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Different variants of the Acorn Electron version

This site contains the source code for two variants of the Electron version of Elite:

The Acornsoft variant appears to be the very first release of Acornsoft SLG38 Elite, as it has the bug that stops the galactic hyperdrive from working. This bug was soon fixed and the Acornsoft release was updated, but if you were unlucky enough to have bought the early variant, you could send your cassette to Acornsoft to swap it for the fixed variant. The Superior Software variant from Ian Bell's website includes the same bug-fix variant as the updated Acornsoft release.

To play Elite with an SSD disc image, load the disc image into drive 0 and press SHIFT-BREAK. To play Elite with a UEF tape image, load the image into the cassette player and enter CHAIN "ELITE". The disc images let you load the game from disc, but you can only save and load commander files to cassette; this is because the game in the disc images is still the cassette version of Electron Elite, it's just loading from disc, so it has to revert to cassette once it's loaded.

If you're playing this version online in the Electroniq emulator, note that CAPS LOCK doubles as the FN (just like a real Electron), so to launch you need to press CAPS LOCK and "1", rather than the F1 key.

If your Electron has sideways RAM, then I thoroughly recommend haerfest's enhanced version of flicker-free Electron Elite. This lets you save commander files to disc, which is a massive improvement. You can finds details and download links in this post on Stardot.

If your Electron has an E2P or PiTubeDirect second processor, then jms2 on Stardot has converted 6502 Second Processor Elite to run on the Electron. Check out this post on Stardot for more details of this very impressive achievement.

The Ian Bell Superior Software variant

The Superior Software variant on Ian Bell's site is a bug-fix version of the original Acornsoft release. The second Acornsoft release and the Superior Software both contain this version, and it was also available as a replacement cassette for the original, bugged Acornsoft release.

Default build in repositoryYes
Product detailsAcornsoft SLG38 (bug fix)
Superior Software
Build command parametervariant=ib-superior (optional)
Source code variable_IB_SUPERIOR
Verification checksums (crc32)See the GitHub repository
Download SSD disc imageOriginal, Flicker-free
Play the disc variant onlineOriginal, Flicker-free
Download UEF tape imageOriginal, Flicker-free
Play the cassette variant onlineOriginal, Flicker-free

The Ian Bell Acornsoft variant

The Acornsoft variant on Ian Bell's site is the original Acornsoft release with the galactic hyperspace bug. This was soon replaced by the bug-fix variant above.

Default build in repositoryNo
Product detailsAcornsoft SLG38 (original)
Build command parametervariant=ib-acornsoft
Source code variable_IB_ACORNSOFT
Verification checksums (crc32)See the GitHub repository
Download SSD disc imageOriginal, Flicker-free
Play the disc variant onlineOriginal, Flicker-free
Download UEF tape imageOriginal, Flicker-free
Play the cassette variant onlineOriginal, Flicker-free

It has the following features that differentiate it from the other variants:

  • The galactic hyperspace bug is present, which prevents the galactic hyperspace from working (see Ghy).
  • Galactic hyperspace does not work in the Acornsoft variant, but if it did, it would drop you at a randomly generated point in the new galaxy, rather than the closest system to galactic coordinates (96, 96), which is how all the other versions work (see Ghy).
  • If the galactic hyperspace worked in the Acornsoft variant, it would be triggered by CAPS-LOCK-H rather than CTRL-H (see hyp).
  • The Acornsoft variant contains the same "hyperspace while docking" as the original cassette and disc versions; the Superior Software variant contains part of the fix for this issue, but it isn't completely fixed (see Ghy).