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Encyclopedia: monitor

[Elite-A, Parasite]

Name: monitor [Show more] Type: Variable Category: Encyclopedia Summary: Ship card data for the encyclopedia entry for the Monitor Deep dive: The Encyclopedia Galactica
Context: See this variable in context in the source code References: This variable is used as follows: * card_addr uses monitor
.monitor EQUB 1 \ 1: Inservice date: "3112 ({single cap}ZORGON EQUS "3112" \ PETTERSON)" CTOK 85 \ CTOK 70 \ Encoded as: "3112[85][70]" EQUB 0 EQUB 2 \ 2: Combat factor: "4" EQUS "4" \ EQUB 0 \ Encoded as: "4" EQUB 3 \ 3: Dimensions: "100/40/50FT" EQUS "100/40/50" \ CTOK 42 \ Encoded as: "100/40/50[42]" EQUB 0 EQUB 4 \ 4: Speed: "0.16{all caps}LM{sentence case}" EQUS "0.16" \ CTOK 64 \ Encoded as: "0.16[64]" EQUB 0 EQUB 5 \ 5: Crew: "7-19" EQUS "7-19" \ EQUB 0 \ Encoded as: "7-19" EQUB 6 \ 6: Range: "11{all caps}LY{sentence case}" EQUS "11" \ CTOK 63 \ Encoded as: "11[63]" EQUB 0 IF _RELEASED OR _SOURCE_DISC EQUB 7 \ 7: Cargo space: "75{all caps}TC{sentence case}" EQUS "75" \ CTOK 62 \ Encoded as: "75[62]" EQUB 0 ELIF _BUG_FIX EQUB 7 \ 7: Cargo space: "81{all caps}TC{sentence case}" EQUS "81" \ CTOK 62 \ Encoded as: "81[62]" EQUB 0 ENDIF EQUB 8 \ 8: Armaments: "{single cap}KRUGER {all caps}HMB CTOK 58 \ {sentence case} LASER{cr} EJMP 1 \ GERET STARSEEKER MISSILE" EQUS "HMB" \ EJMP 2 \ Encoded as: "[58]{all caps}HMB{sentence case} CTOK 49 \ [49]{12}[48][46]" EJMP 12 CTOK 48 CTOK 46 EQUB 0 EQUB 9 \ 9: Hull: "J6-28{all caps}/4L{sentence EQUS "J6-28" \ case}" CTOK 84 \ EQUB 0 \ Encoded as: "J6-28[84]" EQUB 10 \ 10: Drive motors: "V & K 29.01{cr}LIGHT BLASTERS" CTOK 73 \ EQUS "29.01" \ Encoded as: "[73]29.01{12}[55] [74]<244>s" EJMP 12 CTOK 55 EQUS " " CTOK 74 ETWO 'E', 'R' EQUS "s" EQUB 0 EQUB 0