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Version analysis of TT22

This code appears in the following versions (click to see it in the source code):

Code variations between these versions are shown below.

Name: TT22 Type: Subroutine Category: Charts

Code variation 1 of 9A variation in the comments only

Tap on a block to expand it, and tap it again to revert.

Summary: Show the Long-range Chart (red key f4)
Summary: Show the Long-range Chart (FUNC-5)
Deep dive: A sense of scale
.TT22 LDA #64 \ Clear the top part of the screen, draw a border box, JSR TT66 \ and set the current view type in QQ11 to 32 (Long- \ range Chart)

Code variation 2 of 9Related to the screen mode

This variation is blank in the Cassette, Disc (flight), Disc (docked) and Electron versions.

Tap on a block to expand it, and tap it again to revert.

LDA #16 \ Switch to the mode 1 palette for the trade view, which JSR DOVDU19 \ is yellow (colour 1), magenta (colour 2) and white \ (colour 3) LDA #CYAN \ Switch to colour 3, which is white in the chart view STA COL
LDA #CYAN \ Send a #SETCOL CYAN command to the I/O processor to JSR DOCOL \ switch to colour 3, which is white in the chart view LDA #16 \ Send a #SETVDU19 16 command to the I/O processor to JSR DOVDU19 \ switch to the mode 1 palette for the trade view, which \ is yellow (colour 1), magenta (colour 2) and white \ (colour 3)

Code variation 3 of 9Related to Elite's use of the Tube

Tap on a block to expand it, and tap it again to revert.

LDA #7 \ Move the text cursor to column 7 STA XC
LDA #7 \ Move the text cursor to column 7 JSR DOXC
 JSR TT81               \ Set the seeds in QQ15 to those of system 0 in the
                        \ current galaxy (i.e. copy the seeds from QQ21 to QQ15)

 LDA #199               \ Print recursive token 39 ("GALACTIC CHART{galaxy
 JSR TT27               \ number right-aligned to width 3}")

 JSR NLIN               \ Draw a horizontal line at pixel row 23 to box in the
                        \ title and act as the top frame of the chart, and move
                        \ the text cursor down one line

Code variation 4 of 9Related to the Master version

The bottom border of the Long-range Chart is one pixel lower down the screen in the Master version than in the other versions, and its position is defined using a variable.

Tap on a block to expand it, and tap it again to revert.

LDA #152 \ Draw a screen-wide horizontal line at pixel row 152 JSR NLIN2 \ for the bottom edge of the chart, so the chart itself \ is 128 pixels high, starting on row 24 and ending on \ row 151
LDA #GCYB+1 \ Move the text cursor down one line and draw a JSR NLIN5 \ screen-wide horizontal line at pixel row GCYB+1 (153) \ for the bottom edge of the chart, so the chart itself \ is 128 pixels high, starting on row 24 and ending on \ row 153
 JSR TT14               \ Call TT14 to draw a circle with crosshairs at the
                        \ current system's galactic coordinates

 LDX #0                 \ We're now going to plot each of the galaxy's systems,
                        \ so set up a counter in X for each system, starting at
                        \ 0 and looping through to 255


 STX XSAV               \ Store the counter in XSAV

 LDX QQ15+3             \ Fetch the s1_hi seed into X, which gives us the
                        \ galactic x-coordinate of this system

 LDY QQ15+4             \ Fetch the s2_lo seed and set bits 4 and 6, storing the
 TYA                    \ result in ZZ to give a random number between 80 and
 ORA #%01010000         \ (but which will always be the same for this system).
 STA ZZ                 \ We use this value to determine the size of the point
                        \ for this system on the chart by passing it as the
                        \ distance argument to the PIXEL routine below

Code variation 5 of 9Related to an advanced feature

The Master version shows systems in the Long-range Chart in yellow, while the 650SP version shows them in "white" (cyan/red).

See below for more variations related to this code.

This variation is blank in the Cassette, Disc (flight), Disc (docked), 6502 Second Processor and Electron versions.

