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Flight: CheckJumpSafety

[NES version, Bank 0]

Name: CheckJumpSafety [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Flight Summary: Check whether we are far enough away from the planet and sun to be able to do an in-system (fast-forward) jump
Context: See this subroutine in context in the source code References: This subroutine is called as follows: * Main flight loop (Part 2 of 16) calls CheckJumpSafety * Main flight loop (Part 2 of 16) calls via CheckJumpSafety+2

This routine checks how far away from the planet and sun we would be if we were to do an in-system jump. If we are too close to either object after doing a jump, then the C flag is set, otherwise it is clear. The distance check is only done in the forward direction; if the planet or sun is behind us, then it is deemed safe to do a jump. By default, this routine checks distances against a value of 64 (which is the distance of an in-system jump). Arbitrary distances can be checked via the entry point at CheckJumpSafety+2. The algorithm actually calculates the distance as 0.5 * |x y z|, using an approximation that that estimates the length within 8% of the correct value, and without having to do any multiplication or take any square roots. If h is the longest of x, y, z, and a and b are the other two sides, then the algorithm is as follows: 0.5 * |(x y z)| ~= (5 * a + 5 * b + 16 * h) / 32 which we calculate like this: 5/32 * a + 5/32 * b + 1/2 * h Calculating half the distance to the point (i.e. 0.5 * |x y z|) ensures that the result fits into one byte. The distance to compare with is also halved.
Returns: C flag Results of the safety check: * Clear if we are not close to the planet or sun and can do an in-system jump * Set if we are too close to the planet or sun to do an in-system jump
Other entry points: CheckJumpSafety+2 Check the distances against the value of 0.5 * A
.CheckJumpSafety LDA #128 ; Set A = 128, to use as the default distance to check ; our proximity against LSR A ; Set T = A / 2 STA T ; ; So the value of T is set as follows: ; ; * T = 64 if we call the routine via CheckJumpSafety ; ; * T = A / 2 if we call the routine via the entry ; point at CheckJumpSafety+2 ; ; T is the value that we check the distances against ; to determine whether we are too close to the planet ; or sun LDY #0 ; Set Y as the offset in K% to the first ship data ; block, i.e. the planet JSR cdis1 ; Call cdis1 below to check our distance from the planet BCS cdis7 ; If the C flag is set then we are deemed close to the ; planet, so there is no need to check the sun, so jump ; to cdis7 to return from the subroutine with the C flag ; set LDA SSPR ; If SSPR is non-zero then we are inside the space BNE cdis7 ; station's safe zone, so we can't be too close to the ; sun, so jump to cdis7 return from the subroutine with ; the C flag clear (we know this is the case as we just ; passed through a BCS) ; If we get here then we have checked the distance to ; the planet and we are not close to it, so now we check ; our distance from the sun LDY #NIK% ; Set Y as the offset in K% to the second ship data ; block, i.e. the sun (this can't be the space station ; as we know we aren't in the safe zone) .cdis1 ; In the following, K%+Y points to the ship data block ; for the object we are measuring the distance to (i.e. ; the planet or sun) ; ; To make things easier to follow, let's refer to this ; object as the planet, with the planet's centre being ; at (x, y, z), where each coordinate is of the form ; (x_sign x_hi x_lo) LDA K%+2,Y ; If either of x_sign or y_sign are non-zero (ignoring ORA K%+5,Y ; the sign in bit 7), then jump to cdis5 to return with ASL A ; the C flag clear, as the planet is a long way away BNE cdis5 ; to the