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Sound: SOINT

[BBC Master version]

Name: SOINT [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Sound Summary: Process the contents of the sound buffer and send it to the sound chip
Context: See this subroutine in context in the source code References: This subroutine is called as follows: * IRQ1 calls SOINT
.SOINT \ This routine is called from the IRQ1 interrupt handler \ and appears to process the contents of the SOFLG sound \ buffer, sending the results to the 76489 sound chip. \ What it's actually doing, though, is a bit of a \ mystery, so this part needs more investigation LDY #2 \ We want to loop through the three tone channels, so \ set a counter in Y to iterate through the channels .SOUL8 LDA SOFLG,Y \ If the Y-th byte of SOFLG is zero, there is no data BEQ SOUL3 \ buffered for this channel, so jump to SOUL3 to move \ onto the next one BMI SOUL4 \ If bit 7 of the Y-th byte of SOFLG is set, jump to \ SOUL4 LDA SOFRCH,Y \ If SOFRCH+Y = 0, jump to SOUL5 BEQ SOUL5 EQUB &2C \ Skip the next instruction by turning it into \ &2C &A9 &00, or BIT &00A9, which does nothing apart \ from affect the flags .SOUL4 LDA #0 \ Set A = 0 CLC \ Clear the C flag for the additions below CLD \ Clear the D flag to ensure we are in binary mode ADC SOFRQ,Y \ Set SOFRQ+Y = SOFRQ+Y + A STA SOFRQ,Y PHA \ Store A on the stack ASL A \ Set A = (A * 4) mod 16 ASL A AND #%00001111 ORA SOFH,Y \ Set the channel to 0, 1, 2 for Y = 2, 1, 0 JSR SOUS1 \ Write the value in A directly to the 76489 sound chip PLA \ Retrieve A from the stack LSR A \ Set A = A / 4 LSR A JSR SOUS1 \ Write the value in A directly to the 76489 sound chip .SOUL5 TYA \ Copy Y into X TAX LDA SOFLG,Y \ If bit 7 of the Y-th byte of SOFLG is set, jump to BMI SOUL6 \ SOUL6 DEC SOCNT,X \ Decrement SOCNT+X BEQ SOKILL \ If the value is zero, skip to SOKILL LDA SOCNT,X \ If SOCNT+X AND SOVCH+X is non-zero, skip to SOUL3 AND SOVCH,X BNE SOUL3 DEC SOVOL,X \ Decrement SOVOL+X BNE SOU1 \ If the value is non-zero, skip to SOU1 .SOKILL LDA #0 \ Set SOFLG+Y = 0 STA SOFLG,Y STA SOPR,Y \ Set SOPR+Y = 0 BEQ SOU3 \ Jump to SOU3 (this BEQ is effectively a JMP as A is \ always zero) .SOUL6 LSR SOFLG,X \ Halve the value in SOFLG+X .SOU1 LDA SOVOL,Y \ Set A = SOVOL+Y + VOL CLC \ ADC VOL \ where VOL is the current volume setting (0-7) .SOU3 EOR SOOFF,Y \ EOR A with the Y-th byte of SOOFF JSR SOUS1 \ Write the value in A directly to the 76489 sound chip .SOUL3 DEY \ Decrement the loop counter BPL SOUL8 \ Loop back to SOUL8 until we have done all three \ channels RTS \ Return from the subroutine