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Version analysis of Main flight loop (Part 15 of 16)

This code appears in the following versions (click to see it in the source code):

Code variations between these versions are shown below.

Name: Main flight loop (Part 15 of 16) Type: Subroutine Category: Main loop

Code variation 1 of 11A variation in the comments only

Tap on a block to expand it, and tap it again to revert.

Summary: Perform altitude checks with the planet and sun and process fuel scooping if appropriate
Summary: Perform altitude checks with the planet
Deep dive: Program flow of the main game loop Scheduling tasks with the main loop counter
The main flight loop covers most of the flight-specific aspects of Elite. This section covers the following: * Perform an altitude check with the planet (every 32 iterations of the main loop, on iteration 10 of each 32)

Code variation 2 of 11A variation in the comments only

This variation is blank in the Electron version.

* Perform an altitude check with the sun and process fuel scooping (every 32 iterations of the main loop, on iteration 20 of each 32)

Code variation 3 of 11A variation in the labels only

This variation is blank in the Electron version.

Tap on a block to expand it, and tap it again to revert.

LDA MJ \ If we are in witchspace, jump down to MA23 to skip BNE MA23 \ the following, as there are no planets or suns to \ bump into in witchspace
LDA MJ \ If we are in witchspace, jump down to MA23S to skip BNE MA23S \ the following, as there are no planets or suns to \ bump into in witchspace
 LDA MCNT               \ Fetch the main loop counter and calculate MCNT mod 32,
 AND #31                \ which tells us the position of this loop in each block
                        \ of 32 iterations


Code variation 4 of 11A variation in the comments only

Tap on a block to expand it, and tap it again to revert.

CMP #10 \ If this is the tenth iteration in this block of 32, BNE MA29 \ do the following, otherwise jump to MA29 to skip the \ planet altitude check and move on to the sun distance \ check
CMP #10 \ If this is the tenth iteration in this block of 32, BNE MA29 \ do the following, otherwise jump to MA29 to skip the \ planet altitude check

Code variation 5 of 11Related to the 6502SP version

If speech is enabled on the Executive version, it will say "Energy low" every time the "ENERGY LOW,SIR" message flashes on-screen.

Tap on a block to expand it, and tap it again to revert.

LDA #50 \ If our energy bank status in ENERGY is >= 50, skip CMP ENERGY \ printing the following message (so the message is BCC P%+6 \ only shown if our energy is low) ASL A \ Print recursive token 100 ("ENERGY LOW{beep}") as an JSR MESS \ in-flight message
IF _SNG45 OR _SOURCE_DISC LDA #50 \ If our energy bank status in ENERGY is >= 50, skip CMP ENERGY \ printing the following message (so the message is BCC P%+6 \ only shown if our energy is low) ASL A \ Print recursive token 100 ("ENERGY LOW{beep}") as an JSR MESS \ in-flight message ELIF _EXECUTIVE LDA #50 \ If our energy bank status in ENERGY is >= 50, skip CMP ENERGY \ printing the following message (so the message is BCC P%+11 \ only shown if our energy is low) ASL A \ Print recursive token 100 ("ENERGY LOW{beep}") as an JSR MESS \ in-flight message LDX #2 \ Call TALK with X = 2 to say "Energy low" using the JSR TALK \ Watford Electronics Beeb Speech Synthesiser (if one \ is fitted and speech has been enabled) ENDIF
 LDY #&FF               \ Set our altitude in ALTIT to &FF, the maximum

 INY                    \ Set Y = 0

 JSR m                  \ Call m to calculate the maximum distance to the
                        \ planet in any of the three axes, returned in A

 BNE MA23               \ If A > 0 then we are a fair distance away from the
                        \ planet in at least one axis, so jump to MA23 to skip
                        \ the rest of the altitude check

 JSR MAS3               \ Set A = x_hi^2 + y_hi^2 + z_hi^2, so using Pythagoras
                        \ we now know that A now contains the square of the
                        \ distance between our ship (at the origin) and the
                        \ centre of the planet at (x_hi, y_hi, z_hi)

 BCS MA23               \ If the C flag was set by MAS3, then the result
                        \ overflowed (was greater than &FF) and we are still a
                        \ fair distance from the planet, so jump to MA23 as we
                        \ haven't crashed into the planet

 SBC #36                \ Subtract 36 from x_hi^2 + y_hi^2 + z_hi^2
                        \ When we do the 3D Pythagoras calculation, we only use
                        \ the high bytes of the coordinates, so that's x_hi,
                        \ y_hi and z_hi and
                        \ The planet radius is (0 96 0), as defined in the
                        \ PLANET routine, so the high byte is 96
                        \ When we square the coordinates above and add them,
                        \ the result gets divided by 256 (otherwise the result
                        \ wouldn't fit into one byte), so if we do the same for
                        \ the planet's radius, we get:
                        \   96 * 96 / 256 = 36
                        \ So for the planet, the equivalent figure to test the
                        \ sum of the _hi bytes against is 36, so A now contains
                        \ the high byte of our altitude above the planet
                        \ surface, squared

 BCC MA28               \ If A < 0 then jump to MA28 as we have crashed into
                        \ the planet

 STA R                  \ We are getting close to the planet, so we need to
 JSR LL5                \ work out how close. We know from the above that A
                        \ contains our altitude squared, so we store A in R
                        \ and call LL5 to calculate:
                        \   Q = SQRT(R Q) = SQRT(A Q)
                        \ Interestingly, Q doesn't appear to be set to 0 for
                        \ this calculation, so presumably this doesn't make a
                        \ difference

 LDA Q                  \ Store the result in ALTIT, our altitude

 BNE MA23               \ If our altitude is non-zero then we haven't crashed,
                        \ so jump to MA23 to skip to the next section


Code variation 6 of 11A variation in the comments only

Tap on a block to expand it, and tap it again to revert.

