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Version analysis of HALL

This code appears in the following versions (click to see it in the source code):

Code variations between these versions are shown below.

Name: HALL Type: Subroutine Category: Ship hangar

Code variation 1 of 7A variation in the comments only

Tap on a block to expand it, and tap it again to revert.

Summary: Draw the ships in the ship hangar, then draw the hangar
Summary: Draw the ships in the ship hangar, then draw the hangar by sending an OSWORD 248 command to the I/O processor

Half the time this will draw one of the four pre-defined ship hangar groups in HATB, and half the time this will draw a solitary Sidewinder, Mamba, Krait or Adder on a random position. In all cases, the ships will be randomly spun around on the ground so they can face in any direction, and larger ships are drawn higher up off the ground than smaller ships.

Code variation 2 of 7A variation in the comments only

This variation is blank in the Disc (docked) and Master versions.

The ships are drawn by the HAS1 routine, which uses the normal ship-drawing routine in LL9, and then the hangar background is drawn by sending an OSWORD 248 command to the I/O processor.

Code variation 3 of 7A variation in the comments only

This variation is blank in the Disc (docked) version.

Tap on a block to expand it, and tap it again to revert.

LDA #0 \ Switch to the mode 1 palette for the space view, JSR DOVDU19 \ which is yellow (colour 1), red (colour 2) and cyan \ (colour 3)
LDA #0 \ Send a #SETVDU19 0 command to the I/O processor to JSR DOVDU19 \ switch to the mode 1 palette for the space view, \ which is yellow (colour 1), red (colour 2) and cyan \ (colour 3)

Code variation 4 of 7A variation in the comments only

This variation is blank in the Master version.

Tap on a block to expand it, and tap it again to revert.

JSR UNWISE \ Call UNWISE to switch the main line-drawing routine \ between EOR and OR logic (in this case, switching it \ to OR logic so that it overwrites anything that's \ on-screen)
JSR UNWISE \ Call UNWISE, which does nothing in the 6502 Second \ Processor version of Elite (this routine does have a \ function in the disc version that isn't required here, \ so the authors presumably just cleared out the UNWISE \ routine rather than unplumbing it from the code)
 LDA #0                 \ Clear the top part of the screen, draw a border box,
 JSR TT66               \ and set the current view type in QQ11 to 0 (space
                        \ view)

 JSR DORND              \ Set A and X to random numbers

 BPL HA7                \ Jump to HA7 if A is positive (50% chance)

 AND #3                 \ Reduce A to a random number in the range 0-3

 STA T                  \ Set X = A * 8 + A
 ASL A                  \       = 9 * A
 ASL A                  \
 ASL A                  \ so X is a random number, either 0, 9, 18 or 27

                        \ The following double loop calls the HAS1 routine three
                        \ times to display three ships on screen. For each call,
                        \ the values passed to HAS1 in XX15+2 to XX15 are taken
                        \ from the HATB table, depending on the value in X, as
                        \ follows:
                        \   * If X = 0,  pass bytes #0 to #2 of HATB to HAS1
                        \                then bytes #3 to #5
                        \                then bytes #6 to #8
                        \   * If X = 9,  pass bytes  #9 to #11 of HATB to HAS1
                        \                then bytes #12 to #14
                        \                then bytes #15 to #17
                        \   * If X = 18, pass bytes #18 to #20 of HATB to HAS1
                        \                then bytes #21 to #23
                        \                then bytes #24 to #26
                        \   * If X = 27, pass bytes #27 to #29 of HATB to HAS1
                        \                then bytes #30 to #32
                        \                then bytes #33 to #35
                        \ Note that the values are passed in reverse, so for the
                        \ first call, for example, where we pass bytes #0 to #2
                        \ of HATB to HAS1, we call HAS1 with:
                        \   XX15   = HATB+2
                        \   XX15+1 = HATB+1
                        \   XX15+2 = HATB

 LDY #3                 \ Set CNT2 = 3 to act as an outer loop counter going
 STY CNT2               \ from 3 to 1, so the HAL8 loop is run 3 times


 LDY #2                 \ Set Y = 2 to act as an inner loop counter going from
                        \ 2 to 0


 LDA HATB,X             \ Copy the X-th byte of HATB to the Y-th byte of XX15,
 STA XX15,Y             \ as described above

 INX                    \ Increment X to point to the next byte in HATB

 DEY                    \ Decrement Y to point to the previous byte in XX15

 BPL HAL9               \ Loop back to copy the next byte until we have copied
                        \ three of them (i.e. Y was 3 before the DEY)

