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Encyclopedia: encyclopedia

[Elite-A, Parasite]

Name: encyclopedia [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Encyclopedia Summary: Show the Encyclopedia screen Deep dive: The Encyclopedia Galactica
Context: See this subroutine in context in the source code References: This subroutine is called as follows: * TT25 calls encyclopedia
.encyclopedia LDX #0 \ Call menu with X = 0 to show menu 0, the main menu for JSR menu \ the Encyclopedia Galactica, and return the choice in A CMP #1 \ If A <> 1, skip the following instruction to check the BNE n_shipsag \ other options JMP ships_ag \ Option 1 was chosen, so jump to ships_ag with A = 1 to \ show the Ships A-G menu .n_shipsag CMP #2 \ If A <> 2, skip the following instruction to check the BNE n_shipskw \ other options JMP ships_kw \ Option 2 was chosen, so jump to ships_kw with A = 2 to \ show the Ships K-W menu .n_shipskw CMP #3 \ If A <> 3, skip the following instruction to check the BNE n_equipdat \ other options JMP equip_data \ Option 3 was chosen, so jump to equip_data to show the \ Equipment menu .n_equipdat CMP #4 \ If A <> 4, skip the following instruction to check the BNE n_controls \ other options JMP controls \ Option 4 was chosen, so jump to controls to show the \ Controls menu .n_controls CMP #5 \ If A <> 5, skip the following instruction BNE P%+5 JMP trading \ Option 5 was chosen, so jump to trading to pause and \ show the main menu (there is no option 5 in the main \ menu, so this code is never reached and is presumably \ a remnant of a fifth menu about trading that was \ removed) JMP dn2 \ Jump to dn2 to make a short, high beep and delay for 1 \ second, returning from the subroutine using a tail \ call