.main24 DEC DLY ; Decrement the delay counter in DLY, which is used to ; control how long flight messages remain on-screen BMI main27 ; If DLY is now negative, jump to main27 to set DLY to ; zero and skip the following, as there is no flight ; message to display BEQ main25 ; DLY is now zero so it must have been non-zero before ; we decremented it, so jump to main25 to remove the ; flight message from the screen, as its timer has run ; down ; DLY is non-zero, so we need to redraw any flight ; messages we may have, so they remain on-screen while ; DLY is still ticking down JSR PrintFlightMessage ; Print the current in-flight message, if there is one JMP main26 ; Jump to main26 to display the message we just printed ; and continue with the rest of the main loop .main25 JSR CLYNS ; Clear the bottom two text rows of the upper screen, ; and move the text cursor to the first cleared row .main26 JSR DrawMessageInNMI ; Configure the NMI to update the in-flight message part ; of the screen (which is either the current in-flight ; message, or the part of the screen that the call to ; CLYNS just cleared) JMP MA16 ; Jump to MA16 to skip the following and continue with ; the rest of the main loop .FlightLoop4To16 LDA QQ11 ; If this is not the space view (i.e. QQ11 is non-zero), BNE main24 ; jump to main24 to print the flight message for ; non-space views, rejoining the main subroutine at MA16 ; below DEC DLY ; Decrement the delay counter in DLY, which is used to ; control how long flight messages remain on-screen BMI main27 ; If DLY is now 0 or negative, jump to main27 to set DLY BEQ main27 ; to zero and skip the following, as there is no flight ; message to display ; DLY is non-zero, so we need to redraw any flight ; messages we may have, so they remain on-screen while ; DLY is still ticking down JSR PrintFlightMessage ; Print the current flight message, if there is one JMP MA16 ; Jump to MA16 to skip the following and continue with ; the rest of the main loop .main27 LDA #0 ; Set DLY to 0 so that it doesn't decrement below zero STA DLY .MA16 LDA ECMP ; If our E.C.M is not on, skip to MA69, otherwise keep BEQ MA69 ; going to drain some energy JSR DENGY ; Call DENGY to deplete our energy banks by 1 BEQ MA70 ; If we have no energy left, jump to MA70 to turn our ; E.C.M. off .MA69 LDA ECMA ; If an E.C.M is going off (ours or an opponent's) then BEQ MA66 ; keep going, otherwise skip to MA66 LDA #128 ; Set K+2 = 128 to send to the DrawLightning routine as STA K+2 ; the x-coordinate of the centre of the lightning, so ; it is centred on-screen LDA #127 ; Set K = 127 to send to the DrawLightning routine as STA K ; half the height of the lightning, so it fills the ; whole screen width LDA halfScreenHeight ; Set K+3 to the y-coordinate of the centre of the STA K+3 ; screen in halfScreenHeight, to send to the ; DrawLightning routine as the y-coordinate of the ; centre of the lightning, so it is centred on-screen STA K+1 ; Set K+1 to the y-coordinate of the centre of the ; screen in halfScreenHeight, to send to the ; DrawLightning routine as half the height of the ; lightning, so it fills the whole screen height JSR DrawLightning_b6 ; Draw the lightning effect of the E.C.M. going off DEC ECMA ; Decrement the E.C.M. countdown timer, and if it has BNE MA66 ; reached zero, keep going, otherwise skip to MA66 .MA70 JSR ECMOF ; If we get here then either we have either run out of ; energy, or the E.C.M. timer has run down, so switch ; off the E.C.M. .MA66 LDX #0 ; We are about to work our way through all the ships in ; the bubble, calling MAL1 (parts 4 to 12 of the main ; flight loop) for each of them, so set X as a ship slot ; counter LDA FRIN ; If slot 0 is empty, jump to main28 to move on to the BEQ main28 ; next slot JSR MAL1 ; Call parts 4 to 12 of the main flight loop to update ; the ship in slot 0 .main28 LDX #2 ; We deal with the sun/space station in slot 1 below, so ; we now skip to slot 2 by setting X accordingly .main29 LDA FRIN,X ; If slot X is empty then we have reached the last slot, BEQ main30 ; so jump to main30 to stop updating the slots JSR MAL1 ; Call parts 4 to 12 of the main flight loop to update ; the ship in slot X JMP main29 ; Loop back until we have updated all the ship slots .main30 LDX #1 ; We now process the sun/space station in slot 1, so we ; set X as the slot number LDA FRIN+1 ; If slot 1 is empty then there is no sun or space BEQ MA18 ; station (which can happen in witchspace), so jump to ; part 13 of the main loop as we are done updating the ; ship slots BPL main31 ; If bit 7 of the ship type is clear, then this is the ; space station rather than the sun, so jump to main31 ; to skip the following LDY #0 ; Set the "space station present" flag to 0, as we are STY SSPR ; no longer in the space station's safe zone .main31 JSR MAL1 ; Call parts 4 to 12 of the main flight loop to update ; the sun or space station in slot 2 ; Fall through into part 13 to continue working through ; the main flight loopName: FlightLoop4To16 [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Main loop Summary: Display in-flight messages, call parts 4 to 12 of the main flight loop for each slot, and fall through into parts 13 to 16 Deep dive: Splitting the main loop in the NES version The NES combat demoContext: See this subroutine in context in the source code References: This subroutine is called as follows: * DEATH calls FlightLoop4To16 * Main flight loop (Part 3 of 16) calls FlightLoop4To16 * RunDemoFlightLoop calls FlightLoop4To16
Subroutine CLYNS (category: Drawing the screen)
Clear the bottom two text rows of the visible screen
Subroutine DENGY (category: Flight)
Drain some energy from the energy banks
Subroutine DrawLightning_b6 (category: Flight)
Call the DrawLightning routine in ROM bank 6
Subroutine DrawMessageInNMI (category: Drawing the screen)
Configure the NMI to send the portion of the screen that contains the in-flight message to the PPU (i.e. tile rows 22 to 24)
Subroutine ECMOF (category: Dashboard)
Switch off the E.C.M. and turn off the dashboard bulb
Label MA16 is local to this routine
Entry point MA18 in subroutine Main flight loop (Part 13 of 16) (category: Main loop)
Entry point for part 13 of the main flight loop
Label MA66 is local to this routine
Label MA69 is local to this routine
Label MA70 is local to this routine
Entry point MAL1 in subroutine Main flight loop (Part 4 of 16) (category: Main loop)
Marks the beginning of the ship analysis loop, so we can jump back here from part 12 of the main flight loop to work our way through each ship in the local bubble. We also jump back here when a ship is removed from the bubble, so we can continue processing from the next ship
Subroutine PrintFlightMessage (category: Text)
Print an in-flight message
Variable halfScreenHeight in workspace ZP
Half the height of the drawable part of the screen in pixels (can be 72, 77 or 104 pixels)
Label main24 is local to this routine
Label main25 is local to this routine
Label main26 is local to this routine
Label main27 is local to this routine
Label main28 is local to this routine
Label main29 is local to this routine
Label main30 is local to this routine
Label main31 is local to this routine