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Keyboard: IKNS

[BBC Master version]

Name: IKNS [Show more] Type: Variable Category: Keyboard Summary: Lookup table for in-flight keyboard controls Deep dive: The key logger
Context: See this variable in context in the source code Variations: See code variations for this variable in the different versions References: This variable is used as follows: * FILLKL uses IKNS

Keyboard table for in-flight controls. This table contains the internal key codes for the flight keys, EOR'd with &FF to invert each bit.
.IKNS EQUB &DD EOR &FF \ E IKNS+0 KY13 E.C.M. EQUB &DC EOR &FF \ T IKNS+1 KY10 Arm missile EQUB &CA EOR &FF \ U IKNS+2 KY11 Unarm missile EQUB &C8 EOR &FF \ P IKNS+3 KY16 Cancel docking computer EQUB &BE EOR &FF \ A IKNS+4 KY7 Fire lasers EQUB &BD EOR &FF \ X IKNS+5 KY5 Pull up EQUB &BA EOR &FF \ J IKNS+6 KY14 In-system jump EQUB &AE EOR &FF \ S IKNS+7 KY6 Pitch down EQUB &AD EOR &FF \ C IKNS+8 KY15 Docking computer EQUB &9F EOR &FF \ TAB IKNS+9 KY8 Energy bomb EQUB &9D EOR &FF \ Space IKNS+10 KY2 Speed up EQUB &9A EOR &FF \ M IKNS+11 KY12 Fire missile EQUB &99 EOR &FF \ < IKNS+12 KY3 Roll left EQUB &98 EOR &FF \ > IKNS+13 KY4 Roll right EQUB &97 EOR &FF \ ? IKNS+14 KY1 Slow down EQUB &8F EOR &FF \ ESCAPE IKNS+15 KY9 Launch escape pod EQUB &F0 \ This value just has to be higher than &80 to act as a \ terminator for the IKNS matching process in FILLKL