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Combat demo: ProjectScrollText

[NES version, Bank 6]

Name: ProjectScrollText [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Combat demo Summary: Project a scroll text coordinate onto the screen
Context: See this subroutine in context in the source code References: This subroutine is called as follows: * DrawScrollFrame calls ProjectScrollText * DrawScrollFrame calls via RTS10

Calculate the following: (A X) = 128 + 256 * (A - 32) / Q
Arguments: A The x-coordinate to project
Other entry points: RTS10 Contains an RTS
.ProjectScrollText SEC ; Set A = A - 32 SBC #32 BCS proj1 ; If the subtraction didn't underflow then the result is ; positive, so jump to proj1 EOR #$FF ; Negate A using two's complement, so A is positive ADC #1 JSR LL28 ; Call LL28 to calculate: ; ; R = 256 * A / Q LDA #128 ; Set (A X) = 128 - R SEC ; SBC R ; Starting with the low bytes TAX LDA #0 ; And then the high bytes SBC #0 ; ; This gives us the result we want, as 128 + R is the ; same as 128 - (-R) RTS ; Return from the subroutine .proj1 JSR LL28 ; Call LL28 to calculate: ; ; R = 256 * A / Q LDA R ; Set (A X) = R + 128 CLC ; ADC #128 ; Starting with the low bytes TAX LDA #0 ; And then the high bytes ADC #0 .RTS10 RTS ; Return from the subroutine