JMP DEATH \ If we get here then we just crashed into the planet \ or got too close to the sun, so jump to DEATH to start \ the funeral preparations and return from the main \ flight loop using a tail call
JMP DEATH \ If we get here then we just crashed into the planet, \ so jump to DEATH to start the funeral preparations \ and return from the main flight loop using a tail call

Code variation 7 of 11Related to an enhanced feature

The docking computer in the enhanced versions updates its position every 32 iterations round the main loop (on the 15th iteration), at which point it displays "DOCKING COMPUTERS ON" as an in-flight message.

This variation is blank in the Cassette and Electron versions.

CMP #15 \ If this is the 15th iteration in this block of 32, BNE MA33 \ do the following, otherwise jump to MA33 to skip the \ docking computer manoeuvring LDA auto \ If auto is zero, then the docking computer is not BEQ MA23 \ activated, so jump to MA23 to skip to the next \ section LDA #123 \ Set A = 123 and jump down to MA34 to print token 123 BNE MA34 \ ("DOCKING COMPUTERS ON") as an in-flight message .MA33

Code variation 8 of 11Related to the Electron version

As there are no suns in the Electron version, we don't need to set the cabin temperature based on the altitude from the sun.

This variation is blank in the Electron version.

CMP #20 \ If this is the 20th iteration in this block of 32, BNE MA23 \ do the following, otherwise jump to MA23 to skip the \ sun altitude check LDA #30 \ Set CABTMP to 30, the cabin temperature in deep space STA CABTMP \ (i.e. one notch on the dashboard bar) LDA SSPR \ If we are inside the space station safe zone, jump to BNE MA23 \ MA23 to skip the following, as we can't have both the \ sun and space station at the same time, so we clearly \ can't be flying near the sun LDY #NI% \ Set Y to NI%, which is the offset in K% for the sun's \ data block, as the second block at K% is reserved for \ the sun (or space station) JSR MAS2 \ Call MAS2 to calculate the largest distance to the BNE MA23 \ sun in any of the three axes, and if it's non-zero, \ jump to MA23 to skip the following, as we are too far \ from the sun for scooping or temperature changes JSR MAS3 \ Set A = x_hi^2 + y_hi^2 + z_hi^2, so using Pythagoras \ we now know that A now contains the square of the \ distance between our ship (at the origin) and the \ heart of the sun at (x_hi, y_hi, z_hi) EOR #%11111111 \ Invert A, so A is now small if we are far from the \ sun and large if we are close to the sun, in the \ range 0 = far away to &FF = extremely close, ouch, \ hot, hot, hot! ADC #30 \ Add the minimum cabin temperature of 30, so we get \ one of the following: \ \ * If the C flag is clear, A contains the cabin \ temperature, ranging from 30 to 255, that's hotter \ the closer we are to the sun \ \ * If the C flag is set, the addition has rolled over \ and the cabin temperature is over 255 STA CABTMP \ Store the updated cabin temperature BCS MA28 \ If the C flag is set then jump to MA28 to die, as \ our temperature is off the scale CMP #224 \ If the cabin temperature < 224 then jump to MA23 to BCC MA23 \ skip fuel scooping, as we aren't close enough

Code variation 9 of 11A variation in the comments only

This variation is blank in the Cassette, Disc (flight), 6502 Second Processor and Electron versions.

\CMP #&F0 \ These instructions are commented out in the original \BCC nokilltr \ source \ \LDA #5 \JSR SETL1 \ \LDA VIC+&15 \AND #&3 \STA VIC+&15 \ \LDA #4 \JSR SETL1 \ \LSR TRIBBLE+1 \ROR TRIBBLE \ \.nokilltr

Code variation 10 of 11Related to the Electron version

As there are no suns in the Electron version, we don't need to implement fuel scooping.

This variation is blank in the Electron version.

LDA BST \ If we don't have fuel scoops fitted, jump to BA23 to BEQ MA23 \ skip fuel scooping, as we can't scoop without fuel \ scoops LDA DELT4+1 \ We are now successfully fuel scooping, so it's time LSR A \ to work out how much fuel we're scooping. Fetch the \ high byte of DELT4, which contains our current speed \ divided by 4, and halve it to get our current speed \ divided by 8 (so it's now a value between 1 and 5, as \ our speed is normally between 1 and 40). This gives \ us the amount of fuel that's being scooped in A, so \ the faster we go, the more fuel we scoop, and because \ the fuel levels are stored as 10 * the fuel in light \ years, that means we just scooped between 0.1 and 0.5 \ light years of free fuel ADC QQ14 \ Set A = A + the current fuel level * 10 (from QQ14) CMP #70 \ If A > 70 then set A = 70 (as 70 is the maximum fuel BCC P%+4 \ level, or 7.0 light years) LDA #70 STA QQ14 \ Store the updated fuel level in QQ14

Code variation 11 of 11Minor and very low-impact

This variation is blank in the Electron version.

Tap on a block to expand it, and tap it again to revert.

LDA #160 \ Print recursive token 0 ("FUEL SCOOPS ON") as an JSR MESS \ in-flight message
LDA #160 \ Set A to token 160 ("FUEL SCOOPS ON") .MA34 JSR MESS \ Print the token in A as an in-flight message