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Drawing the screen: TVT1

[BBC Master version]

Name: TVT1 [Show more] Type: Variable Category: Drawing the screen Summary: Palette data for the mode 2 part of the screen (the dashboard)
Context: See this variable in context in the source code References: This variable is used as follows: * IRQ1 uses TVT1

This palette is applied in the IRQ1 routine. If we have an escape pod fitted, then the first byte is changed to &30, which maps logical colour 3 to actual colour 0 (black) instead of colour 4 (blue).
.TVT1 EQUB &34, &43 EQUB &25, &16 EQUB &86, &70 EQUB &61, &52 EQUB &C3, &B4 EQUB &A5, &96 EQUB &07, &F0 EQUB &E1, &D2