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Loader: Elite loader (Part 2 of 6)

[BBC Micro cassette version, Loader]

Name: Elite loader (Part 2 of 6) [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Loader Summary: Perform a number of OS calls, set up sound, push routines on stack
Context: See this subroutine in context in the source code References: This subroutine is called as follows: * David7 calls via Ian1

This part of the loader does a number of calls to OS routines, sets up the sound envelopes, pushes 33 bytes onto the stack that will be used later, and sends us on a wild goose chase, just for kicks.
Other entry points: Ian1 Re-entry point following the wild goose chase obfuscation
.ENTRY SEI \ Disable all interrupts CLD \ Clear the decimal flag, so we're not in decimal mode IF NOT(DISC) LDA #0 \ Call OSBYTE with A = 0 and X = 255 to fetch the LDX #255 \ operating system version into X JSR OSBYTE TXA \ If X = 0 then this is OS 1.00, so jump down to OS100 BEQ OS100 \ to skip the following LDY &FFB6 \ Otherwise this is OS 1.20, so set Y to the contents of \ &FFB6, which contains the length of the default vector \ table LDA &FFB7 \ Set ZP(1 0) to the location stored in &FFB7-&FFB8, STA ZP \ which contains the address of the default vector table LDA &FFB8 STA ZP+1 DEY \ Decrement Y so we can use it as an index for setting \ all the vectors to their default states .ABCDEFG LDA (ZP),Y \ Copy the Y-th byte from the default vector table into STA &0200,Y \ the vector table in &0200 DEY \ Decrement the loop counter BPL ABCDEFG \ Loop back for the next vector until we have done them \ all .OS100 ENDIF LDA #%01111111 \ Set 6522 System VIA interrupt enable register IER STA &FE4E \ (SHEILA &4E) bits 0-6 (i.e. disable all hardware \ interrupts from the System VIA) STA &FE6E \ Set 6522 User VIA interrupt enable register IER \ (SHEILA &6E) bits 0-6 (i.e. disable all hardware \ interrupts from the User VIA) LDA &FFFC \ Fetch the low byte of the reset address in &FFFC, \ which will reset the machine if called STA &0200 \ Set the low bytes of USERV, BRKV, IRQ2V and EVENTV STA &0202 STA &0206 STA &0220 LDA &FFFD \ Fetch the high byte of the reset address in &FFFD, \ which will reset the machine if called STA &0201 \ Set the high bytes of USERV, BRKV, IRQ2V and EVENTV STA &0203 STA &0207 STA &0221 LDX #&2F-2 \ We now step through all the vectors from &0204 to \ &022F and OR their high bytes with &C0, so they all \ point into the MOS ROM space (which is from &C000 and \ upwards), so we set a counter in X to count through \ them .purge LDA &0202,X \ Set the high byte of the vector in &0202+X so it ORA #&C0 \ points to the MOS ROM STA &0202,X DEX \ Increment the counter to point to the next high byte DEX BPL purge \ Loop back until we have done all the vectors LDA #&60 \ Store an RTS instruction in location &0232 STA &0232 LDA #&2 \ Point the NETV vector to &0232, which we just filled STA NETV+1 \ with an RTS LDA #&32 STA NETV LDA #&20 \ Set A to the op code for a JSR call with absolute \ addressing EQUB &2C \ Skip the next instruction by turning it into \ &2C &D0 &66, or BIT &66D0, which does nothing apart \ from affect the flags .Ian1 BNE David3 \ This instruction is skipped if we came from above, \ otherwise this is part of the multi-jump obfuscation \ in PROT1 STA David2 \ Store &20 in location David2, which modifies the \ instruction there (see David2 for details) LSR A \ Set A = 16 LDX #3 \ Set the high bytes of BLPTR(1 0), BLN(1 0) and STX BLPTR+1 \ EXCN(1 0) to &3. We will fill in the high bytes in STX BLN+1 \ the PLL1 routine, and will then use these values in STX EXCN+1 \ the IRQ1 handler DEX \ Set X = 2 JSR OSBYTE \ Call OSBYTE with A = 16 and X = 2 to set the ADC to \ sample 2 channels from the joystick EQUB &2C \ Skip the next instruction by turning it into \ &2C &D0 &A1, or BIT &A1D0, which does nothing apart \ from affect the flags .FRED1 BNE David7 \ This instruction is skipped if we came from above, \ otherwise this is part of the multi-jump obfuscation \ in PROT1 LDX #255 \ Call doPROT1 to change an instruction in the PROT1 LDA #&48 \ routine and set up another couple of variables JSR doPROT1 LDA #144 \ Call OSBYTE with A = 144, X = 255 and Y = 0 to move JSR OSB \ the screen down one line and turn screen interlace on LDA #247 \ Call OSBYTE with A = 247 and X = Y = 0 to disable the LDX #0 \ BREAK intercept code by poking 0 into the first value JSR OSB \LDA #129 \ These instructions are commented out in the original \LDY #255 \ source, along with the comment "Damn 0.1", so \LDX #1 \ presumably MOS version 0.1 was a bit of a pain to \JSR OSBYTE \ support - which is probably why Elite doesn't bother \ \ and only supports 1.0 and 1.2 \TXA \ \BPL OS01 \ \Damn 0.1 LDA #190 \ Call OSBYTE with A = 190, X = 8 and Y = 0 to set the LDX #8 \ ADC conversion type to 8 bits, for the joystick JSR OSB EQUB &2C \ Skip the next instruction by turning it into \ &2C &D0 &E1, or BIT &E1D0, which does nothing apart \ from affect the flags .David8 BNE FRED1 \ This instruction is skipped if we came from above, \ otherwise this is part of the multi-jump obfuscation \ in PROT1 LDA #143 \ Call OSBYTE 143 to issue a paged ROM service call of LDX #&C \ type &C with argument &FF, which is the "NMI claim" LDY #&FF \ service call that asks the current user of the NMI JSR OSBYTE \ space to clear it out LDA #13 \ Set A = 13 for the next OSBYTE call .abrk LDX #0 \ Call OSBYTE with A = 13, X = 0 and Y = 0 to disable JSR OSB \ the "output buffer empty" event LDA #225 \ Call OSBYTE with A = 225, X = 128 and Y = 0 to set LDX #128 \ the function keys to return ASCII codes for SHIFT-fn JSR OSB \ keys (i.e. add 128) LDA #172 \ Call OSBYTE 172 to read the address of the MOS LDX #0 \ keyboard translation table into (Y X) LDY #255 JSR OSBYTE STX TRTB% \ Store the address of the keyboard translation table in STY TRTB%+1 \ TRTB%(1 0) LDA #200 \ Call OSBYTE with A = 200, X = 3 and Y = 0 to disable LDX #3 \ the ESCAPE key and clear memory if the BREAK key is JSR OSB \ pressed IF PROT AND NOT(DISC) CPX #3 \ If the previous value of X from the call to OSBYTE 200 BNE abrk+1 \ was not 3 (ESCAPE disabled, clear memory), jump to \ abrk+1, which contains a BRK instruction which will \ reset the computer (as we set BRKV to point to the \ reset address above) ENDIF LDA #13 \ Call OSBYTE with A = 13, X = 2 and Y = 0 to disable LDX #2 \ the "character entering keyboard buffer" event JSR OSB .OS01 LDX #&FF \ Set the stack pointer to &01FF, which is the standard TXS \ location for the 6502 stack, so this instruction \ effectively resets the stack INX \ Set X = 0, to use as a counter in the following loop .David3 LDA BEGIN%,X \ This routine pushes 33 bytes from BEGIN% onto the \ stack, so fetch the X-th byte from BEGIN% .PROT1 INY \ This instruction gets changed to a PHA instruction by \ the doPROT1 routine that's called above, so by the \ time we get here, this instruction actually pushes the \ X-th byte from BEGIN% onto the stack INX \ Increment the loop counter CPX #LEN \ If X < #LEN (which is 33), loop back for the next one. BNE David8 \ This branch actually takes us on a wild goose chase \ through the following locations, where each BNE is \ prefaced by an EQUB &2C that disables the branch \ instruction during the normal instruction flow: \ \ David8 -> FRED1 -> David7 -> Ian1 -> David3 \ \ so in the end this just loops back to push the next \ byte onto the stack, but in a really sneaky way LDA #LO(B%) \ Set the low byte of ZP(1 0) to point to the VDU code STA ZP \ table at B% LDA #&C8 \ Poke &C8 into PROT1 to change the instruction that we STA PROT1 \ modified back to an INY instruction, rather than a PHA LDA #HI(B%) \ Set the high byte of ZP(1 0) to point to the VDU code STA ZP+1 \ table at B% LDY #0 \ We are now going to send the N% VDU bytes in the table \ at B% to OSWRCH to set up the special mode 4 screen \ that forms the basis for the split-screen mode .LOOP LDA (ZP),Y \ Pass the Y-th byte of the B% table to OSWRCH JSR OSWRCH INY \ Increment the loop counter CPY #N% \ Loop back for the next byte until we have done them BNE LOOP \ all (the number of bytes was set in N% above) LDA #1 \ In doPROT1 above we set V219(1 0) = &0218, so this TAX \ code sets the contents of &0219 (the high byte of TAY \ BPUTV) to 1. We will see why this later, at the start STA (V219),Y \ of part 4 LDA #4 \ Call OSBYTE with A = 4, X = 1 and Y = 0 to disable JSR OSB \ cursor editing, so the cursor keys return ASCII values \ and can therefore be used in-game LDA #9 \ Call OSBYTE with A = 9, X = 0 and Y = 0 to disable LDX #0 \ flashing colours JSR OSB LDA #&6C \ Poke &6C into crunchit after EOR'ing it first (which EOR crunchit \ has no effect as crunchit contains a BRK instruction STA crunchit \ with opcode 0), to change crunchit to an indirect JMP FNE 0 \ Set up sound envelopes 0-3 using the FNE macro FNE 1 FNE 2 FNE 3