Keyboard table for in-flight controls. This table contains the internal key
codes for the flight keys, EOR'd with &FF to invert each bit.
The pitch, roll, speed and laser keys (i.e. the seven primary flight
control keys) have bit 7 set, so they have 128 added to their internal
values. This doesn't appear to be used anywhere.
.IKNSEQUB&DDEOR&FF\ E KYTB+0 KY13 E.C.M.EQUB&DCEOR&FF\ T KYTB+1 KY10 Arm missileEQUB&CAEOR&FF\ U KYTB+2 KY11 Unarm missileEQUB&C8EOR&FF\ P KYTB+3 KY16 Cancel docking computerEQUB&BEEOR&FF\ A KYTB+4 KY7 Fire lasersEQUB&BDEOR&FF\ X KYTB+5 KY5 Pitch upEQUB&BAEOR&FF\ J KYTB+6 KY14 In-system jumpEQUB&AEEOR&FF\ S KYTB+7 KY6 Pitch downEQUB&ADEOR&FF\ C KYTB+8 KY15 Docking computerEQUB&9FEOR&FF\ TAB KYTB+9 KY8 Energy bombEQUB&9DEOR&FF\ Space KYTB+10 KY2 Speed upEQUB&9AEOR&FF\ M KYTB+11 KY12 Fire missileEQUB&99EOR&FF\ < KYTB+12 KY3 Roll leftEQUB&98EOR&FF\ > KYTB+13 KY4 Roll rightEQUB&97EOR&FF\ ? KYTB+14 KY1 Slow downEQUB&8FEOR&FF\ ESCAPE KYTB+15 KY9 Launch escape podEQUB&F0\ This value just has to be higher than &80 to act as a\ terminator for the IKNS matching process in FILLKL