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[NES version, Bank 2]

Name: RUPLA_DE [Show more] Type: Variable Category: Text Summary: System numbers that have extended description overrides (German) Deep dive: Extended system descriptions Extended text tokens Multi-language support in NES Elite The Constrictor mission
Context: See this variable in context in the source code References: This variable is used as follows: * ruplaHi uses RUPLA_DE * ruplaLo uses RUPLA_DE

This table contains the extended token numbers to show as the specified system's extended description, if the criteria in the RUGAL_DE table are met. The three variables work as follows: * The RUPLA_DE table contains the system numbers * The RUGAL_DE table contains the galaxy numbers and mission criteria * The RUTOK_DE table contains the extended token to display instead of the normal extended description if the criteria in RUPLA_DE and RUGAL_DE are met See the PDESC routine for details of how extended system descriptions work.
.RUPLA_DE EQUB 211 ; System 211, Galaxy 0 Teorge = Token 1 EQUB 150 ; System 150, Galaxy 0, Mission 1 Xeer = Token 2 EQUB 36 ; System 36, Galaxy 0, Mission 1 Reesdice = Token 3 EQUB 28 ; System 28, Galaxy 0, Mission 1 Arexe = Token 4 EQUB 253 ; System 253, Galaxy 1, Mission 1 Errius = Token 5 EQUB 79 ; System 79, Galaxy 1, Mission 1 Inbibe = Token 6 EQUB 53 ; System 53, Galaxy 1, Mission 1 Ausar = Token 7 EQUB 118 ; System 118, Galaxy 1, Mission 1 Usleri = Token 8 EQUB 32 ; System 32, Galaxy 1, Mission 1 Bebege = Token 9 EQUB 68 ; System 68, Galaxy 1, Mission 1 Cearso = Token 10 EQUB 164 ; System 164, Galaxy 1, Mission 1 Dicela = Token 11 EQUB 220 ; System 220, Galaxy 1, Mission 1 Eringe = Token 12 EQUB 106 ; System 106, Galaxy 1, Mission 1 Gexein = Token 13 EQUB 16 ; System 16, Galaxy 1, Mission 1 Isarin = Token 14 EQUB 162 ; System 162, Galaxy 1, Mission 1 Letibema = Token 15 EQUB 3 ; System 3, Galaxy 1, Mission 1 Maisso = Token 16 EQUB 107 ; System 107, Galaxy 1, Mission 1 Onen = Token 17 EQUB 26 ; System 26, Galaxy 1, Mission 1 Ramaza = Token 18 EQUB 192 ; System 192, Galaxy 1, Mission 1 Sosole = Token 19 EQUB 184 ; System 184, Galaxy 1, Mission 1 Tivere = Token 20 EQUB 5 ; System 5, Galaxy 1, Mission 1 Veriar = Token 21 EQUB 101 ; System 101, Galaxy 2, Mission 1 Xeveon = Token 22 EQUB 193 ; System 193, Galaxy 1, Mission 1 Orarra = Token 23