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Utility routines: getzp

[BBC Master version]

Name: getzp [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Utility routines Summary: Swap zero page (&0090 to &00EF) with the buffer at &3000
Context: See this subroutine in context in the source code References: This subroutine is called as follows: * CATS calls getzp * DELT calls getzp * GTDIR calls getzp * NEWBRK calls getzp * rfile calls getzp * wfile calls getzp * NMIRELEASE calls via getzp+3

Other entry points: getzp+3 Restore the top part of zero page, but without first claiming the NMI workspace (Master Compact variant only)
.getzp IF _COMPACT JSR NMICLAIM \ Claim the NMI workspace (&00A0 to &00A7) from the MOS \ so the game can use it ENDIF LDA #%00001111 \ Set bits 1 and 2 of the Access Control Register at STA VIA+&34 \ SHEILA &34 to switch screen memory into &3000-&7FFF LDX #&90 \ We want to swap zero page from &0090 and up, so set an \ index in X, starting from &90 .sz2 LDA ZP,X \ Swap the X-th byte of ZP with the X-th byte of &3000 LDY &3000,X STY ZP,X STA &3000,X INX \ Increment the loop counter CPX #&F0 \ Loop back until we have swapped up to location &00EF BNE sz2 LDA #%00001001 \ Clear bits 1 and 2 of the Access Control Register at STA VIA+&34 \ SHEILA &34 to switch main memory back into &3000-&7FFF LDA #6 \ Set bits 0-3 of the ROM Select latch at SHEILA &30 to STA VIA+&30 \ 6, to switch sideways ROM bank 6 into &8000-&BFFF in \ main memory (we already confirmed that this bank \ contains RAM rather than ROM in the loader) RTS \ Return from the subroutine