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Keyboard: FILLKL

[BBC Master version]

Name: FILLKL [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Keyboard Summary: Scan the keyboard for a flight key and update the key logger
Context: See this subroutine in context in the source code References: This subroutine is called as follows: * RDKEY calls FILLKL

Returns: X If a key is being pressed, X contains the internal key number, otherwise it contains 0
.FILLKL JSR ZEKTRAN \ Call ZEKTRAN to clear the key logger, which also sets \ X to 0 (so we can use X as an index for working our \ way through the flight keys in Rd2 below) LDA #16 \ Start the scan with internal key number 16 ("Q") CLC \ Clear the C flag so we can do the additions below .Rd1 LDY #%00000011 \ Set Y to %00000011, so it's ready to send to SHEILA \ once interrupts have been disabled SEI \ Disable interrupts so we can scan the keyboard \ without being hijacked STY VIA+&40 \ Set 6522 System VIA output register ORB (SHEILA &40) \ to %00000011 to stop auto scan of keyboard LDY #%01111111 \ Set 6522 System VIA data direction register DDRA STY VIA+&43 \ (SHEILA &43) to %01111111. This sets the A registers \ (IRA and ORA) so that: \ \ * Bits 0-6 of ORA will be sent to the keyboard \ \ * Bit 7 of IRA will be read from the keyboard STA VIA+&4F \ Set 6522 System VIA output register ORA (SHEILA &4F) \ to A, the key we want to scan for; bits 0-6 will be \ sent to the keyboard, of which bits 0-3 determine the \ keyboard column, and bits 4-6 the keyboard row LDY VIA+&4F \ Read 6522 System VIA output register IRA (SHEILA &4F) \ into Y; bit 7 is the only bit that will have changed. \ If the key is pressed, then bit 7 will be set, \ otherwise it will be clear LDA #%00001011 \ Set 6522 System VIA output register ORB (SHEILA &40) STA VIA+&40 \ to %00001011 to restart auto scan of keyboard CLI \ Allow interrupts again TYA \ Transfer Y into A BMI Rd2 \ If the key was pressed then Y is negative, so jump to \ Rd2 .Rd3 ADC #1 \ Increment A to point to the next key to scan for BPL Rd1 \ If A is positive, we still have keys to check, so loop \ back to scan for the next one \ If we get here then no keys are being pressed CLD \ Clear the D flag to return to binary mode (for cases \ where this routine is called in BCD mode) LDA KY6 \ If KY6 ("S") is being pressed, then KY6 is &FF, and EOR #&FF \ KY6 EOR &FF AND KY19 will be zero, so this stops "C" AND KY19 \ from being registered as being pressed if "S" is being STA KY19 \ pressed. This code isn't necessary on a BBC Master, as \ it's from other versions of Elite where there were \ issues with "ghost keys", which the Master didn't have LDA KL \ Fetch the last key pressed from KL TAX \ Copy the key value into X RTS \ Return from the subroutine .Rd2 \ If we get here then the key in A is being pressed. We \ now work our way through the IKNS table, looking for \ a match against the flight keys, using X as an index \ into the table (X was initialised to 0 by the call to \ ZEKTRAN above, and it keeps track of our progress \ through the table between calls to Rd2) EOR #%10000000 \ The key in A is being pressed and the number of the \ key is in A with bit 7 set, so flip bit 7 back to 0 STA KL \ Store the number of the key pressed in KL \ Now to scan the IKNS table for a possible match for \ the pressed key (if we get a match we update the key \ logger, as IKNS contains the flight keys that have \ key logger entries. Because we are scanning the \ keyboard by incrementing the key to check in A, and \ the IKNS table is sorted in increasing order, we don't \ need to scan the whole IKNS table each time for a \ match, we can just check against the next key in the \ table, as pointed to by X .Rd5 CMP IKNS,X \ If A is less than the X-th byte in IKNS, jump back to BCC Rd3 \ Rd3 to continue scanning for more keys, as this key \ isn't in the IKNS table and doesn't have an entry in \ the key logger BEQ Rd4 \ If A is equal to the X-th byte in IKNS, we have a \ match, so skip the next two instructions to go to the \ part where we update the key logger INX \ The pressed key is higher than the IKNS entry at X, so \ increment X to point to the next key in the table BNE Rd5 \ And loop back to Rd5 to test against this next flight \ key in IKNS (this BNE is effectively a JMP as X won't \ get high enough to wrap around to zero) \ If we get here, the pressed key has an entry in the \ key logger, so now to update the logger .Rd4 DEC KY17,X \ We got a match in the IKNS table for our key at \ position X, so we decrement the corresponding key \ logger byte for this key at KY17+X (KY17 is the first \ key in the key logger) INX \ Increment X so next time we check IKNS from the next \ key in the table CLC \ Clear the C flag so we can do more additions BCC Rd3 \ Jump back to Rd3 to continue scanning for more keys \ (this BCC is effectively a JMP as we just cleared the \ C flag)