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Universe: LOMOD

[Elite-A, Parasite]

Name: LOMOD [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Universe Summary: Populate the ship blueprints table at XX21 with a random selection of ships and set the compass to point to the planet Deep dive: Ship blueprints in Elite-A
Context: See this subroutine in context in the source code References: This subroutine is called as follows: * RSHIPS calls LOMOD * TT18 calls LOMOD * MJP calls via SHIPinA

Other entry points: SHIPinA Populate the ship blueprints table but without setting the compass to show the planet
.LOMOD LDA #0 \ Set finder to 0, so the compass shows the planet STA finder .SHIPinA LDX #0 \ The first task is to fill blueprint position 2, which \ contains the space station blueprint, so set X = 0, \ which is the ship_list ship type for a Dodo space \ station LDA tek \ If the current system's tech level is 10 or more, then CMP #10 \ skip the following instruction, as we already have the BCS mix_station \ correct space station type in X INX \ Increment X to 1, the ship_list ship type for a \ Coriolis space station .mix_station LDY #2 \ Install a ship of type X (Dodo or Coriolis station) JSR install_ship \ into blueprint position 2 LDY #9 \ The next blueprint position we need to fill is number \ 9, for the shuttle, so set Y to point to this position \ so we can use it as a counter, starting at position 9 \ and working our way up to position 28 (as positions 29 \ to 31 are already filled) .mix_retry LDA #0 \ Set X1 = 0 to act as a failure counter, so we can STA X1 \ have 256 failed attempts to fill each blueprint \ position before giving up and leaving it blank .mix_match JSR DORND \ Set A and X to random numbers CMP #ship_total \ If A >= #ship_total then it is too big to be a BCS mix_match \ ship_list ship type, so loop back to choose another \ random number until it is a valid ship type ASL A \ Set Y1 = A * 4, so we can use it a random index into ASL A \ the ship_bits table, which has four bytes in each STA Y1 \ entry \ Y1 now contains the ship_list ship type of the ship we \ are going to try installing into position Y, just \ multiplied by 4 so it can be used as a four-byte index \ \ We now want to check the ship_bits table to see if the \ ship type in Y1 is allowed in ship blueprint position \ Y. The table contains a 32-bit number for each ship \ type, with the corresponding bits set for allowed \ positions, so if a ship type were allowed in positions \ 11 and 17, for example, only bits 11 and 17 would be \ set in the ship_bits table entry for that type \ \ To do this, we work out which of the four bytes in the \ 32-bit number contains the bit we want to match, and \ then create a byte that has the correct bit set for \ that particular byte, so we can AND them together to \ see if there is a match \ \ For example, say we are trying to populate position 17 \ (so Y = 17), and we want to know whether our ship of \ type Y1 is allowed in this position. We know what we \ need to look at the 32-bit number in row Y1 of the \ ship_bits table, and we also know that bit 17 appears \ in the third byte of a 32-bit number (i.e. byte #2), \ so we can set an index in X: \ \ X = Y1 + 2 \ \ and we can use this as an index into the ship_bits \ table to fetch the relevant byte from the 32-bit \ number we want to match, which is at this location: \ \ ship_bits + X \ \ Given this byte, we need to check the relevant bit. We \ know that bit 17 of a 32-bit number corresponds to the \ second bit of the third byte, so if we create a byte \ with that bit set: \ \ A = %00000010 \ \ then we can AND the two together, and if we get a \ non-zero result, we know that bit 17 in the 32-bit \ number is set: \ \ result = ?(ship_bits + X) AND A \ \ where ?(addr) is the contents of address addr \ \ This is what we now do, starting with the byte in A, \ which we can grab from the lookup table at mix_bits, \ then calculating X, before extracting the relevant \ byte from the ship_bits table and performing the AND TYA \ Set X = Y mod 8, so as Y works through the positions AND #7 \ from 0 to 31, making its way from bit 0 to bit 31 of TAX \ the 32-bit number, X represents the position of the \ current bit within each of the four bytes that make up \ the 32-bit number LDA mix_bits,X \ Set A to the X-th byte from mix_bits, which contains a \ table of bytes with the relevant bit sit for each \ value of X (so the value at mix_bits + X has bit X \ set). This gives us our value of A in the above \ explanation, so if we were looking to populate \ blueprint position 17, A would now be %00000010 LDX Y1 \ Set X to the ship type we are going to try to install \ We now want to add to X to point to the correct byte \ within the 32-bit number, depending on the blueprint \ position in Y that we are trying to fill: \ \ * If Y is in the range 0 to 7, X = X + 0 \ * If Y is in the range 8 to 15, X = X + 1 \ * If Y is in the range 16 to 23, X = X + 2 \ * If Y is in the range 24 to 28, X = X + 3 \ \ note that because we are starting at position 9, we \ can ignore the first case. In our above example, we \ are filling position 17, so we would add 2 to X CPY #16 \ If the blueprint position we are trying to fill is BCC mix_byte2 \ less than 16, jump to mix_byte2 so we increment X once CPY #24 \ If the blueprint position we are trying to fill is BCC mix_byte3 \ less than 24, jump to mix_byte3 so we increment X \ twice INX \ Increment X as Y is in the range 24 to 28 .mix_byte3 INX \ Increment X as Y is in the range 16 to 28 .mix_byte2 INX \ Increment X as Y is in the range 9 to 28 \ We now have the correct values of A and X, as per the \ above calculation, so it's time to do the AND logic: \ \ result = ?