This code appears in the following versions (click to see it in the source code):
Code variations between these versions are shown below.
Name: EXNO2 Type: Subroutine Category: Status Summary: Process us making a kill Deep dive: Combat rank
We have killed a ship, so increase the kill tally, displaying an iconic message of encouragement if the kill total is a multiple of 256, and then make a nearby explosion sound.
This variation is blank in the Cassette, Disc (flight), Disc (docked), 6502 Second Processor and Electron versions.
Arguments: X The type of the ship that was killed
The Master version incorporates a fractional kill tally when calculating the combat rank, so each ship type has a different number of kill points, while all the other versions count one point for each kill.
Tap on a block to expand it, and tap it again to revert.
INC TALLY+1 \ Increment the high byte of the kill count in TALLY LDA #101 \ The kill total is a multiple of 256, so it's time JSR MESS \ for a pat on the back, so print recursive token 101 \ ("RIGHT ON COMMANDER!") as an in-flight message