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Drawing the screen: flagsForClearing

[NES version, Bank 7]

Name: flagsForClearing [Show more] Type: Variable Category: Drawing the screen Summary: A bitplane mask to control how bitplane buffer clearing works in the ClearPlaneBuffers routine
Context: See this variable in context in the source code References: This variable is used as follows: * ClearPlaneBuffers (Part 1 of 2) uses flagsForClearing
.flagsForClearing EQUB %00110000 ; The bitplane flags with ones in this byte must be ; clear for the clearing process in ClearPlaneBuffers ; to be activated ; ; So this configuration means that clearing will only be ; attempted on bitplanes where: ; ; * We are in the process of sending this bitplane's ; data to the PPU (bit 4 is set) ; ; * We have already sent all the data to the PPU for ; this bitplane (bit 5 is set) ; ; If both bitplane flags are clear, then the buffers are ; not cleared ; ; Note that this is separate from bit 3, which controls ; whether clearing is enabled and which overrides the ; above (bit 2 must be set for any clearing to take ; place)