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Drawing lines: BOMBEFF2

[BBC Master version]

Name: BOMBEFF2 [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Drawing lines Summary: Erase the energy bomb zig-zag lightning bolt, make the sound of the energy bomb going off, draw a new bolt and repeat four times
Context: See this subroutine in context in the source code References: This subroutine is called as follows: * Main flight loop (Part 13 of 16) calls BOMBEFF2
.BOMBEFF2 JSR P%+3 \ This pair of JSRs runs the following code four times JSR BOMBEFF .BOMBEFF LDY #sobomb \ Call the NOISE routine with Y = 6 to make the sound of JSR NOISE \ an energy bomb going off JSR BOMBOFF \ Our energy bomb is going off, so call BOMBOFF to draw \ the current zig-zag lightning bolt, which will erase \ it from the screen \ Fall through into BOMBON to set up and display a new \ zig-zag lightning bolt