LDA #YELLOW \ Switch to colour 1, which is yellow STA COL
 LDA QQ15+1             \ Fetch the s0_hi seed into A, which gives us the
                        \ galactic y-coordinate of this system

Code variation 6 of 9Related to the Master version

The Master version contains code to scale the chart views, though it has no effect in this version. It also uses variables to define the size of the Lond-range Chart. The code is left over from the Apple II version, which uses a different scale.

See below for more variations related to this code.

Tap on a block to expand it, and tap it again to revert.

LSR A \ We halve the y-coordinate because the galaxy in \ in Elite is rectangular rather than square, and is \ twice as wide (x-axis) as it is high (y-axis), so the \ chart is 256 pixels wide and 128 high CLC \ Add 24 to the halved y-coordinate and store in XX15+1 ADC #24 \ (as the top of the chart is on pixel row 24, just STA XX15+1 \ below the line we drew on row 23 above) JSR PIXEL \ Call PIXEL to draw a point at (X, A), with the size of \ the point dependent on the distance specified in ZZ \ (so a high value of ZZ will produce a one-pixel point, \ a medium value will produce a two-pixel dash, and a \ small value will produce a four-pixel square)
JSR SCALEY \ We halve the y-coordinate because the galaxy in \ in Elite is rectangular rather than square, and is \ twice as wide (x-axis) as it is high (y-axis), so the \ chart is 256 pixels wide and 128 high \ \ The call to SCALEY simply does an LSR A, but having \ this call instruction here would enable different \ scaling to be applied by altering the SCALE routines \ \ This code is left over from the Apple II version, \ where the scale factor is different CLC \ Add GCYT to the halved y-coordinate in A (so the top ADC #GCYT \ of the chart is on pixel row GCYT, just below the line \ we drew on row 23 above) JSR PIXEL \ Call PIXEL to draw a point at (X, A), with the size of \ the point dependent on the distance specified in ZZ \ (so a high value of ZZ will produce a one-pixel point, \ a medium value will produce a two-pixel dash, and a \ small value will produce a four-pixel square)
 JSR TT20               \ We want to move on to the next system, so call TT20
                        \ to twist the three 16-bit seeds in QQ15

 LDX XSAV               \ Restore the loop counter from XSAV

 INX                    \ Increment the counter

 BNE TT83               \ If X > 0 then we haven't done all 256 systems yet, so
                        \ loop back up to TT83

Code variation 7 of 9Related to Elite's use of the Tube

This variation is blank in the Cassette, Disc (flight), Disc (docked), Master and Electron versions.

JSR PBFL \ Call PBFL to send the contents of the pixel buffer to \ the I/O processor for plotting on-screen

Code variation 8 of 9Related to the Master version

See variation 6 above for details.

Tap on a block to expand it, and tap it again to revert.

LDA QQ9 \ Set QQ19 to the selected system's x-coordinate STA QQ19 LDA QQ10 \ Set QQ19+1 to the selected system's y-coordinate, LSR A \ halved to fit it into the chart STA QQ19+1 LDA #4 \ Set QQ19+2 to size 4 for the crosshairs size STA QQ19+2
LDA QQ9 \ Set QQ19 to the selected system's x-coordinate JSR SCALEX \ STA QQ19 \ The call to SCALEX has no effect as it only contains \ an RTS, but having this call instruction here would \ enable different scaling to be applied by altering \ the SCALE routines \ \ This code is left over from the Apple II version, \ where the scale factor is different LDA QQ10 \ Set QQ19+1 to the selected system's y-coordinate, JSR SCALEY \ halved to fit it into the chart STA QQ19+1 \ \ The call to SCALEY simply does an LSR A, but having \ this call instruction here would enable different \ scaling to be applied by altering the SCALE routines \ \ This code is left over from the Apple II version, \ where the scale factor is different LDA #4 \ Set QQ19+2 to size 4 for the crosshairs size STA QQ19+2

Code variation 9 of 9Related to an advanced feature

See variation 5 above for details.

This variation is blank in the Cassette, Disc (flight), Disc (docked), 6502 Second Processor and Electron versions.

LDA #GREEN \ Switch to stripe 3-1-3-1, which is white/yellow in the STA COL \ chart view
                        \ Fall through into TT15 to draw crosshairs of size 4 at
                        \ the selected system's coordinates