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Buying ships: count_offs

[Elite-A, Parasite]

Name: count_offs [Show more] Type: Variable Category: Buying ships Summary: Offsets from LASER for equipment that takes up space in the hold
Context: See this variable in context in the source code References: This variable is used as follows: * n_load uses count_offs
.count_offs EQUB 0 \ LASER+0 = Front laser EQUB 1 \ LASER+1 = Rear laser EQUB 2 \ LASER+2 = Left laser EQUB 3 \ LASER+3 = Right laser EQUB 6 \ LASER+6 = CRGO = I.F.F. system EQUB 24 \ LASER+24 = ECM = E.C.M. system EQUB 25 \ LASER+25 = BST = Fuel scoops EQUB 26 \ LASER+26 = BOMB = Hyperspace unit EQUB 27 \ LASER+27 = ENGY = Energy unit EQUB 28 \ LASER+28 = DKCMP = Docking computer EQUB 29 \ LASER+29 = GHYP = Galactic hyperdrive EQUB 30 \ LASER+30 = ESCP = Escape pod