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Version analysis of SHPPT

This code appears in the following versions (click to see it in the source code):

Code variations between these versions are shown below.

Name: SHPPT Type: Subroutine Category: Drawing ships

Code variation 1 of 13A variation in the comments only

Tap on a block to expand it, and tap it again to revert.

Summary: Draw a distant ship as a point rather than a full wireframe
Summary: Draw a distant ship as a point in the middle of the screen

Code variation 2 of 13Related to the Master version

When drawing a distant ship as a dot, the cassette, disc and 6502SP versions erase the entire on-screen ship before redrawing it, while the Master version erases and redraws each ship one line at a time.

See below for more variations related to this code.

This variation is blank in the Master version.

JSR EE51 \ Call EE51 to remove the ship's wireframe from the \ screen, if there is one

Code variation 3 of 13Specific to an individual platform

Tap on a block to expand it, and tap it again to revert.

JSR PROJ \ Project the ship onto the screen, returning: \ \ * K3(1 0) = the screen x-coordinate \ * K4(1 0) = the screen y-coordinate \ * A = K4+1 ORA K3+1 \ If either of the high bytes of the screen coordinates BNE nono \ are non-zero, jump to nono as the ship is off-screen LDA K4 \ Set A = the y-coordinate of the dot
LDA #Y \ Set A = the y-coordinate of a dot halfway down the \ screen

Code variation 4 of 13A variation in the comments only

Tap on a block to expand it, and tap it again to revert.

CMP #Y*2-2 \ If the y-coordinate is bigger than the y-coordinate of BCS nono \ the bottom of the screen, jump to nono as the ship's \ dot is off the bottom of the space view
CMP #Y*2-2 \ If the y-coordinate is bigger than the y-coordinate of BCS nono \ the bottom of the screen, jump to nono as the ship's \ dot is off the bottom of the space view. This will \ never happen, but this code is copied from the flight \ code, where A can contain any y-coordinate

Code variation 5 of 13Related to the Master version

See variation 2 above for details.

Tap on a block to expand it, and tap it again to revert.

LDY #2 \ Call Shpt with Y = 2 to set up bytes 1-4 in the ship JSR Shpt \ lines space, aborting the call to LL9 if the dot is \ off the side of the screen. This call sets up the \ first row of the dot (i.e. a four-pixel dash) LDY #6 \ Set Y to 6 for the next call to Shpt
JSR Shpt \ Call Shpt to draw a horizontal 4-pixel dash for the \ first row of the dot (i.e. a four-pixel dash)

Code variation 6 of 13Specific to an individual platform

Tap on a block to expand it, and tap it again to revert.

LDA K4 \ Set A = y-coordinate of dot + 1 (so this is the second ADC #1 \ row of the two-pixel-high dot) \ \ The addition works as the Shpt routine clears the C \ flag
LDA #Y \ Set A = #Y + 1 (so this is the second row of the ADC #1 \ two-pixel-high dot halfway down the screen) \ \ The addition works as the Shpt routine clears the C \ flag
LDA K4 \ Set A = y-coordinate of dot + 1 (so this is the second CLC \ row of the two-pixel-high dot) ADC #1

Code variation 7 of 13A variation in the comments only

Tap on a block to expand it, and tap it again to revert.

JSR Shpt \ Call Shpt with Y = 6 to set up bytes 5-8 in the ship \ lines space, aborting the call to LL9 if the dot is \ off the side of the screen. This call sets up the \ second row of the dot (i.e. another four-pixel dash, \ on the row below the first one)
JSR Shpt \ Call Shpt to draw a horizontal 4-pixel dash for the \ second row of the dot (i.e. a four-pixel dash)
 LDA #%00001000         \ Set bit 3 of the ship's byte #31 to record that we
 ORA XX1+31             \ have now drawn something on-screen for this ship
 STA XX1+31

Code variation 8 of 13Related to an advanced feature

Ships in the advanced versions each have their own colour, including when they are shown as points.

This variation is blank in the Master version.

Tap on a block to expand it, and tap it again to revert.

