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Loader: LoadRom

[BBC Micro disc version, Sideways RAM Loader]

Name: LoadRom [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Loader Summary: Copy a pre-generated ship blueprints ROM image from address &3400 into sideways RAM
Context: See this subroutine in context in the source code References: This subroutine is called as follows: * loadrom% calls LoadRom

Arguments: X The bank number of sideways RAM to use for Elite
.LoadRom LDA &F4 \ Switch to the ROM bank in X, storing the current ROM PHA \ bank on the stack STX &F4 STX VIA+&30 LDA #&34 \ Modify the address at lrom1 below so we copy the ROM STA lrom1+2 \ image from &3400 LDA #&80 \ Modify the address at lrom2 below so we copy the ROM STA lrom2+2 \ image to sideways RAM at &8000 LDY #0 \ Set Y to use as a counter for each byte that is copied LDX #&40 \ Set X as a page counter for each page of 256 bytes \ that is copied .lrom1 LDA &3400,Y \ Copy the Y-th byte from &3400 .lrom2 STA &8000,Y \ To the Y-th byte of &8000 INY \ Increment the byte counter BNE lrom1 \ Loop back until we have copied a whole page of 256 \ bytes INC lrom1+2 \ Modify the address at lrom1 to increment the source \ address INC lrom2+2 \ Modify the address at lrom2 to increment the \ destination address DEX \ Decrement the page counter BNE lrom1 \ Loop back until we have copied all &40 pages of the \ ROM image LDX &F4 \ Update the paged ROM type table in MOS workspace with LDA &8000+6 \ the type of the copied ROM, which is in byte #6 of the STA ROMTYPE,X \ ROM header PLA \ Switch back to the ROM bank number that we saved on STA &F4 \ the stack at the start of the routine STA VIA+&30 RTS \ Return from the subroutine