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Drawing ships: SHPPT

[BBC Micro cassette version]

Name: SHPPT [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Drawing ships Summary: Draw a distant ship as a point rather than a full wireframe
Context: See this subroutine in context in the source code Variations: See code variations for this subroutine in the different versions References: This subroutine is called as follows: * LL9 (Part 2 of 12) calls SHPPT
.SHPPT JSR EE51 \ Call EE51 to remove the ship's wireframe from the \ screen, if there is one JSR PROJ \ Project the ship onto the screen, returning: \ \ * K3(1 0) = the screen x-coordinate \ * K4(1 0) = the screen y-coordinate \ * A = K4+1 ORA K3+1 \ If either of the high bytes of the screen coordinates BNE nono \ are non-zero, jump to nono as the ship is off-screen LDA K4 \ Set A = the y-coordinate of the dot CMP #Y*2-2 \ If the y-coordinate is bigger than the y-coordinate of BCS nono \ the bottom of the screen, jump to nono as the ship's \ dot is off the bottom of the space view LDY #2 \ Call Shpt with Y = 2 to set up bytes 1-4 in the ship JSR Shpt \ lines space, aborting the call to LL9 if the dot is \ off the side of the screen. This call sets up the \ first row of the dot (i.e. a four-pixel dash) LDY #6 \ Set Y to 6 for the next call to Shpt LDA K4 \ Set A = y-coordinate of dot + 1 (so this is the second ADC #1 \ row of the two-pixel-high dot) \ \ The addition works as the Shpt routine clears the C \ flag JSR Shpt \ Call Shpt with Y = 6 to set up bytes 5-8 in the ship \ lines space, aborting the call to LL9 if the dot is \ off the side of the screen. This call sets up the \ second row of the dot (i.e. another four-pixel dash, \ on the row below the first one) LDA #%00001000 \ Set bit 3 of the ship's byte #31 to record that we ORA XX1+31 \ have now drawn something on-screen for this ship STA XX1+31 LDA #8 \ Set A = 8 so when we call LL18+2 next, byte #0 of the \ heap gets set to 8, for the 8 bytes we just stuck on \ the heap JMP LL81+2 \ Call LL81+2 to draw the ship's dot, returning from the \ subroutine using a tail call PLA \ Pull the return address from the stack, so the RTS PLA \ below actually returns from the subroutine that called \ LL9 (as we called SHPPT from LL9 with a JMP) .nono LDA #%11110111 \ Clear bit 3 of the ship's byte #31 to record that AND XX1+31 \ nothing is being drawn on-screen for this ship STA XX1+31 RTS \ Return from the subroutine .Shpt \ This routine sets up four bytes in the ship line heap, \ from byte Y-1 to byte Y+2. If the ship's screen point \ turns out to be off-screen, then this routine aborts \ the entire call to LL9, exiting via nono. The four \ bytes define a horizontal 4-pixel dash, for either the \ top or the bottom of the ship's dot STA (XX19),Y \ Store A in byte Y of the ship line heap (i.e. Y1) INY \ Store A in byte Y+2 of the ship line heap (i.e. Y2) INY STA (XX19),Y LDA K3 \ Set A = screen x-coordinate of the ship dot DEY \ Store A in byte Y+1 of the ship line heap (i.e. X2) STA (XX19),Y ADC #3 \ Set A = screen x-coordinate of the ship dot + 3 BCS nono-2 \ If the addition pushed the dot off the right side of \ the screen, jump to nono-2 to return from the parent \ subroutine early (i.e. LL9). This works because we \ called Shpt from above with a JSR, so nono-2 removes \ that return address from the stack, leaving the next \ return address exposed. LL9 called SHPPT with a JMP, \ so the next return address is the one that was put on \ the stack by the original call to LL9. So the RTS in \ nono will actually return us from the original call \ to LL9, thus aborting the entire drawing process DEY \ Store A in byte Y-1 of the ship line heap (i.e. X1) DEY STA (XX19),Y RTS \ Return from the subroutine