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Loader: LOMOD

[Elite-A, Flight]

Name: LOMOD [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Loader Summary: Load a new ship blueprints file Deep dive: Ship blueprints in the BBC Micro disc version Ship blueprints in Elite-A
Context: See this subroutine in context in the source code References: This subroutine is called as follows: * RSHIPS calls LOMOD * TT18 calls LOMOD * MJP calls via SHIPinA

Other entry points: SHIPinA Load the ship blueprints file specified in A
.LOMOD \ --- Mod: Code added for Elite-A: --------------------> LDA #0 \ Set finder = 0 so the compass shows the planet rather STA finder \ than the sun \ --- End of added code -------------------------------> JSR THERE \ Call THERE to see if we are in the Constrictor's \ system in mission 1 LDA #6 \ Set A to the number of the ship blueprints file \ containing the Constrictor (ship blueprints file G) BCS SHIPinA \ If the C flag is set then we are in the Constrictor's \ system, so skip to SHIPinA JSR DORND \ Set A and X to random numbers and reduce A to a AND #3 \ random number in the range 0-3 (i.e. just bits 0-1) LDX gov \ If the system's government type is 0-2 (anarchy, CPX #3 \ feudal or multi-government), shift a 0 into bit 0 of ROL A \ A, otherwise shift a 1 LDX tek \ If the system's tech level is 0-9, shift a 0 into bit CPX #10 \ 0 of A, otherwise shift a 1 ROL A \ --- Mod: Code removed for Elite-A: ------------------> \ \ By this point, A is: \ \ \ \ * Bit 0 = 0 for low tech level (Coriolis station) \ \ 1 for high tech level (Dodo station) \ \ * Bit 1 = 0 for more dangerous systems \ \ 1 for safer systems \ \ * Bit 2 = random \ \ * Bit 3 = random \ \ * Bits 4-7 = 0 \ \ \ \ So A is in the range 0-15, which corresponds to the \ \ appropriate ship blueprints file (where 0 is file \ \ D.MOA and 15 is file D.MOP) \ --- And replaced by: --------------------------------> \ By this point, A is: \ \ * Bit 0 = 0 for low tech level (Coriolis station) \ 1 for high tech level (Dodo station) \ * Bit 1 = 0 for more dangerous systems \ 1 for safer systems \ * Bit 2 = random \ * Bit 3 = random \ * Bits 4-7 = 0 \ \ and we know the C flag is clear, as we cleared the top \ bits of A before doing the left rotations above \ \ So A is in the range 0-15. This corresponds to the \ range of ship blueprint files in the original disc \ version, which are D.MOA to D.MOP, but we're not done \ yet, as Elite-A has 23 ship blueprint files ADC GCNT \ Add the galaxy number in GCNT to A, which moves A into \ the range 0-22, to correspond with the appropriate \ Elite-A ship file (where 0 is file S.A and 22 is file \ S.W) \ --- End of replacement ------------------------------> TAX \ Store A in X so we can retrieve it after the mission 2 \ progress check LDA TP \ If mission 2 has started and we have picked up the AND #%00001100 \ plans, then bits 2-3 of TP will be %10, so this jumps CMP #%00001000 \ to TPnot8 if this is not the case BNE TPnot8 TXA \ Retrieve the value of A we calculated above AND #%00000001 \ We have picked up the plans in mission 2 so we need to ORA #%00000010 \ load a ship blueprints file containing Thargoids, so \ set A to either %10 or %11 for file D.MOC or D.MOD, as \ they are the only files that contain Thargoid ship \ blueprints TAX \ Store the amended A in X again .TPnot8 TXA \ Retrieve the value of A we calculated above .SHIPinA \ --- Mod: Code removed for Elite-A: ------------------> \CLC \ Convert A from 0-15 to 'A' to 'P' \ADC #'A' \ \STA SHIPI+6 \ Store the letter of the ship blueprints file we want \ \ in the seventh byte of the command string at SHIPI, so \ \ it overwrites the "0" in "D.MO0" with the file letter \ \ to load, from D.MOA to D.MOP \ \JSR CATD \ Call CATD to reload the disc catalogue \ --- And replaced by: --------------------------------> CLC \ Convert A from 0-22 to 'A' to 'W' ADC #'A' STA SHIPI+4 \ Store the letter of the ship blueprints file we want \ in the fifth byte of the command string at SHIPI, so \ it overwrites the "0" in "S.0" with the file letter \ to load, from S.A to S.W \ --- End of replacement ------------------------------> LDX #LO(SHIPI) \ Set (Y X) to point to the OS command at SHIPI, which LDY #HI(SHIPI) \ loads the relevant ship blueprints file JMP OSCLI \ Call OSCLI to execute the OS command at (Y X), which \ loads the relevant ship blueprints file, and return \ from the subroutine using a tail call