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Drawing lines: ADDBYT

[6502 Second Processor version, I/O processor]

Name: ADDBYT [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Drawing lines Summary: Implement the OSWRCH 130 <byte> command (add a byte to a line and draw it when all bytes are received)
Context: See this subroutine in context in the source code References: This subroutine is called as follows: * JMPTAB calls ADDBYT

This routine receives bytes from the parasite, each of which is a coordinate in the line that is currently being drawn (following a call from the parasite to OSWRCH 129, which starts the I/O processor listening for line bytes). They are stored in the buffer at TABLE, where LINTAB points to the first free byte in the table, and LINMAX contains double the number of points we are expecting plus 1. If the byte received is the last one in the line, then the line segments are drawn by sending them to the LOIN routine. If a laser line is sent by the parasite, it will be the first line segment sent, and will be preceded by a dummy pair of coordinates where the Y2 value is 255, which is not in the space view (as the maximum y-coordinate in the space view is 191). Laser lines are drawn in red.
Arguments: A The byte to be added to the line that's currently being transmitted to the I/O processor
.RTS1 RTS \ Return from the subroutine (this is called below) .ADDBYT INC LINTAB \ LINTAB points to the last free byte in TABLE, which is \ where we're about to store the new byte in A, so \ increment LINTAB to point to the byte after this one LDX LINTAB \ Store the new byte in A at position LINTAB-1 in TABLE STA TABLE-1,X \ (which was the last free byte before we incremented \ LINTAB above) INX \ Increment X, so it now points to the byte after the \ last free byte in TABLE (i.e. LINTAB + 1) CPX LINMAX \ If X < LINMAX, jump up to RTS1 to return from the BCC RTS1 \ subroutine, as the line isn't complete yet (because \ LINMAX contains the 2 * number of points + 1) \ If we get here then X = LINMAX and we have received \ all the line's points from the parasite, so now we \ draw it LDY #0 \ We are going to loop through all the points in the \ line, so set a counter in Y, starting from 0 DEC LINMAX \ Decrement LINMAX so it now contains 2 * number of \ points LDA TABLE+3 \ If TABLE+3 = 255, jump to doalaser to draw this line, CMP #255 \ as this denotes that the following segment is a laser BEQ doalaser \ line, which should be drawn in red .LL27 LDA TABLE,Y \ Set X1 to the Y-th byte from TABLE STA X1 LDA TABLE+1,Y \ Set Y1 to the Y+1-th byte from TABLE STA Y1 LDA TABLE+2,Y \ Set X2 to the Y+2-th byte from TABLE STA X2 LDA TABLE+3,Y \ Set Y2 to the Y+3-th byte from TABLE STA Y2 STY T1 \ Store the loop counter in T1 so we can retrieve it \ after the call to LOIN JSR LOIN \ Draw a line from (X1, Y1) to (X2, Y2) LDA T1 \ Retrieve the loop counter from T1 CLC \ Set A = A + 4 ADC #4 .Ivedonealaser TAY \ Transfer the updated loop counter from A into Y CMP LINMAX \ Loop back to LL27 to draw the next line segment, until BCC LL27 \ we the loop counter has reached LINMAX (which contains \ 2 * number of points, so this is when we have run out \ of points) .DRLR1 JMP PUTBACK \ Jump to PUTBACK to restore the USOSWRCH handler and \ return from the subroutine using a tail call .doalaser LDA COL \ Store the current line colour on the stack, so we can PHA \ restore it below LDA #RED \ Set the laser colour to red STA COL \ The coordinates at bytes Y to Y+3 were used up with \ the indicator bytes to say this is a laser line, so \ we need to fetch the following bytes to get the line's \ coordinates to draw LDA TABLE+4 \ Set X1 to the Y+4-th byte from TABLE STA X1 LDA TABLE+5 \ Set Y1 to the Y+5-th byte from TABLE STA Y1 LDA TABLE+6 \ Set X2 to the Y+6-th byte from TABLE STA X2 LDA TABLE+7 \ Set Y2 to the Y+7-th byte from TABLE STA Y2 JSR LOIN \ Draw a line from (X1, Y1) to (X2, Y2) PLA \ Restore the original line colour from the stack STA COL LDA #8 \ Jump up to Ivedonealaser with A set to 8, which will BNE Ivedonealaser \ point to the rest of the lines as the laser line is \ always the first to be transmitted from the parasite \ (this BNE is effectively a JMP as A is never zero)