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Drawing the screen: ClearDashEdge

[NES version, Bank 6]

Name: ClearDashEdge [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Drawing the screen Summary: Clear the right edge of the dashboard
Context: See this subroutine in context in the source code References: This subroutine is called as follows: * ClearDashEdge_b6 calls ClearDashEdge
.ClearDashEdge JSR SetupPPUForIconBar ; If the PPU has started drawing the icon bar, configure ; the PPU to use nametable 0 and pattern table 0 LDA #0 ; Clear the right edge of the box on rows 20 to 27 in STA nameBuffer0+20*32 ; nametable buffer 0 STA nameBuffer0+21*32 STA nameBuffer0+22*32 STA nameBuffer0+23*32 STA nameBuffer0+24*32 STA nameBuffer0+25*32 STA nameBuffer0+26*32 STA nameBuffer0+27*32 STA nameBuffer1+20*32 ; Clear the right edge of the box on rows 20 to 27 in STA nameBuffer1+21*32 ; nametable buffer 1 STA nameBuffer1+22*32 STA nameBuffer1+23*32 STA nameBuffer1+24*32 STA nameBuffer1+25*32 STA nameBuffer1+26*32 STA nameBuffer1+27*32 RTS ; Return from the subroutine