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Flight: PLUT

[Acorn Electron version]

Name: PLUT [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Flight Summary: Flip the coordinate axes for the four different views Deep dive: Flipping axes between space views
Context: See this subroutine in context in the source code Variations: See code variations for this subroutine in the different versions References: This subroutine is called as follows: * Main flight loop (Part 11 of 16) calls PLUT * LASLI calls via PU1-1

This routine flips the relevant geometric axes in INWK depending on which view we are looking through (front, rear, left, right).
Other entry points: PU1-1 Contains an RTS
.PLUT LDX VIEW \ Load the current view into X: \ \ 0 = front \ 1 = rear \ 2 = left \ 3 = right BNE PU1 \ If the current view is the front view, return from the RTS \ subroutine, as the geometry in INWK is already correct .PU1 DEX \ Decrement the view, so now: \ \ 0 = rear \ 1 = left \ 2 = right BNE PU2 \ If the current view is left or right, jump to PU2, \ otherwise this is the rear view, so continue on LDA INWK+2 \ Flip the sign of x_sign EOR #%10000000 STA INWK+2 LDA INWK+8 \ Flip the sign of z_sign EOR #%10000000 STA INWK+8 LDA INWK+10 \ Flip the sign of nosev_x_hi EOR #%10000000 STA INWK+10 LDA INWK+14 \ Flip the sign of nosev_z_hi EOR #%10000000 STA INWK+14 LDA INWK+16 \ Flip the sign of roofv_x_hi EOR #%10000000 STA INWK+16 LDA INWK+20 \ Flip the sign of roofv_z_hi EOR #%10000000 STA INWK+20 LDA INWK+22 \ Flip the sign of sidev_x_hi EOR #%10000000 STA INWK+22 LDA INWK+26 \ Flip the sign of roofv_z_hi EOR #%10000000 STA INWK+26 RTS \ Return from the subroutine .PU2 \ We enter this with X set to the view, as follows: \ \ 1 = left \ 2 = right LDA #0 \ Set RAT2 = 0 (left view) or -1 (right view) CPX #2 ROR A STA RAT2 EOR #%10000000 \ Set RAT = -1 (left view) or 0 (right view) STA RAT LDA INWK \ Swap x_lo and z_lo LDX INWK+6 STA INWK+6 STX INWK LDA INWK+1 \ Swap x_hi and z_hi LDX INWK+7 STA INWK+7 STX INWK+1 LDA INWK+2 \ Swap x_sign and z_sign EOR RAT \ If left view, flip sign of new z_sign TAX \ If right view, flip sign of new x_sign LDA INWK+8 EOR RAT2 STA INWK+2 STX INWK+8 LDY #9 \ Swap nosev_x_lo and nosev_z_lo JSR PUS1 \ Swap nosev_x_hi and nosev_z_hi \ If left view, flip sign of new nosev_z_hi \ If right view, flip sign of new nosev_x_hi LDY #15 \ Swap roofv_x_lo and roofv_z_lo JSR PUS1 \ Swap roofv_x_hi and roofv_z_hi \ If left view, flip sign of new roofv_z_hi \ If right view, flip sign of new roofv_x_hi LDY #21 \ Swap sidev_x_lo and sidev_z_lo \ Swap sidev_x_hi and sidev_z_hi \ If left view, flip sign of new sidev_z_hi \ If right view, flip sign of new sidev_x_hi .PUS1 LDA INWK,Y \ Swap the low x and z bytes for the vector in Y: LDX INWK+4,Y \ STA INWK+4,Y \ * For Y = 9 swap nosev_x_lo and nosev_z_lo STX INWK,Y \ * For Y = 15 swap roofv_x_lo and roofv_z_lo \ * For Y = 21 swap sidev_x_lo and sidev_z_lo LDA INWK+1,Y \ Swap the high x and z bytes for the offset in Y: EOR RAT \ TAX \ * If left view, flip sign of new z-coordinate LDA INWK+5,Y \ * If right view, flip sign of new x-coordinate EOR RAT2 STA INWK+1,Y STX INWK+5,Y \ Fall through into LOOK1 to return from the subroutine