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Drawing ships: ship_bytes

[Elite-A, Parasite]

Name: ship_bytes [Show more] Type: Variable Category: Drawing ships Summary: Table of data used when adding each ship type to the positions in the blueprints table Deep dive: Ship blueprints in Elite-A
Context: See this variable in context in the source code References: This variable is used as follows: * install_ship uses ship_bytes * LOMOD uses ship_bytes

This table contains ship data that's used when populating the ship blueprint positions in LOMOD, and installing a ship into a blueprint position in install_ship. Each ship type has four associated bytes, but only the first two are used: * Byte #0 is used in LOMOD when populating the ship blueprint positions. It is the probability (out of 256) of installing this ship into one of the positions in which it is allowed. So, if the figure is 100 (as it is for the Mamba and Sidewinder), then the chance of us adding this ship to a blueprint position is 100/256, or a 39% chance, while the much rarer Dragon has a value of 3, so its probability of being added is 3/256, or a 1.2% chance * Byte #1 determines whether this ship type comes with an escape pod fitted as standard: if bit 7 is set it does have an escape pod, otherwise it doesn't
.ship_bytes EQUB 0, %00000000, 0, 2 \ 0 = Dodo station EQUB 0, %00000000, 0, 2 \ 1 = Coriolis station EQUB 0, %00000000, 0, 2 \ 2 = Escape pod EQUB 0, %00000000, 0, 2 \ 3 = Alloy plate EQUB 0, %00000000, 0, 2 \ 4 = Cargo canister EQUB 0, %00000000, 0, 2 \ 5 = Boulder EQUB 0, %00000000, 0, 2 \ 6 = Asteroid EQUB 0, %00000000, 0, 2 \ 7 = Splinter EQUB 50, %00000000, 0, 0 \ 8 = Shuttle EQUB 50, %00000000, 0, 0 \ 9 = Transporter EQUB 70, %10000000, 0, 2 \ 10 = Cobra Mk III EQUB 65, %10000000, 0, 2 \ 11 = Python EQUB 60, %10000000, 0, 2 \ 12 = Boa EQUB 10, %10000000, 0, 0 \ 13 = Anaconda EQUB 15, %00000000, 0, 0 \ 14 = Worm EQUB 0, %00000000, 0, 0 \ 15 = Missile EQUB 0, %10000000, 0, 2 \ 16 = Viper EQUB 90, %00000000, 0, 2 \ 17 = Sidewinder EQUB 100, %10000000, 0, 2 \ 18 = Mamba EQUB 100, %10000000, 0, 2 \ 19 = Krait EQUB 85, %10000000, 0, 2 \ 20 = Adder EQUB 80, %10000000, 0, 2 \ 21 = Gecko EQUB 80, %10000000, 0, 2 \ 22 = Cobra Mk I EQUB 10, %10000000, 0, 0 \ 23 = Asp Mk II EQUB 60, %10000000, 0, 1 \ 24 = Fer-de-Lance EQUB 60, %10000000, 0, 1 \ 25 = Moray EQUB 0, %00000000, 0, 2 \ 26 = Thargoid EQUB 0, %00000000, 0, 2 \ 27 = Thargon EQUB 0, %00000000, 0, 2 \ 28 = Constrictor EQUB 3, %00000000, 0, 0 \ 29 = Dragon EQUB 30, %10000000, 0, 0 \ 30 = Monitor EQUB 75, %10000000, 0, 2 \ 31 = Ophidian EQUB 50, %10000000, 0, 1 \ 32 = Ghavial EQUB 75, %10000000, 0, 2 \ 33 = Bushmaster EQUB 55, %10000000, 0, 1 \ 34 = Rattler EQUB 60, %10000000, 0, 1 \ 35 = Iguana EQUB 50, %00000000, 0, 0 \ 36 = Shuttle Mk II EQUB 45, %10000000, 0, 1 \ 37 = Chameleon EQUB 255, %00000000, 0, 0 \ 38 = No ship