INCLUDE "1-source-files/main-sources/elite-build-options.asm" CPU 1 \ Switch to 65SC12 assembly, as this code runs on a \ BBC Master _SNG47 = (_VARIANT = 1) _COMPACT = (_VARIANT = 2) GUARD &C000 \ Guard against assembling over MOS memoryBBC MASTER ELITE GAME DATA SOURCE BBC Master Elite was written by Ian Bell and David Braben and is copyright Acornsoft 1986 The code in this file has been reconstructed from a disassembly of the version released on Ian Bell's personal website at The commentary is copyright Mark Moxon, and any misunderstandings or mistakes in the documentation are entirely my fault The terminology and notations used in this commentary are explained at The deep dive articles referred to in this commentary can be found at
This source file contains the game data for BBC Master Elite, including the ship blueprints and game text.
This source file produces the following binary file: * BDATA.binCODE% = &7000 \ The address where the code will be run LOAD% = &1300 \ The address where the code will be loaded RE = &23 \ The obfuscation byte used to hide the recursive tokens \ table from crackers viewing the binary code \ \ [Show more]Configuration variables\ \ This variable is used by the following: \ \ * CHAR \ * CONT \ * RTOK \ * TWOK \ \ This list only includes code that refers to the \ variable by name; there may be other references to \ this memory location that don't use this label, and \ these will not be mentioned aboveVE = &57 \ The obfuscation byte used to hide the extended tokens \ table from crackers viewing the binary code \ \ [Show more]\ \ This variable is used by the following: \ \ * ECHR \ * EJMP \ * ERND \ * ETOK \ * ETWO \ * RUTOK \ * TKN1 \ * TOKN \ \ This list only includes code that refers to the \ variable by name; there may be other references to \ this memory location that don't use this label, and \ these will not be mentioned aboveORG CODE%ELITE GAME DATA FILE.DIALS INCBIN "1-source-files/images/P.DIALS2P.bin" SKIP 256 \ These bytes appear to be unused, but they get moved to \ &7E00-&7EFF along with the dashboardName: Dashboard image [Show more] Type: Variable Category: Loader Summary: The binary for the dashboard imageContext: See this variable on its own page References: No direct references to this variable in this source file
The data file contains the dashboard binary, which gets moved into screen memory by the loader: * P.DIALS2P.bin contains the dashboard, which gets moved to screen address &7000, which is the starting point of the eight-colour mode 2 portion at the bottom of the split screen