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Encyclopedia: ship_file

[Elite-A, Encyclopedia]

Name: ship_file [Show more] Type: Variable Category: Encyclopedia Summary: Table containing the letter of the relevant ship blueprints file that we load for each ship card Deep dive: The Encyclopedia Galactica
Context: See this variable in context in the source code References: This variable is used as follows: * ships_ag uses ship_file
\ --- Mod: Code added for Elite-A: --------------------> .ship_file EQUB 'A' \ Adder EQUB 'H' \ Anaconda EQUB 'I' \ Asp Mk II EQUB 'K' \ Boa EQUB 'J' \ Bushmaster EQUB 'P' \ Chameleon EQUB 'B' \ Cobra Mk I EQUB 'N' \ Cobra Mk III EQUB 'A' \ Coriolis station EQUB 'B' \ Dodo station EQUB 'A' \ Escape Pod EQUB 'M' \ Fer-de-Lance EQUB 'E' \ Gecko EQUB 'B' \ Ghavial EQUB 'G' \ Iguana EQUB 'I' \ Krait EQUB 'M' \ Mamba EQUB 'A' \ Monitor EQUB 'O' \ Moray EQUB 'F' \ Ophidian EQUB 'E' \ Python EQUB 'L' \ Shuttle EQUB 'L' \ Sidewinder EQUB 'C' \ Thargoid EQUB 'C' \ Thargon EQUB 'P' \ Transporter EQUB 'A' \ Viper EQUB 'H' \ Worm \ --- End of added code ------------------------------->