sides or above/below us LDA K%+8,Y ; If z_sign is negative (i.e. bit 7 is set), or z_sign LSR A ; is positive and z_sign > 1, then jump to cdis5 to BNE cdis5 ; return with the C flag clear, as the planet is either ; behind us, or it's a long way in front of us ; The above sets the C flag to bit 0 of z_sign LDA K%+7,Y ; Set A = (z_sign z_hi) / 2 - 32 ROR A ; SEC ; This result will fit into one byte because we know SBC #32 ; bits 1 to 7 of z_sign are clear ; ; As we know the rest of z_sign is empty, let's just ; simplify this to: ; ; A = (z_hi / 2) - 32 ; = (z_hi - 64) / 2 BCS cdis2 ; If the above subtraction didn't underflow, jump to ; cdis2 to skip the following EOR #$FF ; The subtraction underflowed so A is negative, so make ADC #1 ; A positive using two's complement (which will work as ; we know the C flag is clear as we just passed through ; a BCS) ; ; We therefore have A = |(z_hi - 64) / 2| .cdis2 STA K+2 ; Set K+2 = |(z_hi - 64) / 2| LDA K%+1,Y ; Set K = x_hi / 2 LSR A STA K LDA K%+4,Y ; Set K+1 = y_hi / 2 LSR A ; STA K+1 ; This also sets A = K+1 ; From this point on we are only working with the high ; bytes, so to make things easier to follow, let's just ; refer to x_hi, y_hi and z_hi as x, y and z, so: ; ; K = x / 2 ; K+1 = y / 2 ; K+2 = (z - 64) / 2 ; ; The following algorithm is the same as the FAROF2 ; routine, so this measures the distance from our ship ; to the point (x, y, z - 64), which is where (x, y, z) ; will be if we jump forward by a distance of z_hi = 64 ; ; In other words, the following checks the distance from ; our ship to the planet if we were to do an in-system ; jump forwards ; ; Note that it actually calculates half the distance to ; the point (i.e. 0.5 * |x y z|) as this will ensure the ; result fits into one byte CMP K ; If A >= K, jump to cdis3 to skip the next instruction BCS cdis3 LDA K ; Set A = K, so A = max(K, K+1) .cdis3 CMP K+2 ; If A >= K+2, jump to cdis4 to skip the next BCS cdis4 ; instruction LDA K+2 ; Set A = K+2, so A = max(A, K+2) ; = max(K, K+1, K+2) .cdis4 STA SC ; Set SC = A ; = max(K, K+1, K+2) ; = max(x / 2, y / 2, z / 2) ; = max(x, y, z) / 2 LDA K ; Set SC+1 = (K + K+1 + K+2 - SC) / 4 CLC ; = (x/2 + y/2 + z/2 - max(x, y, z) / 2) / 4 ADC K+1 ; = (x + y + z - max(x, y, z)) / 8 ADC K+2 ; SEC ; There is a risk that the addition will overflow here, SBC SC ; but presumably this isn't an issue LSR A LSR A STA SC+1 LSR A ; Set A = (SC+1 / 4) + SC+1 + SC LSR A ; = 5/4 * SC+1 + SC ADC SC+1 ; = 5 * (x + y + z - max(x, y, z)) / (8 * 4) ADC SC ; + max(x, y, z) / 2 ; ; If h is the longest of x, y, z, and a and b are the ; other two sides, then we have: ; ; max(x, y, z) = h ; ; x + y + z - max(x, y, z) = a + b + h - h ; = a + b ; ; So: ; ; A = 5 * (a + b) / (8 * 4) + h / 2 ; = 5/32 * a + 5/32 * b + 1/2 * h ; ; This estimates half the length of the (x, y, z) ; vector, i.e. 0.5 * |x y z|, using an approximation ; that estimates the length within 8% of the correct ; value, and without having to do any multiplication ; or take any square roots CMP T ; If A < T, C will be clear, otherwise C will be set ; ; So the C flag is clear if |x y z| < argument A ; set if |x y z| >= argument A BCC cdis6 ; If the C flag is clear then |x y z| < argument A, ; which means we are close to the planet, so jump to ; cdis6 to return with the C flag set to indicate this ; Otherwise |x y z| >= argument A, which means we are ; not close to the planet, so fall through into cdis5 ; to return with the C flag clear to indicate this .cdis5 CLC ; Set the C flag to indicate that we are not close to ; the planet and can do an in-system jump RTS ; Return from the subroutine .cdis6 SEC ; Set the C flag to indicate that we are too close to ; the planet to do an in-system jump .cdis7 RTS ; Return from the subroutine