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Version analysis of MVEIT (Part 2 of 9)

This code appears in the following versions (click to see it in the source code):

Code variations between these versions are shown below.

Name: MVEIT (Part 2 of 9) Type: Subroutine Category: Moving Summary: Move current ship: Call tactics routine, remove ship from scanner Deep dive: Scheduling tasks with the main loop counter
This routine has multiple stages. This stage does the following: * Apply tactics to ships with AI enabled (by calling the TACTICS routine) * Remove the ship from the scanner, so we can move it

Code variation 1 of 1A variation in the comments only

Tap on a block to expand it, and tap it again to revert.

LDX TYPE \ If the type of the ship we are moving is positive, BPL P%+5 \ i.e. it is not a planet (types 128 and 130) or sun \ (type 129), then skip the following instruction JMP MV40 \ This item is the planet or sun, so jump to MV40 to \ move it, which ends by jumping back into this routine \ at MV45 (after all the rotation, tactics and scanner \ code, which we don't need to apply to planets or suns)
LDX TYPE \ If the type of the ship we are moving is positive, BPL P%+5 \ i.e. it is not a planet (types 128 and 130), then \ skip the following instruction JMP MV40 \ This item is the planet, so jump to MV40 to move it, \ which ends by jumping back into this routine at MV45 \ (after all the rotation, tactics and scanner code, \ which we don't need to apply to planets)
 LDA INWK+32            \ Fetch the ship's byte #32 (AI flag) into A

 BPL MV30               \ If bit 7 of the AI flag is clear, then if this is a
                        \ ship or missile it is dumb and has no AI, and if this
                        \ is the space station it is not hostile, so in both
                        \ cases skip the following as it has no tactics

 CPX #MSL               \ If the ship is a missile, skip straight to MV26 to
 BEQ MV26               \ call the TACTICS routine, as we do this every
                        \ iteration of the main loop for missiles only

 LDA MCNT               \ Fetch the main loop counter

 EOR XSAV               \ Fetch the slot number of the ship we are moving, EOR
 AND #7                 \ with the loop counter and apply mod 8 to the result.
 BNE MV30               \ The result will be zero when "counter mod 8" matches
                        \ the slot number mod 8, so this makes sure we call
                        \ TACTICS 12 times every 8 main loop iterations, like
                        \ this:
                        \   Iteration 0, apply tactics to slots 0 and 8
                        \   Iteration 1, apply tactics to slots 1 and 9
                        \   Iteration 2, apply tactics to slots 2 and 10
                        \   Iteration 3, apply tactics to slots 3 and 11
                        \   Iteration 4, apply tactics to slot 4
                        \   Iteration 5, apply tactics to slot 5
                        \   Iteration 6, apply tactics to slot 6
                        \   Iteration 7, apply tactics to slot 7
                        \   Iteration 8, apply tactics to slots 0 and 8
                        \     ...
                        \ and so on


 JSR TACTICS            \ Call TACTICS to apply AI tactics to this ship


 JSR SCAN               \ Draw the ship on the scanner, which has the effect of
                        \ removing it, as it's already at this point and hasn't
                        \ yet moved