LDA #8 \ Set A = 8 so when we call LL18+2 next, byte #0 of the \ heap gets set to 8, for the 8 bytes we just stuck on \ the heap
LDA #9 \ Set A = 9 so when we call LL18+2 next, byte #0 of the \ heap gets set to 9, to cover the 9 bytes we just stuck \ on the heap

Code variation 9 of 13Related to the Master version

See variation 2 above for details.

Tap on a block to expand it, and tap it again to revert.

JMP LL81+2 \ Call LL81+2 to draw the ship's dot, returning from the \ subroutine using a tail call PLA \ Pull the return address from the stack, so the RTS PLA \ below actually returns from the subroutine that called \ LL9 (as we called SHPPT from LL9 with a JMP)
JMP LSCLR \ Jump to LSCLR to draw any remaining lines that are \ still in the ship line heap and return from the \ subroutine using a tail call

 LDA #%11110111         \ Clear bit 3 of the ship's byte #31 to record that
 AND XX1+31             \ nothing is being drawn on-screen for this ship
 STA XX1+31

Code variation 10 of 13Related to the Master version

See variation 2 above for details.

Tap on a block to expand it, and tap it again to revert.

RTS \ Return from the subroutine
JMP LSCLR \ Jump to LSCLR to draw any remaining lines that are \ still in the ship line heap and return from the \ subroutine using a tail call

Code variation 11 of 13Related to the Master version

See variation 2 above for details.

Tap on a block to expand it, and tap it again to revert.

\ This routine sets up four bytes in the ship line heap, \ from byte Y-1 to byte Y+2. If the ship's screen point \ turns out to be off-screen, then this routine aborts \ the entire call to LL9, exiting via nono. The four \ bytes define a horizontal 4-pixel dash, for either the \ top or the bottom of the ship's dot STA (XX19),Y \ Store A in byte Y of the ship line heap (i.e. Y1) INY \ Store A in byte Y+2 of the ship line heap (i.e. Y2) INY STA (XX19),Y
\ This routine draws a horizontal 4-pixel dash, for \ either the top or the bottom of the ship's dot STA Y1 \ Store A in both y-coordinates, as this is a horizontal STA Y2 \ dash at y-coordinate A

Code variation 12 of 13Specific to an individual platform

Tap on a block to expand it, and tap it again to revert.

LDA K3 \ Set A = screen x-coordinate of the ship dot
LDA #X \ Set A = x-coordinate of the middle of the screen

Code variation 13 of 13Related to the Master version

The Master implements flicker-free ship drawing using the LSPUT routine, which is used both for drawing wireframes and for drawing distant ships as dots.

Tap on a block to expand it, and tap it again to revert.

DEY \ Store A in byte Y+1 of the ship line heap (i.e. X2) STA (XX19),Y ADC #3 \ Set A = screen x-coordinate of the ship dot + 3 BCS nono-2 \ If the addition pushed the dot off the right side of \ the screen, jump to nono-2 to return from the parent \ subroutine early (i.e. LL9). This works because we \ called Shpt from above with a JSR, so nono-2 removes \ that return address from the stack, leaving the next \ return address exposed. LL9 called SHPPT with a JMP, \ so the next return address is the one that was put on \ the stack by the original call to LL9. So the RTS in \ nono will actually return us from the original call \ to LL9, thus aborting the entire drawing process DEY \ Store A in byte Y-1 of the ship line heap (i.e. X1) DEY STA (XX19),Y RTS \ Return from the subroutine
STA X1 \ Store the x-coordinate of the ship dot in X1, as this \ is where the dash starts CLC \ Set A = screen x-coordinate of the ship dot + 3 ADC #3 BCC P%+4 \ If the addition overflowed, set A = 255, the LDA #255 \ x-coordinate of the right edge of the screen STA X2 \ Store the x-coordinate of the ship dot in X1, as this \ is where the dash starts JMP LSPUT \ Draw this edge using flicker-free animation, by first \ drawing the ship's new line and then erasing the \ corresponding old line from the screen, and return \ from the subroutine using a tail call