tbbc10 TYA \ Set the dupl% flag for bank X to Y (so this will be STA dupl%,X \ set to X is bank X is not a duplicate of a ROM in a \ higher bank, otherwise it will be set to the bank \ number of the ROM that bank X is a duplicate of) DEX \ Decrement the bank number we are testing in X BMI tbbc11 \ If we have tested all 16 banks, jump to tbbc11 to \ return from the subroutine JMP tbbc1 \ Otherwise loop back to tbbc1 to test the next ROM bank .tbbc11 PLA \ Switch back to the ROM bank number that we saved on STA &F4 \ the stack at the start of the routine STA VIA+&30 RTS \ Return from the subroutine
Name: TestPro [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Loader Summary: Test whether we are running this on a co-processor
Context: See this subroutine on its own page References: This subroutine is called as follows: * testpro% calls TestPro
.TestPro LDA #0 \ If this is a co-processor, then the DEC A instruction DEC A \ will be supported and will decrement A to &FF, but if \ this is not a co-processor, the DEC A instruction will \ have no effect STA proflag% \ Set proflag% to A, which will be &FF if this is a \ co-processor, 0 otherwise RTS \ Return from the subroutine
Name: titleMatch [Show more] Type: Variable Category: Loader Summary: The title of the Elite ROM, used to check whether the ROM is already installed in a ROM bank
Context: See this variable on its own page References: This variable is used as follows: * TestBBC uses titleMatch
.titleMatch EQUS "SRAM ELITE" \ The ROM title
Name: copyMatch [Show more] Type: Variable Category: Loader Summary: The start of the copyright string from a valid ROM bank, used to check whether a ROM bank contains a ROM image
Context: See this variable on its own page References: This variable is used as follows: * TestBBC uses copyMatch
.copyMatch EQUB 0 \ NULL and "(C)", required for the MOS to recognise the EQUS "(C)" \ ROM
Name: osfileBlock [Show more] Type: Variable Category: Loader Summary: OSFILE configuration block for loading a ship blueprint file
Context: See this variable on its own page References: This variable is used as follows: * LoadShipFiles uses osfileBlock
.osfileBlock EQUW shipFilename \ The address of the filename to load EQUD &FFFF0000 + XX21 \ Load address of the file EQUD &00000000 \ Execution address (not used when loading a file) EQUD &00000000 \ Start address (not used when loading a file) EQUD &00000000 \ End address (not used when loading a file)
Name: shipFilename [Show more] Type: Variable Category: Loader Summary: The filename of the ship blueprint file to load with OSFILE
Context: See this variable on its own page References: This variable is used as follows: * LoadShipFiles uses shipFilename * osfileBlock uses shipFilename * ProcessBlueprint uses shipFilename
.shipFilename EQUS "D.MOA" EQUB 13
Name: eliteRomHeader [Show more] Type: Variable Category: Loader Summary: The ROM header code that gets copied to &8000 to create a sideways RAM image containing the ship blueprint files
Context: See this variable on its own page References: This variable is used as follows: * MakeRom uses eliteRomHeader
.eliteRomHeader CLEAR &7C00, &7C00 \ Clear the guard we set above so we can assemble into \ the sideways ROM part of memory ORG &8000 \ Set the assembly address for sideways RAM
Name: ROM [Show more] Type: Variable Category: Loader Summary: The ROM header code that forms the first part of the sideways RAM image containing the ship blueprint files
Context: See this variable on its own page References: This variable is used as follows: * MakeRom uses ROM
.ROM JMP srom1 \ Language entry point JMP srom1 \ Service entry point EQUB %10000001 \ The ROM type: \ \ * Bit 7 set = ROM contains a service entry \ \ * Bits 0-3 = ROM CPU type (1 = Turbo6502) EQUB romCopy - ROM \ Offset to copyright string EQUB 0 \ Version number .romTitle EQUS "SRAM ELITE" \ The ROM title .romCopy EQUB 0 \ NULL and "(C)", required for the MOS to recognise the EQUS "(C)Acornsoft" \ ROM EQUB 0 .srom1 RTS \ Return from the subroutine, so the language and \ service entry points do nothing
Name: FileHandler [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Loader Summary: The custom file handler that checks whether OSFILE is loading a ship blueprint file and if so, redirects the load to sideways RAM
Context: See this subroutine on its own page References: This subroutine is called as follows: * MakeRom calls FileHandler

Arguments: (Y X) The address of the OSFILE parameter block
Returns: A A is preserved (Y X) (Y X) is preserved
