.TA352 \ If we get here, the missile has been destroyed by \ E.C.M. or by the space station LDA INWK \ Set A = x_lo OR y_lo OR z_lo of the missile ORA INWK+3 ORA INWK+6 BNE TA872 \ If A is non-zero then the missile is not near our \ ship, so skip the next two instructions to avoid \ damaging our ship LDA #80 \ Otherwise the missile just got destroyed near us, so JSR OOPS \ call OOPS to damage the ship by 80, which is nowhere \ near as bad as the 250 damage from a missile slamming \ straight into us, but it's still pretty nasty .TA872 LDX #PLT \ Set X to the ship type for plate alloys, so we get \ awarded the kill points for the missile scraps in TA87 BNE TA353 \ Jump to TA353 to process the missile kill tally and \ make an explosion sound .TA34 \ If we get here, the missile is hostile LDA #0 \ Set A to x_hi OR y_hi OR z_hi JSR MAS4 BEQ P%+5 \ If A = 0 then the missile is very close to our ship, \ so skip the following instruction JMP TN4 \ Jump down to part 3 to set up the vectors and skip \ straight to aggressive manoeuvring JSR TA873 \ The missile has hit our ship, so call TA873 to set \ bit 7 of the missile's byte #31, which marks the \ missile as being killed JSR EXNO3 \ Make the sound of the missile exploding LDA #250 \ Call OOPS to damage the ship by 250, which is a pretty JMP OOPS \ big hit, and return from the subroutine using a tail \ call .TA18 \ This is the entry point for missile tactics and is \ called from the main TACTICS routine below LDA ECMA \ If an E.C.M. is currently active (either ours or an BNE TA352 \ opponent's), jump to TA352 to destroy this missile LDA INWK+32 \ Fetch the AI flag from byte #32 and if bit 6 is set ASL A \ (i.e. missile is hostile), jump up to TA34 to check BMI TA34 \ whether the missile has hit us LSR A \ Otherwise shift A right again. We know bits 6 and 7 \ are now clear, so this leaves bits 0-5. Bits 1-5 \ contain the target's slot number, and bit 0 is cleared \ in FRMIS when a missile is launched, so A contains \ the slot number shifted left by 1 (i.e. doubled) so we \ can use it as an index for the two-byte address table \ at UNIV TAX \ Copy the address of the target ship's data block from LDA UNIV,X \ UNIV(X+1 X) to (A V) STA V LDA UNIV+1,X JSR VCSUB \ Calculate vector K3 as follows: \ \ K3(2 1 0) = (x_sign x_hi x_lo) - x-coordinate of \ target ship \ \ K3(5 4 3) = (y_sign y_hi z_lo) - y-coordinate of \ target ship \ \ K3(8 7 6) = (z_sign z_hi z_lo) - z-coordinate of \ target ship \ So K3 now contains the vector from the target ship to \ the missile LDA K3+2 \ Set A = OR of all the sign and high bytes of the ORA K3+5 \ above, clearing bit 7 (i.e. ignore the signs) ORA K3+8 AND #%01111111 ORA K3+1 ORA K3+4 ORA K3+7 BNE TA64 \ If the result is non-zero, then the missile is some \ distance from the target, so jump down to TA64 see if \ the target activates its E.C.M. LDA INWK+32 \ Fetch the AI flag from byte #32 and if only bits 7 and CMP #%10000010 \ 1 are set (AI is enabled and the target is slot 1, the BEQ TA352 \ space station), jump to TA352 to destroy this missile, \ as the space station ain't kidding around LDY #31 \ Fetch byte #31 (the exploding flag) of the target ship LDA (V),Y \ into A BIT M32+1 \ M32 contains an LDY #32 instruction, so M32+1 contains \ 32, so this instruction tests A with %00100000, which \ checks bit 5 of A (the "already exploding?" bit) BNE TA35 \ If the target ship is already exploding, jump to TA35 \ to destroy this missile ORA #%10000000 \ Otherwise set bit 7 of the target's byte #31 to mark STA (V),Y \ the ship as having been killed, so it explodes .TA35 LDA INWK \ Set A = x_lo OR y_lo OR z_lo of the missile ORA INWK+3 ORA INWK+6 BNE P%+7 \ If A is non-zero then the missile is not near our \ ship, so skip the next two instructions to avoid \ damaging our ship LDA #80 \ Otherwise the missile just got destroyed near us, so JSR OOPS \ call OOPS to damage the ship by 80, which is nowhere \ near as bad as the 250 damage from a missile slamming \ straight into us, but it's still pretty nasty .TA87 LDA INWK+32 \ Set X to bits 1-6 of the missile's AI flag in ship AND #%01111111 \ byte #32, so that bits 0-4 of X are the target's slot LSR A \ number, and bit 5 is clear (as the missile is ours) TAX \ \ So X contains the slot number of the target ship \ \ We should now fetch the ship type from slot X, so we \ can pass the ship type to EXNO2 to add the correct \ number of kill points to award for this type of ship, \ but instead we're passing the slot number to EXNO2 \ \ This is a bug that means we will be allocated a fairly \ random number of kill points when destroying a ship \ with a missile; this bug was fixed in the NES version, \ but it affects the Commodore 64, Apple II and BBC \ Master versions of Elite .TA353 JSR EXNO2 \ Call EXNO2 to process the fact that we have killed a \ missile (so increase the kill tally, make an explosion \ sound and so on) .TA873 ASL INWK+31 \ Set bit 7 of the missile's byte #31 flag to mark it as SEC \ having been killed, so it explodes ROR INWK+31 .TA1 RTS \ Return from the subroutine .TA64 \ If we get here then the missile has not reached the \ target JSR DORND \ Set A and X to random numbers CMP #16 \ If A >= 16 (94% chance), jump down to TA19S with the BCS TA19S \ vector from the target to the missile in K3 .M32 LDY #32 \ Fetch byte #32 for the target and shift bit 0 (E.C.M.) LDA (V),Y \ into the C flag LSR A BCS P%+5 \ If the C flag is set then the target has E.C.M. \ fitted, so skip the next instruction .TA19S JMP TA19 \ The target does not have E.C.M. fitted, so jump down \ to TA19 with the vector from the target to the missile \ in K3 JMP ECBLB2 \ The target has E.C.M., so jump to ECBLB2 to set it \ off, returning from the subroutine using a tail callName: TACTICS (Part 1 of 7) [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Tactics Summary: Apply tactics: Process missiles, both enemy missiles and our own Deep dive: Program flow of the tactics routineContext: See this subroutine in context in the source code Variations: See code variations for this subroutine in the different versions References: No direct references to this subroutine in this source file
This section implements missile tactics and is entered at TA18 from the main entry point below, if the current ship is a missile. Specifically: * If E.C.M. is active, destroy the missile * If the missile is hostile towards us, then check how close it is. If it hasn't reached us, jump to part 3 so it can streak towards us, otherwise we've been hit, so process a large amount of damage to our ship * Otherwise see how close the missile is to its target. If it has not yet reached its target, give the target a chance to activate its E.C.M. if it has one, otherwise jump to TA19 with K3 set to the vector from the target to the missile * If it has reached its target and the target is the space station, destroy the missile, potentially damaging us if we are nearby * If it has reached its target and the target is a ship, destroy the missile and the ship, potentially damaging us if we are nearby
Subroutine DORND (category: Maths (Arithmetic))
Generate random numbers
Subroutine ECBLB2 (category: Dashboard)
Start up the E.C.M. (light up the indicator, start the countdown and make the E.C.M. sound)
Subroutine EXNO2 (category: Status)
Process us making a kill
Subroutine EXNO3 (category: Sound)
Make an explosion sound
Label M32 is local to this routine
Subroutine MAS4 (category: Maths (Geometry))
Calculate a cap on the maximum distance to a ship
Subroutine OOPS (category: Flight)
Take some damage
Configuration variable PLT = 4
Ship type for an alloy plate
Label TA19 in subroutine TACTICS (Part 3 of 7)
Label TA19S is local to this routine
Label TA34 is local to this routine
Label TA35 is local to this routine
Label TA352 is local to this routine
Label TA353 is local to this routine
Label TA64 is local to this routine
Label TA872 is local to this routine
Label TA873 is local to this routine
Label TN4 in subroutine TACTICS (Part 3 of 7)
Variable UNIV (category: Universe)
Table of pointers to the local universe's ship data blocks
Subroutine VCSUB (category: Maths (Arithmetic))
Calculate vector K3(8 0) = [x y z] - coordinates in (A V)