IF _BUG_FIX .wsstatecopy EQUB 0 \ We store a copy of the wstate here so we know which \ state to switch back to after printing .SwitchToCharSet \ This routine switches the MOS character definitions \ into memory at &C000 on a BBC Master LDA #0 \ Call OSBYTE with A = 0 and X = 1 to fetch bit 0 of the LDX #1 \ operating system version into X JSR OSBYTE CPX #3 \ If X =< 3 then this is not a BBC Master, so jump to BCC char1 \ char1 to continue drawing the character LDA wsstate \ Copy wsstate into wsstatecopy STA wsstatecopy JSR savews \ Call savews to put the character set in the correct \ place .char1 LDA K3 \ Set A to the character to print RTS \ Return from the subroutine ENDIFName: SwitchToCharSet [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Utility routines Summary: Switch the MOS character definitions into memory at &C000 on a BBC MasterContext: See this subroutine in context in the source code References: This subroutine is called as follows: * tube_wrch calls SwitchToCharSet
Configuration variable OSBYTE = &FFF4
The address for the OSBYTE routine
Label char1 is local to this routine
Configuration variable savews = &DD06
The address for the savews workspace routine from the loader so we can call it to ensure the MOS character definitions are loaded before printing text on the BBC Master
Configuration variable wsstate = &DDBA
The address for the wsstate workspace routine from the loader so we can call it to ensure the MOS character definitions are loaded before printing text on the BBC Master
Variable wsstatecopy is local to this routine
We store a copy of the wstate here so we know which state to switch back to after printing