.msbpars EQUB 4 \ The number of bytes to transmit with this command EQUB 0 \ The number of bytes to receive with this command EQUB 0 \ The number of the missile indicator to update EQUB 0 \ The colour of the missile indicator EQUB 0 \ End of the parameter block .MSBAR PHX \ Store the indicator number on the stack so we can \ retrieve it later STX msbpars+2 \ Store the indicator number in byte #2 of the parameter \ block above STY msbpars+3 \ Store the indicator colour in byte #3 of the parameter \ block above PHY \ Store the indicator colour on the stack so we can \ retrieve it later LDX #LO(msbpars) \ Set (Y X) to point to the parameter block above LDY #HI(msbpars) LDA #DOmsbar \ Send a #DOmsbar command to the I/O processor to update JSR OSWORD \ the missile indicator on the dashboard LDY #0 \ Set Y = 0, so we can return it from the subroutine PLA \ Restore the indicator colour from the stack into A PLX \ Restore the indicator number from the stack into X RTS \ Return from the subroutineName: MSBAR [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Dashboard Summary: Draw a specific indicator in the dashboard's missile bar by sending a #DOmsbar command to the I/O processorContext: See this subroutine in context in the source code Variations: See code variations for this subroutine in the different versions References: This subroutine is called as follows: * ABORT2 calls MSBAR * Main flight loop (Part 3 of 16) calls MSBAR * msblob calls MSBAR
Each indicator is a rectangle that's 3 pixels wide and 5 pixels high. If the indicator is set to black, this effectively removes a missile.
Arguments: X The number of the missile indicator to update (counting from right to left, so indicator NOMSL is the leftmost indicator) Y The new colour of the missile indicator: * &00 = black (no missile) * &0E = red (armed and locked) * &E0 = yellow/white (armed) * &EE = green/cyan (disarmed)
Returns: X X is preserved Y Y is set to 0
Configuration variable DOmsbar = 242
The OSWORD number for the #DOmsbar command
Configuration variable OSWORD = &FFF1
The address for the OSWORD routine
Variable msbpars is local to this routine
The number of bytes to transmit with this command