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Status: KWL%

[BBC Master version, Game data]

Name: KWL% [Show more] Type: Variable Category: Status Summary: Fractional number of kills awarded for destroying each type of ship
Context: See this variable in context in the source code References: No direct references to this variable in this source file

This figure contains the fractional part of the points that are added to the combat rank in TALLY when destroying a ship of this type. This is different to the original BBC Micro versions, where you always get a single combat point for everything you kill; in the Master version, it's more sophisticated. The integral part is stored in the KWH% table. Each fraction is stored as the numerator in a fraction with a denominator of 256, so 149 represents 149 / 256 = 0.58203125 points.
.KWL% EQUB 149 \ Missile 0.58203125 EQUB 0 \ Coriolis space station 0.0 EQUB 16 \ Escape pod 0.0625 EQUB 10 \ Alloy plate 0.0390625 EQUB 10 \ Cargo canister 0.0390625 EQUB 6 \ Boulder 0.0234375 EQUB 8 \ Asteroid 0.03125 EQUB 10 \ Splinter 0.0390625 EQUB 16 \ Shuttle 0.0625 EQUB 17 \ Transporter 0.06640625 EQUB 234 \ Cobra Mk III 0.9140625 EQUB 170 \ Python 0.6640625 EQUB 213 \ Boa 0.83203125 EQUB 0 \ Anaconda 1.0 EQUB 85 \ Rock hermit (asteroid) 0.33203125 EQUB 26 \ Viper 0.1015625 EQUB 85 \ Sidewinder 0.33203125 EQUB 128 \ Mamba 0.5 EQUB 85 \ Krait 0.33203125 EQUB 90 \ Adder 0.3515625 EQUB 85 \ Gecko 0.33203125 EQUB 170 \ Cobra Mk I 0.6640625 EQUB 50 \ Worm 0.1953125 EQUB 42 \ Cobra Mk III (pirate) 1.1640625 EQUB 21 \ Asp Mk II 1.08203125 EQUB 42 \ Python (pirate) 1.1640625 EQUB 64 \ Fer-de-lance 1.25 EQUB 192 \ Moray 0.75 EQUB 170 \ Thargoid 2.6640625 EQUB 33 \ Thargon 0.12890625 EQUB 85 \ Constrictor 5.33203125 EQUB 85 \ Cougar 5.33203125 EQUB 0 \ Dodecahedron ("Dodo") space station 0.0