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Main loop: Main flight loop (Part 12 of 16)

[NES version, Bank 0]

Name: Main flight loop (Part 12 of 16) [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Main loop Summary: For each nearby ship: Draw the ship, remove if killed, loop back Deep dive: Program flow of the main game loop Drawing ships
Context: See this subroutine in context in the source code References: No direct references to this subroutine in this source file

The main flight loop covers most of the flight-specific aspects of Elite. This section covers the following: * Continue looping through all the ships in the local bubble, and for each one: * Draw the ship * Process removal of killed ships * Loop back up to MAL1 to move onto the next ship in the local bubble
.MA8 JSR LL9_b1 ; Call LL9 to draw the ship we're processing on-screen .MA15 LDY #35 ; Fetch the ship's energy from byte #35 and copy it to LDA INWK+35 ; byte #35 in INF (so the ship's data in K% gets STA (INF),Y ; updated) LDA INWK+34 ; Fetch the ship's explosion cloud counter from byte #34 LDY #34 ; and copy it to byte #34 in INF (so the ship's data in STA (INF),Y ; K% gets updated) LDA NEWB ; If bit 7 of the ship's NEWB flags is set, which means BMI KS1S ; the ship has docked or been scooped, jump to KS1S to ; skip the following, as we can't get a bounty for a ; ship that's no longer around LDA INWK+31 ; If bit 7 of the ship's byte #31 is clear, then the BPL MAC1 ; ship hasn't been killed by energy bomb, collision or ; laser fire, so jump to MAC1 to skip the following AND #%00100000 ; If bit 5 of the ship's byte #31 is clear then the BEQ MAC1 ; ship is no longer exploding, so jump to MAC1 to skip ; the following LDA NEWB ; Extract bit 6 of the ship's NEWB flags, so A = 64 if AND #%01000000 ; bit 6 is set, or 0 if it is clear. Bit 6 is set if ; this ship is a cop, so A = 64 if we just killed a ; policeman, otherwise it is 0 ORA FIST ; Update our FIST flag ("fugitive/innocent status") to STA FIST ; at least the value in A, which will instantly make us ; a fugitive if we just shot the sheriff, but won't ; affect our status if the enemy wasn't a copper LDA MJ ; If we are in witchspace (in which case MJ > 0) or ORA demoInProgress ; demoInProgress > 0 (in which case we are playing the BNE KS1S ; demo), jump to KS1S to skip showing an on-screen ; bounty for this kill LDY #10 ; Fetch byte #10 of the ship's blueprint, which is the JSR GetShipBlueprint ; low byte of the bounty awarded when this ship is BEQ KS1S ; killed (in Cr * 10), and if it's zero jump to KS1S as ; there is no on-screen bounty to display TAX ; Put the low byte of the bounty into X INY ; Fetch byte #11 of the ship's blueprint, which is the JSR GetShipBlueprint ; high byte of the bounty awarded (in Cr * 10), and put TAY ; it into Y JSR MCASH ; Call MCASH to add (Y X) to the cash pot LDA #0 ; Print control code 0 (current cash, right-aligned to JSR MESS ; width 9, then " CR", newline) as an in-flight message .KS1S JMP KS1 ; Process the killing of this ship (which removes this ; ship from its slot and shuffles all the other ships ; down to close up the gap) .MAC1 LDA TYPE ; If the ship we are processing is a planet or sun, BMI MA27 ; jump to MA27 to skip the following two instructions JSR FAROF ; If the ship we are processing is a long way away (its BCC KS1S ; distance in any one direction is > 224, jump to KS1S ; to remove the ship from our local bubble, as it's just ; left the building .MA27 LDY #31 ; Fetch the ship's explosion/killed state from byte #31, LDA INWK+31 ; clear bit 6 to denote that an explosion has not been AND #%10111111 ; drawn, and copy it to byte #31 in INF (so the ship's STA (INF),Y ; data in K% gets updated) LDX XSAV ; We're done processing this ship, so fetch the ship's ; slot number, which we saved in XSAV back at the start ; of the loop INX ; Increment the slot number to move on to the next slot RTS ; Return from the subroutine