 TXA                    \ Store X on the stack so we can retrieve it after the
 PHA                    \ call to HAS1 (as it contains the index of the next
                        \ byte in HATB

 JSR HAS1               \ Call HAS1 to draw this ship in the hangar

 PLA                    \ Restore the value of X, so X points to the next byte
 TAX                    \ in HATB after the three bytes we copied into XX15

 DEC CNT2               \ Decrement the outer loop counter in CNT2

 BNE HAL8               \ Loop back to HAL8 to do it 3 times, once for each ship
                        \ in the HATB table

 LDY #128               \ Set Y = 128 to send as byte #2 of the parameter block
                        \ to the OSWORD 248 command below, to tell the I/O
                        \ processor that there are multiple ships in the hangar

 BNE HA9                \ Jump to HA9 to display the ship hangar (this BNE is
                        \ effectively a JMP as Y is never zero)


                        \ If we get here, A is a positive random number in the
                        \ range 0-127

 LSR A                  \ Set XX15+1 = A / 2 (random number 0-63)
 STA XX15+1

 JSR DORND              \ Set XX15 = random number 0-255

Code variation 5 of 7Related to the BBC Micro disc version

The ship hangar has a 50% chance of displaying a group of ships, and a 50% chance of displaying a solitary ship. In the disc version, this latter option can display no ship at all, or it can show a solitary cargo canister, Shuttle, Transporter, Cobra Mk III, Python, Viper or Krait; in the advanced versions there is always a ship, and it's a Sidewinder, Mamba, Krait or Adder.

Tap on a block to expand it, and tap it again to revert.

JSR DORND \ Set XX15+2 = random number 0-7 AND #7 \ STA XX15+2 \ which is either 0 (no ships in the hangar) or one of \ the first 7 ship types in the ship hangar blueprints \ table, i.e. a cargo canister, Shuttle, Transporter, \ Cobra Mk III, Python, Viper or Krait JSR HAS1 \ Call HAS1 to draw this ship in the hangar, with the \ following properties: \ \ * Random x-coordinate from -63 to +63 \ \ * Randomly chosen cargo canister, Shuttle, \ Transporter, Cobra Mk III, Python, Viper or Krait \ \ * Random z-coordinate from +256 to +639
JSR DORND \ Set XX15+2 = #SH3 + random number 0-3 AND #3 \ ADC #SH3 \ which is the ship type of a Sidewinder, Mamba, Krait STA XX15+2 \ or Adder JSR HAS1 \ Call HAS1 to draw this ship in the hangar, with the \ following properties: \ \ * Random x-coordinate from -63 to +63 \ \ * Randomly chosen Sidewinder, Mamba, Krait or Adder \ \ * Random z-coordinate from +256 to +639
 LDY #0                 \ Set Y = 0 to use in the following instruction, to tell
                        \ the hangar-drawing routine that there is just one ship
                        \ in the hangar, so it knows not to draw between the
                        \ ships


Code variation 6 of 7Minor and very low-impact

Tap on a block to expand it, and tap it again to revert.

STY YSAV \ Store Y in YSAV to specify whether there are multiple \ ships in the hangar JSR UNWISE \ Call UNWISE to switch the main line-drawing routine \ between EOR and OR logic (in this case, switching it \ back to EOR logic so that we can erase anything we \ draw on-screen) \ Fall through into HANGER to draw the hangar background
STY HANGFLAG \ Store Y in HANGFLAG to specify whether there are \ multiple ships in the hangar JMP HANGER \ Call HANGER to draw the hangar background and return \ from the subroutine using a tail call
STY HANG+2 \ Store Y in byte #2 of the parameter block to the \ OSWORD 248 command below, to specify whether there \ are multiple ships in the hangar JSR UNWISE \ Call UNWISE, which (as noted above) does nothing in \ the 6502 Second Processor version of Elite

Code variation 7 of 7Related to Elite's use of the Tube

This variation is blank in the Disc (docked) and Master versions.

LDA #248 \ Set A in preparation for sending an OSWORD 248 command LDX #LO(HANG) \ Set (Y X) to point to the HANG parameter block LDY #HI(HANG) JMP OSWORD \ Send an OSWORD 248 command to the I/O processor to \ draw the ship hangar, returning from the subroutine \ using a tail call .HANG EQUB 3 \ The number of bytes to transmit with this command EQUB 0 \ The number of bytes to receive with this command EQUB 0 \ Multiple ship flag: \ \ * 0 = there is just one ship in the hangar \ \ * 128 = there are multiple ships in the hangar