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Icon bar: ShowIconBar

[NES version, Bank 3]

Name: ShowIconBar [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Icon bar Summary: Show a specified icon bar on-screen Deep dive: Views and view types in NES Elite
Context: See this subroutine in context in the source code References: This subroutine is called as follows: * ShowIconBar_b3 calls ShowIconBar

Arguments: A The type of icon bar to show: * 0 = Docked * 1 = Flight * 2 = Charts * 3 = Pause * 4 = Title screen copyright message
.ShowIconBar TAY ; Copy the icon bar type into Y LDA QQ11 ; If bit 6 of the view type is set, then there is no AND #%01000000 ; icon bar on the screen, so jump to RTS9 to return BNE RTS9 ; from the subroutine as there is nothing to show STY iconBarType ; Set the type of the current icon bar in iconBarType to ; to the new type in Y JSR BlankAllButtons ; Blank all the buttons on the icon bar LDA #HI(20*32) ; Set iconBarRow(1 0) = 20*32 STA iconBarRow+1 LDA #LO(20*32) STA iconBarRow LDA QQ11 ; If bit 7 of the view type in QQ11 is clear then there BPL obar1 ; is a dashboard, so jump to obar1 to keep this value of ; iconBarRow LDA #HI(27*32) ; Set iconBarRow(1 0) = 27*32 STA iconBarRow+1 ; LDA #LO(27*32) ; So the icon bar is on row 20 if bit 7 of the view STA iconBarRow ; number is clear (so there is a dashboard), and it's on ; row 27 is bit 7 is set (so there is no dashboard) .obar1 LDA iconBarType ; Set iconBarImageHi to the high byte of the correct ASL A ; icon bar image block for the current icon bar type, ASL A ; which we can calculate like this: ADC #HI(iconBarImage0) ; STA iconBarImageHi ; HI(iconBarImage0) + 4 * iconBarType ; ; as each icon bar image block contains $0400 bytes, ; and iconBarType is the icon bar type, 0 to 4 LDX #0 ; Set barPatternCounter = 0 so the NMI handler sends the STX barPatternCounter ; icon bar's nametable and pattern data to the PPU .obar2 SETUP_PPU_FOR_ICON_BAR ; If the PPU has started drawing the icon bar, configure ; the PPU to use nametable 0 and pattern table 0 LDA barPatternCounter ; Loop back to keep the PPU configured in this way until BPL obar2 ; barPatternCounter is set to 128 ; ; This happens when the NMI handler has finished sending ; all the icon bar's nametable and pattern data to ; the PPU, so this loop keeps the PPU configured to use ; nametable 0 and pattern table 0 until the icon bar ; nametable and pattern data have all been sent ; Fall through into UpdateIconBar to update the icon bar