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Drawing the screen: ClearDrawingPlane (Part 3 of 3)

[NES version, Bank 7]

Name: ClearDrawingPlane (Part 3 of 3) [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Drawing the screen Summary: Clear the pattern buffers for the newly flipped drawing plane Deep dive: Drawing vector graphics using NES tiles
Context: See this subroutine in context in the source code References: No direct references to this subroutine in this source file
.cdra6 LDY nmiCounter ; Set Y to the NMI counter, which is incremented every ; VBlank by the NMI handler LDA sendingPattern,X ; Set SC to sendingPattern for this bitplane, which STA SC ; contains the number of the last pattern that was sent ; to the PPU pattern table by the NMI handler ; ; So this contains the number of the last pattern we ; need to clear in the pattern buffer LDA clearingPattern,X ; Set A to clearingPattern for this bitplane, which ; contains the number of the first pattern we need ; to clear in the pattern buffer CPY nmiCounter ; If the NMI counter has incremented since we fetched it BNE cdra6 ; above, then the pattern numbers we just fetched might ; already be out of date (as the NMI handler runs at ; every VBlank, so it may have been run between now and ; the nmiCounter fetch above), so jump back to cdra6 ; to fetch them all again LDY SC ; Set Y to the number of the last pattern, which we ; fetched above CMP SC ; If A >= SC then the first pattern we need to clear is BCS cdra8 ; after the last pattern we need to clear, which means ; there are no pattern entries to clear, so jump to ; to cdra8 to return from the subroutine as we are done STY clearingPattern,X ; Set clearingPattern to the number of the last pattern ; to clear, if we don't clear the whole buffer here ; (which will be the case if the buffer is still being ; sent to the PPU), then we can pick it up again from ; the pattern after the batch we are about to clear LDY #0 ; Set clearAddress(1 0) = (pattBufferHiAddr 0) + A * 8 STY clearAddress+1 ; = (pattBufferHiAddr 0) + first pattern ASL A ; ROL clearAddress+1 ; So clearAddress(1 0) contains the address in this ASL A ; bitplane's pattern buffer of the first pattern we sent ROL clearAddress+1 ASL A STA clearAddress LDA clearAddress+1 ROL A ADC pattBufferHiAddr,X STA clearAddress+1 LDA #0 ; Set SC(1 0) = (0 SC) * 8 + (pattBufferHiAddr 0) ASL SC ; ROL A ; So SC(1 0) contains the address in this bitplane's ASL SC ; pattern buffer of the last pattern we sent ROL A ASL SC ROL A ADC pattBufferHiAddr,X STA SC+1 .cdra7 SETUP_PPU_FOR_ICON_BAR ; If the PPU has started drawing the icon bar, configure ; the PPU to use nametable 0 and pattern table 0 LDA SC ; Set clearBlockSize(1 0) = SC(1 0) - clearAddress(1 0) SEC ; SBC clearAddress ; So clearBlockSize(1 0) contains the number of patterns STA clearBlockSize ; we already sent from this bitplane's pattern buffer LDA SC+1 ; SBC clearAddress+1 ; If the subtraction underflows, then there are no BCC cdra6 ; patterns to send, so jump to cdra6 to make sure we STA clearBlockSize+1 ; have cleared the whole pattern buffer ; By this point, clearBlockSize(1 0) contains the number ; of patterns we sent from this bitplane's pattern ; buffer, so it contains the number of pattern entries ; we need to clear ; ; Also, clearAddress(1 0) contains the address of the ; first pattern we sent from this bitplane's pattern ; buffer ORA clearBlockSize ; If both the high and low bytes of clearBlockSize(1 0) BEQ cdra8 ; are zero, then there are no patterns to clear, so jump ; to cdra8 to return from the subroutine, as we are done LDA #HI(790) ; Set cycleCount = 790, so the call to ClearMemory STA cycleCount+1 ; doesn't run out of cycles and quit early (we are not LDA #LO(790) ; in the NMI handler, so we don't need to count cycles, STA cycleCount ; so this just ensures that the cycle-counting checks ; are not triggered) JSR ClearMemory ; Call ClearMemory to zero clearBlockSize(1 0) nametable ; entries from address clearAddress(1 0) onwards JMP cdra7 ; The above should clear the whole block, but if the NMI ; handler is called at VBlank while we are doing this, ; then cycleCount may end up ticking down to zero while ; we are still clearing memory, which would abort the ; call to ClearMemory early, so we now loop back to ; cdra7 to pick up where we left off, eventually exiting ; the loop via the BCC cdra6 instruction above (at which ; point we know for sure that we have cleared the whole ; block) .cdra8 RTS ; Return from the subroutine