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Version analysis of E%

This code appears in the following versions (click to see it in the source code):

Code variations between these versions are shown below.

Name: E% Type: Variable Category: Drawing ships Summary: Ship blueprints default NEWB flags Deep dive: Ship blueprints Advanced tactics with the NEWB flags
When spawning a new ship, the bits from this table are applied to the new ship's NEWB flags in byte #36 (i.e. a set bit in this table will set that bit in the NEWB flags). In other words, if a ship blueprint is set to one of the following, then all spawned ships of that type will be too: trader, bounty hunter, hostile, pirate, innocent, cop. The NEWB flags are as follows: * Bit 0: Trader flag (0 = not a trader, 1 = trader) * Bit 1: Bounty hunter flag (0 = not a bounty hunter, 1 = bounty hunter) * Bit 2: Hostile flag (0 = not hostile, 1 = hostile) * Bit 3: Pirate flag (0 = not a pirate, 1 = pirate) * Bit 4: Docking flag (0 = not docking, 1 = docking) * Bit 5: Innocent bystander (0 = normal, 1 = innocent bystander) * Bit 6: Cop flag (0 = not a cop, 1 = cop) * Bit 7: For spawned ships: ship been scooped or has docked For blueprints: this ship type has an escape pod fitted
.E% EQUB %00000000 \ Missile EQUB %00000000 \ Coriolis space station EQUB %00000001 \ Escape pod Trader EQUB %00000000 \ Alloy plate EQUB %00000000 \ Cargo canister EQUB %00000000 \ Boulder EQUB %00000000 \ Asteroid EQUB %00000000 \ Splinter EQUB %00100001 \ Shuttle Trader, innocent EQUB %01100001 \ Transporter Trader, innocent, cop EQUB %10100000 \ Cobra Mk III Innocent, escape pod EQUB %10100000 \ Python Innocent, escape pod EQUB %10100000 \ Boa Innocent, escape pod EQUB %10100001 \ Anaconda Trader, innocent, escape pod EQUB %10100001 \ Rock hermit (asteroid) Trader, innocent, escape pod EQUB %11000010 \ Viper Bounty hunter, cop, escape pod EQUB %00001100 \ Sidewinder Hostile, pirate EQUB %10001100 \ Mamba Hostile, pirate, escape pod EQUB %10001100 \ Krait Hostile, pirate, escape pod EQUB %10001100 \ Adder Hostile, pirate, escape pod EQUB %00001100 \ Gecko Hostile, pirate EQUB %10001100 \ Cobra Mk I Hostile, pirate, escape pod EQUB %00000101 \ Worm Hostile, trader EQUB %10001100 \ Cobra Mk III (pirate) Hostile, pirate, escape pod EQUB %10001100 \ Asp Mk II Hostile, pirate, escape pod EQUB %10001100 \ Python (pirate) Hostile, pirate, escape pod EQUB %10000010 \ Fer-de-lance Bounty hunter, escape pod EQUB %00001100 \ Moray Hostile, pirate EQUB %00001100 \ Thargoid Hostile, pirate EQUB %00000100 \ Thargon Hostile EQUB %00000100 \ Constrictor Hostile

Code variation 1 of 1Related to the 6502SP version

The 6502SP version stores the Elite logo as a ship, with its own NEWB flags (none of which are set).

This variation is blank in the Master version.

EQUB %00000000 \ The Elite logo
 EQUB %00100000         \ Cougar                                        Innocent

 EQUB 0                 \ This byte appears to be unused