(ship_bits + X) AND A \ \ which we can do easily in assembly language: \ \ AND ship_bits,X \ \ followed by a BEQ to check whether the result is zero AND ship_bits,X \ If the X-th byte of ship_bits does not have the same BEQ mix_fail \ bit set as our moving bit counter in A, jump to \ mix_fail to have another go at filling this blueprint \ position, as the ship in Y1 is not allowed in \ blueprint position Y .mix_try \ If we get here then the ship in Y1 is allowed in \ blueprint position Y, so now we decide whether or not \ to go ahead, depending on the probability figure for \ this ship type, which we fetch from the first entry in \ the ship_bytes table for this ship type JSR DORND \ Set A and X to random numbers LDX Y1 \ Set X to the ship type we are going to try to install CMP ship_bytes,X \ If A < the X-th entry in ship_bytes, i.e. it is less BCC mix_ok \ than the first byte in the ship_bytes entry for this \ ship type, jump to mix_ok to install this ship into \ the blueprint position. So, for example, if this ship \ type has a value of 100 as the first byte in its entry \ in the ship_bytes table, which is the case for the \ Mamba and Sidewinder, then we only add it to this \ blueprint position if A < 100, or a 39% chance. The \ much rarer Dragon, meanwhile, has a ship_bytes entry \ of 3, so the calculation is A < 3, or a 1.2% chance .mix_fail \ If we get here then either this ship isn't allowed in \ this position, or it failed the probability test \ above, so we decrement the failure counter and loop \ back for another go (up to a maximum number of 256 \ attempts for each position) DEC X1 \ Decrement the failure counter in X1 BNE mix_match \ If we haven't run out of failure attempts, jump back \ to mix_match to have another go at filling this \ blueprint position LDX #ship_total*4 \ Otherwise we have run out of attempts, so set X to \ point to the last entry in the table, which contains \ data for an empty position, so this blueprint position \ will be empty .mix_ok STY X2 \ Store Y, the blueprint position we are trying to fill, \ in X2 so we can retrieve it later CPX #13*4 \ If X is the four-byte index for ship number 13, then BEQ mix_anaconda \ we just decided to add an Anaconda, so jump to \ mix_anaconda to install it as the "large ship", along \ with a Worm as the "small ship" CPX #29*4 \ If X is the four-byte index for ship number 29, then BEQ mix_dragon \ we just decided to add a Dragon, so jump to mix_dragon \ to install it as the "large ship", along with a \ Sidewinder as the "small ship" TXA \ Set X = X / 4, so X is now the type of the ship we LSR A \ want to add, rather than an index into a four-byte LSR A \ table TAX .mix_install JSR install_ship \ Install a ship of type X into blueprint position Y LDY X2 \ Set Y to the blueprint position we are trying to fill, \ which we stored in X2 above .mix_next INY \ Increment Y to point to the next blueprint position to \ fill CPY #15 \ If the next position is not number 15 (the "small BNE mix_skip \ ship") then jump to mix_skip to skip the following two \ instructions INY \ The next position is 15, so increment Y twice so we INY \ skip over positions 15 (the "small ship") and 16 (the \ cop), as the first one is only filled if we have an \ Anaconda or Dragon as the "large ship" (see above), \ and the second one is already filled with a Viper .mix_skip CPY #29 \ If the next blueprint position we are trying to fill BNE mix_retry \ is not 29, then loop back to mix_retry to fill the \ next position RTS \ Otherwise we just filled the last position, number 28, \ so return from the subroutine as we are done .mix_anaconda LDX #13 \ Install ship number 13 (Anaconda) into blueprint LDY #14 \ position 14 (the "large ship") JSR install_ship LDX #14 \ Install ship number 14 (Worm) into blueprint position LDY #15 \ 15 (the "small ship"), so the Anaconda can spawn JMP mix_install \ Worms, and rejoin the mix loop via mix_install .mix_dragon LDX #29 \ Install ship number 29 (Dragon) into blueprint LDY #14 \ position 14 (the "large ship") JSR install_ship LDX #17 \ Install ship number 14 (Sidewinder) into blueprint LDY #15 \ position 15 (the "small ship"), so the Dragon can JMP mix_install \ spawn Sidewinders, and rejoin the mix loop via \ mix_install