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Drawing ships: LL9 (Part 9 of 12)

[NES version, Bank 1]

Name: LL9 (Part 9 of 12) [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Drawing ships Summary: Draw ship: Draw laser beams if the ship is firing its laser at us Deep dive: Drawing ships
Context: See this subroutine in context in the source code References: No direct references to this subroutine in this source file

This part sets things up so we can loop through the edges in the next part. It also draws a laser line if the ship is firing at us. When we get here, the heap at XX3 contains all the visible vertex screen coordinates.
.LL72 LDA XX1+31 ; If bit 5 of the ship's byte #31 is clear, then the AND #%00100000 ; ship is not currently exploding, so jump down to EE31 BEQ EE31 LDA XX1+31 ; The ship is exploding, so set bit 3 of the ship's byte ORA #%00001000 ; #31 to denote that we are drawing something on-screen STA XX1+31 ; for this ship JMP DOEXP ; Jump to DOEXP to display the explosion cloud, ; returning from the subroutine using a tail call .EE31 LDA #%00001000 ; If bit 3 of the ship's byte #31 is clear, then there BIT XX1+31 ; is nothing already being shown for this ship, so skip BEQ LL74 ; to LL74 as we don't need to erase anything from the ; screen LDA #%00001000 ; Set bit 3 of A so the next instruction sets bit 3 of ; the ship's byte #31 to denote that we are drawing ; something on-screen for this ship .LL74 ORA XX1+31 ; Apply bit 3 of A to the ship's byte #31, so if there STA XX1+31 ; was no ship already on screen, the bit is clear, ; otherwise it is set LDY #9 ; Fetch byte #9 of the ship's blueprint, which is the LDA (XX0),Y ; number of edges, and store it in XX20 STA XX20 LDY #0 ; We are about to step through all the edges, using Y ; as a counter STY U ; Set U = 0 (though we increment it to 1 below) STY XX17 ; Set XX17 = 0, which we are going to use as a counter ; for stepping through the ship's edges INC U ; We are going to start calculating the lines we need to ; draw for this ship, and will store them in the ship ; line heap, using U to point to the end of the heap, so ; we start by setting U = 1 BIT XX1+31 ; If bit 6 of the ship's byte #31 is clear, then the BVC LL170 ; ship is not firing its lasers, so jump to LL170 to ; skip the drawing of laser lines ; The ship is firing its laser at us, so we need to draw ; the laser lines LDA XX1+31 ; Clear bit 6 of the ship's byte #31 so the ship doesn't AND #%10111111 ; keep firing endlessly STA XX1+31 LDY #6 ; Fetch byte #6 of the ship's blueprint, which is the LDA (XX0),Y ; number * 4 of the vertex where the ship has its lasers TAY ; Put the vertex number into Y, where it can act as an ; index into list of vertex screen coordinates we added ; to the XX3 heap LDX XX3,Y ; Fetch the x_lo coordinate of the laser vertex from the STX XX15 ; XX3 heap into XX15 INX ; If X = 255 then the laser vertex is not visible, as BEQ LL170 ; the value we stored in part 2 wasn't overwritten by ; the vertex calculation in part 6 and 7, so jump to ; LL170 to skip drawing the laser lines ; We now build a laser beam from the ship's laser vertex ; towards our ship, as follows: ; ; XX15(1 0) = laser vertex x-coordinate ; ; XX15(3 2) = laser vertex y-coordinate ; ; XX15(5 4) = x-coordinate of the end of the beam ; ; XX12(1 0) = y-coordinate of the end of the beam ; ; The end of the laser beam will be positioned to look ; good, rather than being directly aimed at us, as ; otherwise we would only see a flashing point of light ; as they unleashed their attack LDX XX3+1,Y ; Fetch the x_hi coordinate of the laser vertex from the STX XX15+1 ; XX3 heap into XX15+1 INX ; If X = 255 then the laser vertex is not visible, as BEQ LL170 ; the value we stored in part 2 wasn't overwritten by ; a vertex calculation in part 6 and 7, so jump to LL170 ; to skip drawing the laser beam LDX XX3+2,Y ; Fetch the y_lo coordinate of the laser vertex from the STX XX15+2 ; XX3 heap into XX15+2 LDX XX3+3,Y ; Fetch the y_hi coordinate of the laser vertex from the STX XX15+3 ; XX3 heap into XX15+3 LDA #0 ; Set XX15(5 4) = 0, so their laser beam fires to the STA XX15+4 ; left edge of the screen STA XX15+5 STA XX12+1 ; Set XX12(1 0) = the ship's z_lo coordinate, which will LDA XX1+6 ; effectively make the vertical position of the end of STA XX12 ; the laser beam move around as the ship moves in space LDA XX1+2 ; If the ship's x_sign is positive, skip the next BPL P%+4 ; instruction DEC XX15+4 ; The ship's x_sign is negative (i.e. it's on the left ; side of the screen), so switch the laser beam so it ; goes to the right edge of the screen by decrementing ; XX15(5 4) to 255 JSR CLIP ; Call CLIP to see if the laser beam needs to be ; clipped to fit on-screen, returning the clipped line's ; end-points in (X1, Y1) and (X2, Y2) BCS LL170 ; If the C flag is set then the line is not visible on ; screen, so jump to LL170 so we don't draw this line LDY U ; This instruction is left over from the other versions ; of Elite and has no effect ; ; It would fetch the ship line heap pointer from U, but ; the NES version does not have a ship line heap as the ; screen is redrawn for every frame JSR LOIN ; Draw the laser line