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Different variants [Elite-A]

This site contains the source code for three different variants of Elite-A:

See below for comprehensive details of the differences between the variants, along with links to the relevant bits of the source code.

All these differences are implemented within the source code using BeebAsm IF statements, which determine which variant is compiled. These IF statements check the values of the relevant source code variables (_RELEASED and _SOURCE_DISC), which are themselves set by parameters to the build command (such as variant=source-disc). See the associated repository for more about building different variants from the source.

To play Elite with an SSD disc image, load the disc image into drive 0 and press SHIFT-BREAK.

The official release

Only one version of Elite-A was released, via Angus Duggan's Elite-A site.

Default build in repositoryYes
Product detailsFrom Angus Duggan's site
DateLate 1980s (released in the 1990s)
Build command parametervariant=released (optional)
Source code variable_RELEASED
Verification checksums (crc32)See the GitHub repository
Disc imageOriginal, Flicker-free
Play this variant onlineOriginal, Flicker-free

Angus Duggan's source disc

The version on Angus's source disc has a lower set of ship prices, as Angus was experimenting with different price points. This version was not released.

Default build in repositoryNo
Product details-
DateLate 1980s
Build command parametervariant=source-disc
Source code variable_SOURCE_DISC
Verification checksums (crc32)See the GitHub repository
Disc imageOriginal, Flicker-free
Play this variant onlineOriginal, Flicker-free

It has the following features that differentiate it from the other variants:

Bug-fix release

There is a bug in the original version of Elite-A that prevents splinters from displaying properly, which makes mining all but impossible. This variant fixes that bug, and it also adds a quality-of-life improvement to the cargo capacities shown for flyable ships in the encyclopedia, so they reflect the in-game capacity when no equipment is fitted, rather than the "normal configuration" from the original version (which is a bit subjective).

It also updates the game to work on the BBC Master and BBC Master with 6502 Second Processor, which the original doesn't, and it incorporates the lower ship prices from the source disc variant, as they reduce the grind to a much more enjoyable level. If you want the original ship prices, you can always play the original version.

Default build in repositoryNo
Product details-
DateAugust 2021 (first release)
February 2024 (latest release)
Build command parametervariant=bug-fix
Source code variable_BUG_FIX
Verification checksums (crc32)See the GitHub repository
Disc imageOriginal, Flicker-free
Play this variant onlineOriginal, Flicker-free

It has the following features that differentiate it from the other variants: