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Version analysis of LL9 (Part 8 of 12)

This code appears in the following versions (click to see it in the source code):

Code variations between these versions are shown below.

Name: LL9 (Part 8 of 12) Type: Subroutine Category: Drawing ships Summary: Draw ship: Calculate the screen coordinates of visible vertices Deep dive: Drawing ships
This section projects the coordinate of the vertex into screen coordinates and stores them on the XX3 heap. By the end of this part, the XX3 heap contains four bytes containing the 16-bit screen coordinates of the current vertex, in the order: x_lo, x_hi, y_lo, y_hi. When we reach here, we are looping through the vertices, and we've just worked out the coordinates of the vertex in our normal coordinate system, as follows XX15(2 0) (x_sign x_lo) = x-coordinate of the current vertex XX15(5 3) (y_sign y_lo) = y-coordinate of the current vertex (U T) (z_sign z_lo) = z-coordinate of the current vertex Note that U is always zero when we get to this point, as the vertex is always in front of us (so it has a positive z-coordinate, into the screen).
Other entry points: LL70+1 Contains an RTS (as the first byte of an LDA instruction) LL66 A re-entry point into the ship-drawing routine, used by the LL62 routine to store 128 - (U R) on the XX3 heap
.LL60 LDA T \ Set Q = z_lo STA Q LDA XX15 \ Set A = x_lo CMP Q \ If x_lo < z_lo jump to LL69 BCC LL69 JSR LL61 \ Call LL61 to calculate: \ \ (U R) = 256 * A / Q \ = 256 * x / z \ \ which we can do as x >= z

Code variation 1 of 2A variation in the labels only

Tap on a block to expand it, and tap it again to revert.

JMP LL65 \ Jump to LL65 to skip the division for x_lo < z_lo
JMP LL69+3 \ Jump over the next instruction to skip the division \ for x_lo < z_lo

 JSR LL28               \ Call LL28 to calculate:
                        \   R = 256 * A / Q
                        \     = 256 * x / z
                        \ Because x < z, the result fits into one byte, and we
                        \ also know that U = 0, so (U R) also contains the
                        \ result

Code variation 2 of 2A variation in the labels only

This variation is blank in the Master version.

                        \ At this point we have:
                        \   (U R) = x / z
                        \ so (U R) contains the vertex's x-coordinate projected
                        \ on screen
                        \ The next task is to convert (U R) to a pixel screen
                        \ coordinate and stick it on the XX3 heap.
                        \ We start with the x-coordinate. To convert the
                        \ x-coordinate to a screen pixel we add 128, the
                        \ x-coordinate of the centre of the screen, because the
                        \ projected value is relative to an origin at the centre
                        \ of the screen, but the origin of the screen pixels is
                        \ at the top-left of the screen

 LDX CNT                \ Fetch the pointer to the end of the XX3 heap from CNT
                        \ into X

 LDA XX15+2             \ If x_sign is negative, jump up to LL62, which will
 BMI LL62               \ store 128 - (U R) on the XX3 heap and return by
                        \ jumping down to LL66 below

 LDA R                  \ Calculate 128 + (U R), starting with the low bytes
 ADC #128

 STA XX3,X              \ Store the low byte of the result in the X-th byte of
                        \ the heap at XX3

 INX                    \ Increment the heap pointer in X to point to the next
                        \ byte

 LDA U                  \ And then add the high bytes
 ADC #0

 STA XX3,X              \ Store the high byte of the result in the X-th byte of
                        \ the heap at XX3


                        \ We've just stored the screen x-coordinate of the
                        \ vertex on the XX3 heap, so now for the y-coordinate

 TXA                    \ Store the heap pointer in X on the stack (at this
 PHA                    \ it points to the last entry on the heap, not the first
                        \ free byte)

 LDA #0                 \ Set U = 0

 LDA T                  \ Set Q = z_lo

 LDA XX15+3             \ Set A = y_lo

 CMP Q                  \ If y_lo < z_lo jump to LL67

 JSR LL61               \ Call LL61 to calculate:
                        \   (U R) = 256 * A / Q
                        \         = 256 * y / z
                        \ which we can do as y >= z

 JMP LL68               \ Jump to LL68 to skip the division for y_lo < z_lo


                        \ This gets called from below when y_sign is negative

 LDA #Y                 \ Calculate #Y + (U R), starting with the low bytes

 STA XX3,X              \ Store the low byte of the result in the X-th byte of
                        \ the heap at XX3

 INX                    \ Increment the heap pointer in X to point to the next
                        \ byte

 LDA #0                 \ And then add the high bytes

 STA XX3,X              \ Store the high byte of the result in the X-th byte of
                        \ the heap at XX3

 JMP LL50               \ Jump to LL50 to move on to the next vertex


 JSR LL28               \ Call LL28 to calculate:
                        \   R = 256 * A / Q
                        \     = 256 * y / z
                        \ Because y < z, the result fits into one byte, and we
                        \ also know that U = 0, so (U R) also contains the
                        \ result


                        \ At this point we have:
                        \   (U R) = y / z
                        \ so (U R) contains the vertex's y-coordinate projected
                        \ on screen
                        \ We now want to convert this to a screen y-coordinate
                        \ and stick it on the XX3 heap, much like we did with
                        \ the x-coordinate above. Again, we convert the
                        \ coordinate by adding or subtracting the y-coordinate
                        \ of the centre of the screen, which is in the constant
                        \ #Y, but this time we do the opposite, as a positive
                        \ projected y-coordinate, i.e. up the space y-axis and
                        \ up the screen, converts to a low y-coordinate, which
                        \ is the opposite way round to the x-coordinates

 PLA                    \ Restore the heap pointer from the stack into X

 INX                    \ When we stored the heap pointer, it pointed to the
                        \ last entry on the heap, not the first free byte, so we
                        \ increment it so it does point to the next free byte

 LDA XX15+5             \ If y_sign is negative, jump up to LL70, which will
 BMI LL70               \ store #Y + (U R) on the XX3 heap and return by jumping
                        \ down to LL50 below

 LDA #Y                 \ Calculate #Y - (U R), starting with the low bytes

 STA XX3,X              \ Store the low byte of the result in the X-th byte of
                        \ the heap at XX3

 INX                    \ Increment the heap pointer in X to point to the next
                        \ byte

 LDA #0                 \ And then subtract the high bytes

 STA XX3,X              \ Store the high byte of the result in the X-th byte of
                        \ the heap at XX3


                        \ By the time we get here, the XX3 heap contains four
                        \ bytes containing the screen coordinates of the current
                        \ vertex, in the order: x_lo, x_hi, y_lo, y_hi

 CLC                    \ Set CNT = CNT + 4, so the heap pointer points to the
 LDA CNT                \ next free byte on the heap
 ADC #4

 LDA XX17               \ Set A to the offset of the current vertex's data,
                        \ which we set in part 6

 ADC #6                 \ Set Y = A + 6, so Y now points to the data for the
 TAY                    \ next vertex

 BCS LL72               \ If the addition just overflowed, meaning we just tried
                        \ to access vertex #43, jump to LL72, as the maximum
                        \ number of vertices allowed is 42

 CMP XX20               \ If Y >= number of vertices * 6 (which we stored in
 BCS LL72               \ XX20 in part 6), jump to LL72, as we have processed
                        \ all the vertices for this ship

 JMP LL48               \ Loop back to LL48 in part 6 to calculate visibility
                        \ and screen coordinates for the next vertex