.FileHandler PHA \ Store A on the stack, so we can preserve it through \ the subroutine call STX &F0 \ Store (Y X) in (&F1 F0), so we can preserve it through STY &F1 \ the subroutine call (&F0 and F1 are reserved by the \ MOS for storing the values of X and Y during OS calls, \ so we can use them accordingly) LDY #0 \ Set (&F3 F2) to the address at (Y X) LDA (&F0),Y \ STA &F2 \ (Y X) points to the OSFILE parameter block, and the INY \ first entry in the parameter block is the address of LDA (&F0),Y \ the filename being loaded, so this sets (&F3 F2) to STA &F3 \ the address of the filename, terminated by a carriage \ return \ We now check whether the file that's being loaded by \ OSFILE matches the pattern in filenamePattern \ \ The patten contains D.MO, then a zero, then a carriage \ return \ \ The following code matches the zero with any filename \ character, so this pattern matches the ship blueprint \ files from D.MOA to D.MOP (it also matches files D.MOQ \ to D.MOZ and so on, but this isn't an issue as Elite \ doesn't load those files) LDY #5 \ Set a counter in Y to loop through the six characters \ in the filename pattern to match .file1 LDA filenamePattern,Y \ Set A to the Y-th character to match from the filename \ pattern BEQ file2 \ If the character fetched is zero then this matches any \ character, so jump to file2 to move on to the next \ character in the pattern CMP (&F2),Y \ If the Y-th character in the pattern doesn't match the BNE file5 \ Y-th character in the OSFILE filename, then we are not \ loading a ship blueprint file, so jump to file5 to \ pass the OSFILE call down the vector chain to FILEV \ via IND1V .file2 DEY \ Decrement the loop counter to move on to the next \ character to match BPL file1 \ Loop back until we have matched all six characters \ If we get here then OSFILE has been called to load a \ ship blueprint file, so we want to intercept it to \ point the game to the ship blueprints in sideways RAM \ instead \ \ We do this by copying the ROM_XX21 table from the \ Elite ROM in sideways RAM to XX21 in the main flight \ code (which is where the ship blueprint file would \ normally be loaded) \ \ ROM_XX21 contains addresses for all of the ship \ blueprints in sideways RAM, so this ensures that when \ the game fetches any data from a ship blueprint, it \ fetches it from the Elite ROM \ \ We don't need to copy an entire page of data from the \ ROM to XX21 (we only need to copy the XX21 and E% \ tables), but copying 256 bytes keeps the loop logic \ simple INY \ Increment Y to 0, so we can use it as a byte counter .file3 LDA ROM_XX21,Y \ Copy the Y-th byte of ROM_XX21 to XX21 STA XX21,Y INY \ Increment the byte counter BNE file3 \ Loop back until we have copied all 256 bytes from the \ start of the Elite ROM to XX21 in the main flight code \ We now check whether the ship blueprint file being \ loaded needs to contain a Coriolis space station, as \ the ROM_XX21 table has the address of the Dodo station \ as its second blueprint, which might not be what we \ want LDY #4 \ Set A to the fifth character of the ship blueprint LDA (&F2),Y \ filename in (&F3 &F2), which contains the letter of \ blueprint file (i.e. A for D.MOA, B for D.MOB and so \ on) AND #%00000001 \ If the letter has an even ASCII code (which is true of BEQ file4 \ files B, D, F, H, J, L, N, P) then the file being \ loaded needs to contain a Dodo station, which is the \ default address of the ROM table, so jump to file4 to \ skip the following as we already have the correct \ XX21 address in XX21 LDA coriolisStation \ Set the second address in the XX21 table at XX21(3 2) STA XX21+2 \ to the address of the Coriolis space station, to LDA coriolisStation+1 \ override the Dodo station address that we just copied STA XX21+3 \ from the Elite ROM .file4 TSX \ Set X to the stack pointer, so &100+X is the address \ of the next free space on the stack LDA &F4 \ Set A to the ROM bank number of the Elite ROM STA &100+4,X \ Change the "previous ROM bank" that the MOS puts on \ the stack when calling an extended vector, so the MOS \ switches "back" to the Elite ROM after calling the \ XFILEV handler, which ensures that the Elite ROM \ remains switched into memory at &8000, so the game \ code can load ship blueprint data directly from the \ sideways RAM image STA LANGROM \ Set the current language in MOS workspace to the Elite \ ROM, to prevent any other language ROM from switching \ into memory at &8000 LDX &F0 \ Retrieve the value of (Y X) from (&F1 F0), so it is LDY &F1 \ unchanged by the routine PLA \ Retrieve the value of A from the stack, so it is \ unchanged by the routine RTS \ Return from the subroutine, as we have processed the \ request to load the file and do not want to pass it \ on down the chain .file5 LDX &F0 \ Retrieve the value of (Y X) from (&F1 F0), so it is LDY &F1 \ unchanged by the routine PLA \ Retrieve the value of A from the stack, so it is \ unchanged by the routine JMP (IND1V) \ Jump to the IND1V vector, which we set above to point \ to the original FILEV file vector, so this passes the \ file operation on down the chain
Name: filenamePattern [Show more] Type: Variable Category: Loader Summary: The filename pattern for which we intercept OSFILE to return the ship blueprints from sideways RAM
Context: See this variable on its own page References: This variable is used as follows: * FileHandler uses filenamePattern
.filenamePattern EQUS "D.MO" EQUB 0 EQUB 13
Name: coriolisStation [Show more] Type: Variable Category: Loader Summary: The address in sideways RAM of the ship blueprint for the Coriolis space station
Context: See this variable on its own page References: This variable is used as follows: * FileHandler uses coriolisStation * ProcessBlueprint uses coriolisStation
.coriolisStation SKIP 2 COPYBLOCK ROM, P%, eliteRomHeader ORG eliteRomHeader + P% - ROM
Save MNUCODE.bin
PRINT "S.MNUCODE ", ~CODE%, " ", ~P%, " ", ~LOAD%, " ", ~LOAD% SAVE "3-assembled-output/MNUCODE.bin", CODE%, P%, LOAD%