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Equipment: qv

[NES version, Bank 0]

Name: qv [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Equipment Summary: Print a popup menu of the four space views, for buying lasers
Context: See this subroutine in context in the source code References: This subroutine is called as follows: * EQSHP calls qv

This routine does a similar job to the routine of the same name in the BBC Master version of Elite, but the code is significantly different.
Returns: X The chosen view number (0-3)
.qv JSR SetupPPUForIconBar ; If the PPU has started drawing the icon bar, configure ; the PPU to use nametable 0 and pattern table 0 LDA controller1Left03 ; If A button is being pressed, or the left or right ORA controller1Right03 ; buttons were being pressed four VBlanks ago, then ORA controller1A ; loop back to qv until they are released BMI qv LDY #3 ; We now print a popup menu showing all four views, so ; set a view counter in Y, starting with view 3 (right) .vpop1 JSR PrintLaserView ; Print the name of the laser view specified in Y at the ; correct on-screen position for the popup menu DEY ; Decrement the view counter in Y BNE vpop1 ; Loop back to print the next view until we have printed ; all four view names in the popup ; Next, we highlight the first view (front) as by this ; point Y = 0 LDA #2 ; Set the font style to print in the highlight font STA fontStyle JSR PrintLaserView ; Print the name of the laser view specified in Y at the ; correct on-screen position for the popup menu LDA #1 ; Set the font style to print in the normal font STA fontStyle ; We now draw a box around the list of views to make it ; look like a popup menu LDA #11 ; Move the text cursor to column 11 STA XC STA K+2 ; Set K+2 = 11 to pass to DrawSmallBox as the text row ; on which to draw the top-left corner of the small box LDA #7 ; Move the text cursor to row 7 STA YC STA K+3 ; Set K+3 = 7 to pass to DrawSmallBox as the text column ; on which to draw the top-left corner of the small box LDX languageIndex ; Set K to the correct width for the laser view popup in LDA popupWidth,X ; the chosen language, to pass to DrawSmallBox as the STA K ; width of the small box LDA #6 ; Set K+1 = 6 to pass to DrawSmallBox as the height of STA K+1 ; the small box JSR DrawSmallBox_b3 ; Draw a box around the popup, with the top-left corner ; at (7, 11), a height of 6 rows, and the correct width ; for the chosen language JSR DrawScreenInNMI ; Configure the NMI handler to draw the screen, so the ; screen gets updated ; The popup menu is now on-screen, so now we manage the ; process of making a choice LDY #0 ; We use Y to keep track of the highlighted view, which ; we set to the front view above, so set Y = 0 to ; reflect this .vpop2 JSR SetupPPUForIconBar ; If the PPU has started drawing the icon bar, configure ; the PPU to use nametable 0 and pattern table 0 LDA controller1Up ; If the up button is not being pressed, jump to vpop4 BPL vpop4 ; to move on to the next button check ; If we get here then we need to move the highlight up ; the menu, wrapping around if we go off the top JSR PrintLaserView ; Print the name of the laser view specified in Y at the ; correct on-screen position for the popup menu, to ; remove the highlight from the current selection DEY ; Decrement Y to move the number of the selected view up ; the menu BPL vpop3 ; If the view number is positive when we have not gone ; off the top of the menu, so jump to vpop3 to skip the ; following instruction LDY #3 ; We just moved past the top of the menu, so set Y to 3 ; to move the selection to the bottom entry in the menu ; (the right view) .vpop3 JSR HighlightLaserView ; Highlight the Y-th entry in the popup menu, to reflect ; the new choice .vpop4 LDA controller1Down ; If the down button is not being pressed, jump to vpop6 BPL vpop6 ; to move on to the next button check ; If we get here then we need to move the highlight down ; the menu, wrapping around if we go off the bottom JSR PrintLaserView ; Print the name of the laser view specified in Y at the ; correct on-screen position for the popup menu, to ; remove the highlight from the current selection INY ; Increment Y to move the number of the selected view ; down the menu CPY #4 ; If Y is not 4 then we have not gone off the bottom of BNE vpop5 ; the menu, so jump to vpop5 to skip the following ; instruction LDY #0 ; We just moved past the bottom of the menu, so set Y to ; 0 to move the selection to the top entry in the menu ; (the front view) .vpop5 JSR HighlightLaserView ; Highlight the Y-th entry in the popup menu, to reflect ; the new choice .vpop6 LDA controller1A ; If the A button is being pressed, jump to vpop7 to BMI vpop7 ; return the highlighted view as the chosen laser view LDA iconBarChoice ; If iconBarChoice = 0 then nothing has been chosen on BEQ vpop2 ; the icon bar (if it had, iconBarChoice would contain ; the number of the chosen icon bar button), so loop ; back to vpop2 to keep processing the popup keys ; If we get here then either a choice has been made on ; the icon bar during NMI and the number of the icon bar ; button is in iconBarChoice, or the Start button has ; been pressed and iconBarChoice is 80 CMP #80 ; If iconBarChoice = 80 then the Start button has been BNE vpop7 ; pressed to pause the game, so if this is not the case, ; then a different icon bar option has been chosen, so ; jump to vpop7 to return from the subroutine and abort ; the laser purchase ; If we get here then iconBarChoice = 80, which means ; the Start button has been pressed to pause the game LDA #0 ; Set iconBarChoice = 0 to clear the pause button press STA iconBarChoice ; so we don't simply re-enter the pause menu when we ; resume JSR PauseGame_b6 ; Pause the game and process choices from the pause menu ; until the game is unpaused by another press of Start JMP vpop2 ; Jump back to vpop2 to pick up where we left off and go ; back to processing the popup choice .vpop7 TYA ; Copy the number of the highlighted laser view from Y TAX ; into X, so we can return the choice in X RTS ; Return from the subroutine